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Bhill Mar 2019
.         Our mother found her way last night...
We told her we were fine and she could move on...
                  We told her we loved her...
We told her we loved her and she could move on...
               She found her way last night...
                   She was a proud women...
      She was a proud women stuck in a disease...
           Stuck in a disease that took her away...
                        The sadness is real...
                            The relief is real...
               The sadness and relief are real...
They are real in ways that are hard to express...
                 She has found her way home...
                            We will miss her...
She found her way only after she understood...
                She understood we were all ok...
She understood we loved her and we were fine...
                   She moved on last night...
               She can finally Rest In Piece...
                         Our dear mother...
                               Our Mom...
                        Dot, to her friends...
                         ...Can rest at last...
                  We will love and miss you...

Brian Hill - Mar-21-2019
My mother was a wonderful woman and mother.  She was got up in Alzheimer’s mixed in with horrible arthritis and dementia..
Terrible to watch you mother go through this.  This poem is my feeling after she found her way home.
71 · Mar 2020
Certain Things
Bhill Mar 2020
i have found myself needing certain things
things that have been forgotten and discarded
i have found myself yearning for certain things
things that once gave me pleasure
i have found myself wanting certain things
things that made life easier
i have found myself loving certain things
things that once were precious
i have found myself inside myself
myself is loved again

Brian Hill - 2020 # 83
70 · May 2020
Cactus Carpet
Bhill May 2020
looking out over the vast colored carpet of flowering cactus
trying to decide where to stop and experience the moment
stunned by the amount of desert life erupting with visual excitement
just when you assume it can not get better or more exquisite
BOOM, it does....  
the DESERT is on POINT

Brian Hill - 2020 # 125
70 · Sep 2020
Bhill Sep 2020
mysteries are what inspire
Inspiration is subject to discovery
discovery is subject to research
research is subject to seeking
seeking is subject to the knowledge of what we seek
do we really want to know
it's a mystery...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 254
#mystery #inspire #discover #seeking #seek #know #research #subject
70 · Dec 2019
Well, well, well...
Bhill Dec 2019
It's another day in the neighborhood
The sun came up like I knew it would
The sky is clear... The sky is clear

What should we do with our day today
Should we go to breakfast or go out and sleigh
The sky is clear...  The sky is clear

I think we need to take some time
And find someplace that we can climb
The sky is clear...  The sky is clear

The air is cold and the wind is still
We still need to find a great big hill
The sky is clear...  The sky is clear

What to do, oh, what to do
We found the hill and what a view
The sky is clear...  The sky is clear

This poem, it seems, must come to an end
This poem is getting too much for my friend
The sky is still clear...  Yep, the sky is still clear...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 300
Where oh where did this come from?
69 · Jun 2019
Flying What?
Bhill Jun 2019
I didn’t know that typewriters could fly
I don’t know how it came from the sky
I wanted to catch it but it was too fast
It was gone in an instant and into the past
Not sure where it came from and don’t want to know
The fact it was here and was quite the show
It was going so speedy, it left a smoky trail
That’s all I’ve got, there’s no more detail....

Brian Hill - 2019 # 148
The words made me do it not the flying Typer...!
68 · May 2019
Bhill May 2019
Remember the yesterdays of your life
Remember the pain that caused you strife
Remember the beauty that shaped your soul
Remember the times you reached your goal
Remember the fight you had that one day
Remember the laughter you shared throwing clay
Remember the sore that caused that pain
Remember the lie you tried to contain
Remember the love that found you unaware
Remember how you felt, that there was no compare
Remember the time you hated your friend
Or did they hate you, did it come to an end
How did you feel when you knew you had lost
That person you loved, or at least that's what you thought
Why did it happen, did you ever find out
Do you get so mad, that you want to just shout
Looking back on your life can be a great stroll
Remember it's yesterday and has no control
Live life for today and make it the best
Yesterday is gone so put it to rest...!

Brian Hill - 2019#114
Inspired by life’s little treasures
Looking back has its true meanings...
Good with the bad
Happy and sad
Don't be afraid to look back...!
67 · May 2020
Bhill May 2020
instinctively, the scorpion stung the frog
how do you stop anything from being what it is
can you bring about changes that go against individuality
personal virtues in all of us, are steadfast
be who or what you are
let others be who or what they are
swim or sting, it's who you are

Brian Hill - 2020 # 122
66 · May 2020
Bhill May 2020
awaken and feel life
life means experience
experiences materialize and build events
events are happenings that need to be felt
awaken and believe in your existence
namaste 🙏

Brian Hill - 2020 # 121
Feel your life.
65 · May 2019
Today's words...
Bhill May 2019
Some mornings do not have enough inspiration
Not enough to put words down
Words that inspire
Words that sometimes rhyme
Words that tell a story
Words that take you to other places
Words that just play with your very soul

Today started out that way
Today’s sunrise was as beautiful as any
Today’s weather was clear with a dash of high clouds
Today’s inspiration is just that, and that alone
Today, is today, so please be aware

Be aware
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Be ready for anything....!
Be inspired by TODAY....

Brian Hill - 2019#120
Inspired by Today
This really does tell how this morning was...
65 · Jun 2019
Sleeping Brain...!
Bhill Jun 2019
My brain told me it didn't want to write
It was tired and bored and stayed out last night

I told him I thought, he had to write something
He just laughed and said, all he had was just nothing

I sat down and thought, what will I do
Nothing came out that would make sense to you

I'll leave you with this and hope you'll tolerate
Writing poems is tough if your brain won't operate....

Brian Hill - 2019 # 151
Sometimes it's tough...
64 · May 2020
Bhill May 2020
When my hero teaches me my lesson
And my world exists without fear
I know I can handle it all on my own
But it's nice to know that he's near

Brian Hill - 2020 # 142 e
Be a hero, find a hero, honor all heroes
62 · Jul 2020
4th of July
Bhill Jul 2020
celebrate today and remember what’s been going on
we, as a nation, have been put to a test
we have failed that test in many ways
we are divided and bewildered on issues that matter
issues that should have and could have been easier
TODAY forget the division and remember WHO WE REALLY ARE
happy 4th of July everyone.
bless this great country and may we return back to the real,

Brian Hill - 2020 # 182
62 · Mar 2020
Doesn't Match..
Bhill Mar 2020
the bottle did not match the cork
what is going to happen
my glass was just waiting for the pour
the pour, the unholiest of pours
if only the cork had matched the bottle
one can never be too cautious
Bottles and corks have to match
Don't they?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 68
61 · Jun 2019
Pick / Start
Bhill Jun 2019
Look at your wants
Look at your needs
Pick which way to go

You can't be wrong
Unless you don't start
That is how we grow...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 155
61 · Apr 2019
Open Your Eyes...
Bhill Apr 2019
Living is easy with eyes closed
Open them
Relive what you could only imagine
Imagine what is out there
Open them
See the colors of the world
The pure wonderment of what you see
Open them
Imagine the wonderful future
What’s next out there
Open them
Life isn’t easy with eyes closed
Closed eyes leave only imagination
Open eyes doesn’t always mean you can see
Open them

Brian Hill. - 2019#90
Inspired by closing my eyes and traveling...
Being able to imagine is wonderful...
Being able to open your eyes and experience the imagined is better...
Eyes open doesn’t automatically mean you see...
60 · Apr 2019
Out of the Blue
Bhill Apr 2019
Out of the blue you show up
You've been missing for so long
Where have you been

What, you don't know
        or won't tell

I've been needing you back

What, why don't you understand

I needed the safety of you
I needed the comfort you had surrounding you
I needed the confidence you gave me
I existed in your shadow

Wait, what do you mean
You left me so I could grow

I had no warning
I had no plans without you
I experienced so much life that was scary

Huh, you knew that would happen
I had to grow up in your absence
Why scare me like that
I needed you to show me the way

Wait....  Aren't you myself???

Brian Hill - 2019#94
Inspired by life....!
Where is ourselves when we grow up?
60 · Jun 2019
What If
Bhill Jun 2019
Is there time in life to really understand
How the buttons are pushed and who make the plans

Is it too far outside of your personal box
To think that what if, can really not shock

To have things just happen and the results make some sense
Seems like what ifs are real, and are really intense

What if you were there, to see something strange
And it created a force that directed a change

That change made a difference to everything you know
Can you accept it as, what if, or is it life's flow??

Brian Hill - 2019 # 146
Does it happen for a reason or is it a what if?
59 · May 2019
What to do...
Bhill May 2019
It's the little things that, makeup, a full and really great day
When do I get up, What's for breakfast, Do I work or do I play

Is my coffee black, do I want some cream, would I like it a little sweet
What's the weather, do I have to dress warm or do I dress for the heat

*** it's tough to make up your mind, it takes practice I can see
It's snowing again, what do I do, I think I better go ski...!

Brian Hill - 2019#124
Inspired by a comment a friend made today...
Sometimes we don't value the little things...
We need to !
59 · Apr 2019
Bhill Apr 2019
What are these words to you
    Being, Suffering, Loving
  Hating, Wanting, Dreaming
   Gazing, Wishing, Playing
   Killing, Thinking, Starving

Are the words just words
Are the words talking about you
Are the word telling me something
Do the words move you
Do the words lead you to anything
Do the words have mind changing effects
          What can be expected
               What is the plan
     What is your level of thought

        Words control everything
  Everything is controlled by words

Brian Hill - 2019#88
Inspired by my words...
Using word to create, is a new experience for me...
I am addicted
58 · Apr 2019
One Step at a Time...
Bhill Apr 2019
You got up in the morning, so ask life “HOW DO YOU DO”?
The first step will be followed, by a truly beautiful view

Put one leg in front of the other, remember, one step at a time
You're up, you're awake and ready, so go about life's climb

The climb called life is a trail, and that trail can be tough as hell
One step first, then the other, is the safe way to travel that trail

Don't get me wrong about the trial, there will be ups and downs
There will be rights, there will be lefts, and most likely, quite a few frowns

The beauty of this message is simple, and it's as simple, as it can be
The climb of life will happen, and it happens to you and to me

That first step is the answer, you need it to start the trail
After that, you will be moving, and living your very own tale

Brian Hill - 2019#92
Inspired by my personal life's climb...
Start lifes climb today...
55 · May 2020
Bhill May 2020
self-respect makes beautiful perfect sense
IT assumes that IT can be done
the IT in our lives desires attention
IT lacks self-motivation unless IT is believed
see the self, IT will see you
respect the self, IT will respect you
honor the self, IT will honor you....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 135
55 · Aug 2020
Mind Conversation
Bhill Aug 2020
conversations in my mind are often complicated
the crisis here, in fact, is that it's tolerated
what to do and what to think, are often misconstrued
it makes it hard to understand, what is to be pursued
I must unwind this twisted mind and put it down in text
adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and such, it's hard to see what's next

Brian Hill - 2020 # 221
D you all have this same issue?
54 · Apr 2019
Is it Water.
Bhill Apr 2019
There is the sound of water on the roof.
What is it?
The sun is shining!
The sun is shining in the front..
The sound of water is on the roof.
What is it?
The sun is not shining in the back!
The sound of water is on the roof.
What is it?
I can see blue skies left and right..
The sound of water,
Wait, is it water?
Something is on the roof!
What IS IT?

Brian Hill - 2019#91
Inspired by the strange habits of desert storms...
The desert storms can be such a different animal...
Raining in the front yard and not the back or vise versa...
50 · Feb 2020
It’s Annoying
Bhill Feb 2020
are we superimposed with overwhelming complacency
does it make for an annoying reality
do we share in truth at all
should we be struggling so hard to understand
understanding and believing in a definitive future
what is the answer?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 58
Do you have an answer?
50 · Jul 2020
To Be...!
Bhill Jul 2020
i want to go back, to be
to be able
to be sure of my next activity
to be the one to say, not now
to be a person of manners
to stand for facts and not fiction
to breathe without the cover of uncertainty
to know that tomorrow will be OK
is it too much to want this?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 202
Is it.
50 · Jul 2020
Bhill Jul 2020
survive this world and submit
submit to its constant changes and challenges
challenge the challenge to make memories
memories are motivation
motivation gives us the determination
determination, after all, is life....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 196
48 · Mar 2020
Bhill Mar 2020
beauty is presumed to give reason
reason and purpose for so many qualities
elements that you may or may not pocess
possession is not always necessary
to have beauty, one should respect and honor
try to respect and honor all things experienced
I believe the beauty within, will come out

Brian Hill - 2020 # 81
47 · Jul 2020
Bhill Jul 2020
is it you
is it me
could be us
what if
the perfect thought
what if
the perfect question

Brian Hill - 2020 # 199
Ask that question..
46 · Jul 2020
Bhill Jul 2020
the storyteller has a reason to see into the creation
to see what is not seen and illustrate with words
taking words and composing visions
visions of color, pain, sounds, and emotions
what would we do without the teller of things....?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 197
We all can't see the same story..
46 · Jul 2020
Old Ghost
Bhill Jul 2020
whispers already inspire the question
can you hear what is being asked
if you understand, what will be your action
i imagine there will be a task
the ideal purpose exists for a chance
to bring back the days of yore
those days can be seen, with a backward glance
but it will take time to fully restore
looking forward is simple but change is hard
moving on is what we want most
the shock, it seems, we know we are scarred
how do we shed the that old ghost

Brian Hill - 2020 # 204
46 · Jul 2020
Bhill Jul 2020
the great kaleidoscope tormented the minds of many
many had been seduced with promises of greatness
greatness, intertwined with fortune, clouded their foundation
are they to be blamed for being mislead
promises need to be researched no matter how they arrive
be cautious of the great kaleidoscope out there....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 201
Is your mind tormented?
46 · May 2020
Dark Virus
Bhill May 2020
beautiful darkness stretched ahead of Its journey
the more the anguish and misery fell upon It, the better It felt
the condition, only known to It, existed for one purpose
spreading and hosting Its darkness to other unfortunates
the light of day became Its punisher
the happiness of others survived in the light
It was not ready for the light...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 144
Find your light. Take It out.
46 · Jul 2020
The Cup
Bhill Jul 2020
sip from the cup of past memories
recognize thoughts that spill into the present
separate and blend them into your day
never miss a chance to remember...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 200
46 · Jul 2020
Colored Smoke - Haiku
Bhill Jul 2020
smoke has filled the skies
colored with the rising sun
drifting with the winds

Brian Hill - 2020 # 194
46 · Jun 2020
Bhill Jun 2020
mirrors in your mind create reflective thoughts
can one maintain the sensations created there
is there an escape plan somewhere within the reflection

Brian Hill - 2020 # 174
45 · Aug 2020
Mind Junk
Bhill Aug 2020
nothing has illuminated my thoughts
it’s as if my brain was taken over by bots
the more I thought the less I thunk
I decided to write and it turned out this junk

Brian Hill - 2020 # 236
44 · Aug 2020
Demand Dignity
Bhill Aug 2020
repeatedly, the hope for correction is desired
desired by most intelligent entities
unexpected opinions placed upon the masses are wrong
we the people, demand our dignity back

Brian Hill - 2020 # 227
43 · May 2020
Walk Time
Bhill May 2020
what is that, is all my sleepy brain could ask
what is that?
is my hand feeling some dampness?
is that lapping sound really there?
what is it, I had to ask again?...
I moved my hand and could feel the softness of her
I stopped
she pushes herself under my hand to be caressed
she was insistent on waking me
it was morning and time to rise
it was ***-*** walk time.....
ya got to love your dog!

Rian Hill - 2020 # 140
43 · Jun 2020
The Missing
Bhill Jun 2020
The Missing

the example we should follow is missing
the need for explaining what was, and what will be, is lost
will we know the joy, of not knowing again
will hungering for the very essence of novelty have a revival
find the incomplete, and you will find the missing....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 157
Whats missing?
43 · Feb 2020
Bhill Feb 2020
magnifying the heavens does not generate peace of mind
admiration for counterfeit facts scramble your thoughts
intelligence comes to you in all elements
brilliant curiosity will rule if explored

Brian Hill - 2020 # 60
42 · Aug 2020
Timing - Haiku
Bhill Aug 2020
beautiful timing
powers beautiful notions
absent of worldly hardships

Brian Hill - 2020 # 226
42 · Aug 2020
Was It
Bhill Aug 2020
unfamiliar things in the night
sleeping but not resting
mind movies of impressions not quite there
little thoughts like a memory souvenir
wait, what was that dream
was it a dream

Brian Hill - 2020 # 232
42 · Apr 2020
Different - Haiku
Bhill Apr 2020
beheaded and lost
the world is a different place
different in all ways

Brian Hill - 2020 # 111
41 · Jun 2020
Bhill Jun 2020
tonight we listen
we listen to confused and fearless children
worldly children shrouded by what has happened to their space
surroundings so confusing and disconnected
a cycle of life, ****** upon them in all directions
which way is OUT?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 155
41 · Sep 2020
You Can
Bhill Sep 2020
fade into the familiar
talk like it never happened
act as if you can
speak out in favor
never look back into the yesterday
look forward to the next passage of time
be welcome of what is yet
do not be afraid of transformation

Brian Hill - 2020 # 242
40 · Aug 2020
Bhill Aug 2020
old impressions surrounded by miles of unused thoughts
rushing here and there, bouncing about to be first
first to survive the leap from conscious awareness to the written word
this effort does not come without struggle
it does not come without deep mental cleansing
at this time in life, thoughts are no longer old
they have played out and welcomed in fresh thinkings

Brian Hill - 2020 # 237
40 · Jul 2020
Identity - Haiku
Bhill Jul 2020
your identity
it is yours and yours alone
will it satisfy

Brian Hill - 2020 # 185
Be yourself
40 · Apr 2020
Bhill Apr 2020
what are you asking me
that's crazy
I know, it sounds fun
oh, you've already done it yourself
did it hurt
really, how's that
oh, ok
I don't think so

Brian Hill - 2020 # 99
39 · Jun 2020
Bhill Jun 2020
particular elements
come into view
whilst pondering
particular elements
ponder on that....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 158
To ponder....
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