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PhiWrit Apr 2016
This life got a jigga stressed out
The strife 'lot bigga than he'd th-ought
Dropsy hurt his mind left something behind
Topsy turvy his path seems more curvy
Than straight even without the hate
Doing a dance with fate at eight
Even though it feels more like nine
Surrounded by swine carrying the sign
Of Cain, quite profane sigils etched
On they brain, apathy that Masons sketched
From Babylon's blood cult sons they fetched
This blueprint, that's all this Jew'll hint
I refrain from consciously causing pain
But the stain unconsciously switching my lane
Getting bucked off the faux high horse
Getting ****** out the ego lie of course
Getting lost sending this code morse
Jigga: Jewish form of "*****"
PhiWrit Apr 2016
Tongue tied, brain fried
through the trials been tried
Mammon's law defied
In the wild I cried
To the Lord that I confide in
Who washes me from sin
When I play this game
I play it to win
When I say His name
I say it with a grin
His light fills me to the brim
Guides me at a whim
Through this flood He helps me swim
Even with a broken limb The Paschal Lamb
That the world calls a sham
Is the One that laid the land
That you raise your fam on
From eons by gone
By peons that once shone
Amidst the dark landscape
Of this flat earthen plate
Now met untimely fates
While trying to satiate
The wild fleshly tastes and desires
For warmth comfort and fire
All for which it can make you a liar
A buyer of false security
From divine insecurity
That you lying to your inner purity
Lord knows that you've heard of He
But it's fear that stops the start to your belief
In the only source that could ever give you the relief
That you seek He calls the meek
Before the eighth day of the week
As the signs of His coming begin to leak
Look at the sky for itself it speaks
Of the coming labours and havok that shall wreak
PhiWrit Feb 2016
It was all a dream
I used to be in sin up to my knee
Guilty of one, you're Guilty of all
Every Saturday repent with each prayer and call
Jesus as my Rock pray till I drop
Frankincense and Myrrh, in the censer of Pap
Way back when the faith I lacked
I thought I'd fade to black
My body is His Church
Remember Readin Luke, The Word The Word
I never thought His gospel was ever truly heard
So He showed me His divine light and gave me my sight
Time to spread what I heard, from the Spirit descended as bird
Born sinless in her, the world turns us to sinner
Remember we must be like children if heaven we hope to enter
Peace in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Those with the ears, let them hear it
I'm born again like He foresaw I would
Through the sacrifice of His Son's blood,
He's All Good.
If you don't know well now you know
  Dec 2015 PhiWrit
Thomas J Palmer
One by one you’ve shown me,
The demons, of your mind,
Scars that they’ve left you,
And past specters hanging by.

You point to them and shudder,
Hug yourself and cry,
To quickly wipe away the tears,
To take my hand, and bring me, anywhere but here.

Through grey waste and hell-scape peaks,
To quaint and pretty things,
Shiny baubles in a broken land,
To stare at, and lock the mind away.

You stare downwards at the Earth,
Turning something in your hand,
I reach out and brush your face,
You glance up, by God, those brilliant eyes.

I take your chin and guide it up,
Too long you’ve viewed the floor,
Now gaze upon endless, starry night,
Look up, twinkling, hope is there.

Under gleaming angel night,
Darkness dares not tread,
Here your inner true self glows,
And your beauty ethereal, sublime.

Still I hold you close to me,
For fear lingers in the mind,
But, as ever, I gesture to the sky,
Watch with me, soon shall be, the glorious sunrise.
I wrote this poem for Satyn Steffes, in the hope it would put a smile on her face and remind her that things have a way of working out in the end . She asked me to post it, so here it is.
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