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 Aug 2013 Haley Doss
My God
 Aug 2013 Haley Doss
Why is it that we believe in unhealthy relationships
We believe we can fix people who are worthless
We think that we can take years of suffering out of someone's life
With something we said one night
And we believe that all a sad person needs is a bottle of pills
Or another man-made substance that ultimately kills
We believe that to be happy we must make it artificial
We gotta smoke ****, drink, get pedicures, manicures and facials
But we've been tampering with how we were created
Messing up our lives, our memories jaded
Because we seem to have forgotten who came to die on the cross
When everyone thought that all hope was lost
A youth pastor once said
"God knew what ****** would do, yet his son still was dead"
For 3 whole days
Until he rose from the grave
But we still rely on a human being to give the love we desire
When only God's love sears hotter than fire
Feels cooler than ice
Jesus paid the price
For forgiveness
Yet we forget how to forgive
It's sick
As believers in Christ we can do better than this
Better than praying to be better Christians
Better than relying on God to do the task we've been given
Because yes God is almighty, Yes, God can do all
But I refuse to pretend God is letting me fall
In fact God lifts me up, to my highest of peaks
And I know to praise God every day of the week
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to preach
I'm just saying, I work through God because he can do much better than me
There's a reason there's a path outside your door
that leads to a road
that leads to an interstate,
that leads to an airport.

And there's a reason that planes fly from that airport
to one near here.

Same reason that airport has a road
that leads to a highway
a highway that they are repairing as we speak
that leads to my town
to a path that leads to my door

And its not just coincidence.

Any more than its coincidence that you are reading this.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Jan 2013 Haley Doss
don't touch me unless you mean it
don't mistake me for another pawn in your games
or a piece of trash you can throw away once you've tainted it
i'm a person
a person who wants your attention
your acceptance
your compassion

don't touch me unless you mean it
don't try to convince me with every caress and kiss that i'm a prize to be won
that I could be yours forever if I just placed my trust in you
then leave once you've received my love
my heart
my innocence

don't touch me unless you mean it
don't offer me your world
then take it away like it was a mistake to offer it in the first place
don't make me part of your game
along with all the other girls you've tossed aside
the other girls whose hearts you've stolen
you've mistreated
you've broken
 Jan 2013 Haley Doss
I'm looking out your windows one last time,
glancing upon the garden bed where seeds were planted
but the winter froze their roots from digging deeper
into the promisingly rich soil
and all around I see the patches where green grass once grew
when summer brought this house nothing but good news
and as lovers we scorched through the mossy grass
till nothing was left but barren paths

I step from room to room, lackluster compared to what I once knew
I know not to brush my fingers 'cross your walls like before
for with the slightest of gestures your bricks will crumble.
More still, dust covers places I swore would never grow so barren,
and the floor boards wail in pain, unable to bear much more than my weight
you're not as strong as I thought you were at the start.
once able to hold all promises of the future
now slowly falling apart

— The End —