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Haley Smith Feb 2016
I tried to hide behind my walls of seclusion,
behind beautiful words bound together.
Believing you wouldn't, couldn't see me.
I write the words not because I want to,
but because I have to.
It's my only link to freedom, to reality.
Walking the ghostly hallways of life.
going unnoticed in this big world.
A nobody is all I am,
drowning out all the noise around me.
Moving through days in a zombified stupor,
wanting to break free of the never ending cycle,
but loving the cycle nevertheless.
Haley Smith Jan 2016
My heart beats but is not heard
crying out for love
for anything to grasp onto
cracking under the loss of normality

Longing for a mother's touch
oozing out tainted blood to circulate through an empty shell
beating to a steady, sad beat
these hands of mine caress once what was hollow and broken

They write out things, dark things
allowing my hearts blood to write words lost to speech
gaining strength
losing that gentle soft touch

Etched scars forever staunched from flowing onto paper
creating art one word at a time
darkness is what consumes this clockwork of my brain
buried deep are thought that could never be brought to the surface

Allowing dark thoughts to flow through my hand to meet paper
thinking back to shadowed days of the past
ticking away at catchy lines
sinking deeper and deeper into my souls confines

Dragging to the surface what must be left alone
My mouth tightly sealed
tries to hide words that can't be spoken
tongue silently flitting over my teeth silently speaking thoughts

Feeling the words drip down from gums like saliva
gathering words in a shallow puddle
longing for my lips to speak what I know I mustn't utter
Succumbing to the inner battles the words wages on my delicate mouth

Horrible things have been seen with these tattered eyes of mine
death forever ingrained in my mind through these eyes
Burning and searing into memories sights I have sought after
sights full of beautiful imagery

Leaving my grasping for more
pull in colors to put in little glass vile
so I can go back and uncork my very essence of happiness
These feet have traveled to far away places

Taking me on a journey to behold
taking root to a future
leading me to nowhere and everywhere at the same time
staying put taking in all of my surroundings

tapping out beats of a worn path
leading the way to one endless journey through life
Haley Smith Feb 2016
I fell for you like the rain from the sky
Your touch seared into my skin
I keep falling deeper in this cancer called love
Constantly spreading through me

Always coming back to claim more of me each time
Putting my heart out there for the taking
The feeling of thousands of tiny stars colliding
Exploring into one large burst of euphoria

Lighting me up from the inside out
Radiating this feeling through my pores
Feeling like our love can power this world of ours
Cascading over me

All you have to do is touch me and I'm on a high
Your love allows me to wings and fly
Soaring high into the world
Picking me up when I'm down

Scared to fall for your gentle touch
Feeling your love with my eyes, heart, and soul
These hands of yours building eternal love
As long as I have you by my side

There's nothing left I want to hide
Opening my heart up to a deeper, stronger love
Releasing me from my own shackles
Everything timelessly lovely
Haley Smith Feb 2016
Turning time

Things we forget to do and love
Urging us to speed through life
Racing to get to fortune and fame
Never taking the time to stop
Ignoring the clocks as they tick by
Never doing the things you love
Going and going and still you run

Time runs out and then you're gone
Ignoring your precious time is wrong
Memories start to fade and pass
Every part of your life has gone so fast.
Haley Smith Mar 2016
tiny fragments chip off my soul
spiraling into oblivion
How much hate has corrupted my soul?
How much of your love can make me whole?
sending me crashing to my knees
eating up my shriveled heart
which turns to dust
craving your love
craving your warmth
getting your hate
your cruelty
your lies
opening up to someone so lost
ending up paying the painful cost
I lost my trust
I lost my love
maybe if I knew I didn't love you
it would've ended well
invisible chains held me to you
scarring my soul
my mind too
burying me deep inside
my walls stay up
not one comes down
no matter how hard you or I pound
Haley Smith Feb 2016
Endlessly going through the days
invisible for none to see
Haley Smith Feb 2016
I hide myself for none to see
Afraid of judgement and what will be seen,
What is wrong with being the way I am?
Just because I'm different doesn't make me weird,
Just because I'm alone doesn't make me lonely,
I feel as deeply as any other

Sometimes more
Sometimes further
You judge me for being me
But why not judge you for being you?
Running from everyone who cares
Hiding behind metaphorical trees

I disappear from everyone
Just to conquer the perils of life on my own,
Feeling unworthy of any kind of love
The cruel world has turned against me,
Taking my eyes so I can't see
Taking each important part of me

Resuming the loneliness of my words,
Cause people just cut me with my shards of broken heart,
Scared to be me in the world of only me,
I can't see the love that's left inside of me,
I need to heal with what's left inside of me,
I drift quietly through the breeze
Haley Smith Feb 2016
She's slowly running out of time
Casting glances every which way
Running from her future

But it's just begun
The lies are catching up fast
Her life is spinning out of control

She wants a perfect life and a perfect home,
She wants to be special
But she's a wreck and she's a freak

She hates life each day more
She doesn't think she belongs here
She's running out of time

The sands of time are slipping out of her grasp,
It's consuming her
It's breaking her

Withering her into nothing but dust
She's almost gone
Then she'll bleed no more

Turning into nothing
Fading into infinity
She's running out of time
Haley Smith Mar 2016
Pouring my heart out onto paper
Writing it in the blood I shed
flowing out of my veins in never ending rivulets
the crimson stains penetrating
crying out from my constantly bleeding heart

Dying and flaking out
being swept away in the never ending breeze, the winter
chipping away at whatever's left behind
nothing but dead and hollow dreams left
a million invisible pieces of shattered heart
floating around the world never to be brought together again
Haley Smith May 2016
Joyous glee comes from your mouth
every single time you laugh
can't help but smile when you look at me
I'm a fool in love *** can't you see

everyday I see your face
it makes my heart pick up its' pace
I love how you're you and no one else
you play your games and give manly shouts

you melt my heart down into goo
I hope this felling will be the start of something new
I saw you once and that was all I needed
then my heart started rapidly beating

you don't know what you've done to me
why would you, you don't see
I'm afraid to tell you how I feel
you might not feel the attraction is real

I've been hurt so bad it's scary
I hope saying this doesn't make you weary
so here I am telling you how I feel
maybe you feel it too and we can make a relationship real
Haley Smith Feb 2016
Shadows coming off the walls
Casting me into my own oblivion
My own wonderland of madness
Counting the hours as they slowly tick by,
I gradually go by as they time flies by
Talking to the man in the moon
And going even more crazy in my tiny mental room,

Chasing fairies in the sky
Trying to learn how to fly
Walking trees go running by
Laughing and frolicking
Talking flowers grow legs and climb
Waging wars til the end of all time
It's white versus red

Battles and gore all break out
Bloodshed is on my walls
My breathing starts to slow
Leaving my body deflating me
I'm now a shadow on my all
My end has come
Forever casted into my own wonderland of madness
Haley Smith Feb 2016
No one noticed
Or even cared
Some days I was gone
Some days I was there
No matter how hard I tried
I was never noticed
Just a lonely wallflower
Trying to get noticed
Staying alone by default
Learning to write my words and thought
Sometimes you see me
Most times you don't
I hide behind a veil so thick
I listen to the rain gently fall with a patter
Life goes on without me I see
Just a pariah that was meant to be
Content with going unnoticed
Happy all alone
No one to please
No one to condone
I'm invisible for all to see
But not entirely invisible can't you see.

— The End —