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3.8k · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
You started out as a snowflake
Fragile, unique and beautiful.
You were captivating.

Then raindrops came down and ruined you.
Melted your beauty, and tainted your originality.
You became just like the others.

*You're just a boring old raindrop.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Blind Utopia
Haley Jan 2014
we were
blind, there would
be no crime committed.

would be
no jealousy or
envy, but instead equality.

would be
easier to find,
without looks and ego
interfering all the god ****** time.

of looking
at people's appearance,
we'd learn to love their thoughts,
their voice; their soft touch against our skin.

would be
simple, if we
could not see. We would finally
have the chance to be
1.2k · Mar 2014
Symptoms of the Common Cold
Haley Mar 2014
Runny nose - I'm running out of tissues.
Coughing - up a lung.
Sneezing - all the ******* time.
Slight fever - haha slight.
Congested - can't breathe.
My head feels like it's about to explode.
100% done
878 · Feb 2014
Thoughts on Donating Blood
Haley Feb 2014
Blood flows blue under our skin
Take the needle, pierce my vein
Extract all the life you need from me
Put it to good use in someone else
God knows, I'm not worth it.
Gosh, I'm nervous. What if I pass out??
868 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
don't make you

They just make you
smell better -
like coconuts and lavender.

And the pretty scents
mask your ***** thoughts
for a day.

So you take another,
and another,
and another -

Hoping your mind
will become pretty
just like those pretty soaps.

Hoping you will become clean
with new thoughts of love
and happiness.


But showers
and soaps
do not make you
798 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
My poetry comes from emotions that you gave me.

Maybe they were exaggerated...

But they were always there.

For A. Everything and my heart is for A.
~I'm going insane.~
Haley Feb 2014
14 Reasons Why I Love You
(in no particular order)

14. You make me laugh
13. You make me feel all gooey inside
12. The mustache wiggle
11. The poetry you write
10. Your contagious smile
09. Your laugh that brightens up my day
08. Your face - duh!
07. The little C:
06. You don't pretend to be something you're not
05. Your puns
04. Our little Skype dates
03. Our farm
02. You are beautiful, unparalleled, and unique
01. Because you make my heart beat
656 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
I crave your touch,
the soft graze of your
fingertips against
my hips

The warmth of
your breath tickling
the back of my

The constant
thrumming of your
heart - reminding
me that you are

That I am not imagining things.

That I am not crazy,
I'm just crazy in love with you.
646 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
As long as you're sure
He's your Kristoff and not your Hans
Who am I to get in your way?

I'll be loyal
I am your Olaf.
Willing to disappear because
"Some people are worth melting for."

*Just as long as he's your Kristoff.
be happy, my darling.
616 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
Congratulations on your new relationship with Haley!
We at Cupid's Love Factory hope you and her all the happiness in the world.

We should warn you, however, about possible faults and facts about Haley that you may find informative during the discourse of your relationship:

                     1) She has never had a relationship last over 3 weeks
                     2) She tends to become bored after a few days of making your        
                          relationship official

                     3) She tends to look back at past relationships and realize she
                          never wanted to be with the person in the first place

                     4) She might become distant, and slightly annoyed at times
* We hope none of this will effect your relationship, but if it does, We at Cupid's Love Factory would like to formally apologize for pairing you up with a dud. Also, if ever in the course of your relationship she has hurt you in anyway, she feels terrible about that. Most importantly know that **she loves you.
For future reference.
If you ever want to end it because of these things, I fully understand and respect it... I kind of expect it eventually.
I'm sorry, I'm not good at these things. :\
588 · Jan 2014
Angels & Cancer-sticks
Haley Jan 2014
An angel perched upon my shoulder -
His hair askew, and his eyes a-smolder.
In a whisper, out of breath,
Turned his head and asked for a cigarette.

"Where are your wings, if you're an angel?"
I asked as I handed him a cancer-stick.
"Why do you assume me to be of God?"
This angel rebuttal-ed rather quick.
He lit his cancer-stick.

He sighed and carried on,
"I am not holy or of grace,
that's why I got sent to this ****** place."
"Earth?" I asked rather curious.

"Earth?", the angel snickered.
"Honey, believe me, I can tell,
that we are undeniably in Hell."
His words ran thick in my blood.
That angel began to smile.

It suddenly got really hot
and my skin began to boil.
And the last thing I remember
was that devil on my shoulder.
*not completely done with it. it doesn't flow like I want it to.*
581 · Apr 2014
Haley Apr 2014
You place your hands gingerly on my stomach
Knowing I'll just slap them away,
Because I'm insecure.
But you always place them back there,
Saying "Why do you hate your stomach? You're not fat."
I mutter something inaudible.
"You're beautiful, stop that."
My forehead rests against yours as I pout
"You're beautiful, and you know that I mean it."
563 · May 2014
Kiss You
Haley May 2014
If I could kiss away your insecurities, I would.
I would kiss the deepest, darkest corners of your mind.

I'd kiss you
And kiss you

Kiss you until I mended your soul.
          *Kiss you until you became whole.
563 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
God I'm such an awkward kid.
I can't even flirt right.

It was close to midnight
You were at a track meet,
I was at a community fest.
Your car was in the parking lot.
It was *****.

I took my chance.
I ran up to it and wrote
Writing like that so you wouldn't think it was me.

I wonder what you're thinking...
537 · Feb 2014
PhD Who?
Haley Feb 2014
There was a man who traveled in time
Always seeking the love of a human,
That he was bound perpetually to lose.

He circled around the galaxies
Always putting the needs of others before his own.
He found purpose in protecting, even if he was the ultimate destroyer.

The grinding, moaning noise of his beloved spaceship
Is said to bring hope to the hopeless.
It does and it doesn't.

He is the enemy of many, but the hero of more
Bound to bring trouble,
When he knocks on your door.
*do weee ooooo*
529 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
I forgot what it felt like
that painful sting.

The one you get right after
gliding the blade against your skin.

It feels so cold, yet so relieving.
It feels so good...

*I feel guilty.
513 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
You left marks on me
Some were visible,
Some were not.

Some were shades of
Red, purple, blue and green.
Others were not.

Your lips constructed these
Marks of passion
Upon my porcelain skin.

When noticed,
My temperature rises,
I flush, I blush.
[Yet I wince when they're touched.]

There are these marks,
Invisible to the eye
But they cover every inch of my body.
[I smile because of these.]

Your fingerprints
Have danced
Along my body
Like a ballerina on a stage
Emitting waves of love
Into my bloodstream
Pumping through my veins
Causing my heart to beat only for your touch.

Passion leaves marks of red,
Love leaves my skin unblemished.

Red marks often hurt
Because passion never lasts.

Marks of love leave me
With life that ever-lasts.
Thoughts at midnight.
For you, once again.
Haley Jan 2014
My love for you is like the sea
[deep, endless, full of life]

I am the tide -
[vast, cool, constant]
- who washes up
multiple times a day,
just to kiss your face,
and wash away your sadness.

You are the sand
[warm, soft, unique]
I'm compelled to count
every rock, crystal, shell
that makes you, you.

Your beauty is unparalleled.
I understand why people like to keep you in a glass bottle.
[They're just envious.]

But your true form cannot be contained
by a little tiny glass.
That is where I come in:
to encompass you -
your splendor and your flaws -

I love you like the sea, babe.
for A.
457 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
I've never been afraid of death
Yet, I've been afraid to live
The darkness brings me happiness
The light could never give

And I'm sitting in this corner
Of an overcrowded room
Feeling more alone than ever
It's filling me with gloom

I think I'm weird
'Cause I compare myself to others
They're up there dancing and laughing
While I'm stuck here - underneath my covers

I've always preferred the frigid cold
To the flush of heat
I've always preferred the voices in my head
Than the strangers on the street

I like books
Enough to be one
Because no one knows my meaning
Until the ending comes.
444 · Jan 2014
Cut me some more ♥.
Haley Jan 2014
Your love cuts me
like a knife
I am happy
to bleed for you.
434 · Feb 2014
Il a pleut
Haley Feb 2014
standing outside your window
it's raining
my vision becomes blurry
******* raindrops in my eyes
i begin to shudder
and shake
rain trickles down my face
it's not raining
i'm crying.
418 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
I want to feel beautiful
I want to breathe in the dew drops of morning flowers
So I, myself, can bud.

I want to grow petals
Of the prettiest pastels
And have their beauty seep into my pores.

I want to sprout leaves
Of the greenest green
And take their strength and learn to support myself.

I want to soak in the sun
Strive of the rain
And emit not only oxygen into this world...
                                                        ­                     *but purpose
416 · Feb 2014
Let it cool
Haley Feb 2014
You know how when you were little,
Your mom would tell you to
Blow on your soup, let it cool -
But you didn't listen to her anyways?

And what happened?
Your tongue got burned,
But you didn't care because
The soup was just so good.

When you finished, you noticed
That your tongue began to throb,
Your tastebuds were exposed - raised and irritated.
It hurt.

Every time thereafter,
You ate your soup with caution
(You blew on it and let it cool)
Because you never wanted to feel that pain again.

That's kind of like love.
The first time, you fall too fast
Letting the passion burn through you
And when it ends, you swear to yourself:
You'll never let someone hurt you like that again.

But you still want soup, you still want love.
You crave the warmth and happiness it brings you.
So instead of giving up on it completely,
You approach it cautiously...
{You blow on it, and let it cool}
Burned my tongue on soup, and had a revelation.
411 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
Could you be so oblivious
As to miss the sarcasm
seeping through my words?
Haley Jan 2014
I actually never really talked to you
but that didn't matter.

In no time,
I developed an enormous crush on you.

And I think you knew,
which made me embarrassed.

But you never made fun of me
which I appreciate.

I really loved our stolen glances
during band class.

And your smirks when you caught me
looking at your freckles...

But you're gone now.
and I wish more than anything that you were

So I could tell you how much
each little freckle meant to me.
How much I loved it when you smiled,
when you threw your head back to laugh.

You were taken from everyone too early
and now I never get to tell you how I felt - how I feel.
388 · Sep 2014
Haley Sep 2014
In a week you're telling your parents
about exactly how much you love me
like a "marriage" type of love

And you're so excited to tell them
you want them to see eye to eye
you don't want a proposal to come as a surprise

But I'm so worried
that they won't like the idea
of losing their baby to a girl they hardly know

I feel like they'll tell you
you have "no idea what love is"
that you're "too young"

I don't want you to stop loving me
because of what your parents say
I don't want you to throw this all away
Haley Feb 2014
i want to cure  myself

                                    *but i want to cure others
  (you)  *more.
381 · Feb 2014
I need someone.
Haley Feb 2014
I'm sorry for getting easily attached.
I'm just so desperate to find someone
Someone who will show me a bit of attention and love.

You just happened to come into my life
And I loved how you made me feel,
Like, yea, today might've ******, but at least I got to talk to you.

I'm sorry for being clingy
I'm just trying to be happy.
And I thought I could find that with you.
378 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
You were so close to me.
Just a fifty minute drive.

Thirty-two point nine miles
Separated your heart from mine.

That's just...
Six-hundred-and-seventy-two­ feet
Which divided our heart beats.

That's just...
Three-thousand seconds
Of time, which kept me from you.
A. ('Cause I'm hopelessly flirting with you through these poems.)
~Sorry, not sorry.~
357 · May 2014
Late Night Conversations
Haley May 2014
I'm so comfortable in your arms
Staring into your brown eyes
My hand brushing the stubble on your cheek
The warmth of our breaths intermingling and dancing around our faces
You smiling and me smiling back
(I want to know your every thought)
"You're just so beautiful... And I'm so incredibly happy with you."
(I'm nothing special, but if you say so)
"I'm happy with you too, Kev... The happiest I've been in a while."
The sound of slow and steady breathing fills the air
Drifting off to sleep
. . .
"I love you, Haley."
. . .
My eyes flutter open at those words
I softly kiss your lips
"Not as much as I love you, Kevin."
I love you to Pluto, Kevin.
You make me so happy...
I can picture spending the rest of my life with you...
Can you picture it too?
Haley May 2014
My head rested upon your chest
I sighed and asked what was to become of us
After graduation
After you go to Binghamton
And I go to Plattsburgh
After our love is separated by four hours.

You kissed my head and said
(Without missing a beat)
"I hope we'll still be together,
that distance won't ruin what we have,
because I mean it when I say I love you
and I will always want you in my life."

I'm so in love with you.
This is not my first relationship, but this is the most intense. I've never fallen in love with someone, before you. I see us lasting. I love you.
345 · Jul 2014
Showing my love
Haley Jul 2014
I am not good with words, I never have been.

I wish I could weave epic sagas of our love out of thin air, but I can't.

What I can do is kiss your lips so fiercely, and yet so softly, until they become numb with my love.

I can stare longingly into your eyes, my heart and soul pouring into you with every passing second.

I can trace my fingers along your skin, ever so delicately, tickling you like butterfly kisses.

I can ignite a fire within your bones...
Sparked by a tender kiss shared between our supple lips;
Fueled by a love almost too hot for our hearts to handle;
Burning so bright, that maybe, just maybe, it could bring hope to this dark world we live in.
For Kevin.
You mean the world to me.
339 · Sep 2014
Haley Sep 2014
I don't know if I can deal with this distance
I miss having you by my side
and for all the nights without you,
Just know that I have cried.

I wish that I could hold you

                                                    I wish my lungs could let me b r e a t h e

I wish I had just one more moment...
                                                       ­    *to count the freckles on your cheeks.
335 · Mar 2014
Haley Mar 2014
Your heart beats ridiculously fast
When I rest my head against your chest.
Your hands are sweaty when they interlock with mine.
And may I say, it's the cutest thing in the world.
330 · Jan 2014
Haley Jan 2014
I feel like I'm on
Pretty Little Liars
Because all my poems
Are stained with you.
Signed for you.
"For A."
Haley Mar 2014
I have no right to tell you what to do
You're allowed to make your own decisions
Whether to live, or not.

I know that living doesn't make you happy
But I'm not sure that death will either
I just don't want you doing something you'll regret.

There are people who love you
People who will be crushed once you're gone
Torn to shreds by the memories of you and how you once were.

You need to love yourself, and I don't know if you do.

This battle that your being consumed by will not be gone
When you swallow a bottle of pills,
or slice your wrists,
or tie a noose around your neck.

Nothing about this act is beautiful
There is no romanticism in what you're thinking.

I wish it was easy.
That I could tell you to control your demons
And they'd be gone.

But it isn't.

I don't want to lose you in such a manner.
Especially, that I knew how bad things were
And I couldn't do anything to help.
My mind and heart are racing, in a perpetual whirlwind
Trying to think of the answer, the solution.
Something has to cure this disease.
There has to be something to save you.
Because I don't know how the world will function without you.

I'm tired of losing the people I love.
Don't be a statistic.
Don't be a number.
316 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
Speak to me
Build me up
Make me love you.

Then take that spark
Of hope you created in me
And rip it to shreds.

Stomp on my heart
**** my vibe
Make me want you even more.

You know how much
I love you
When you do that.
*i don't.
314 · Feb 2014
I wish.
Haley Feb 2014
I wish my words could **** your demons.
I wish my voice was that of an angel, able to heal your wounds.
I wish my laugh could wash away your sad thoughts.
I wish my smile could brighten up your mind.

I wish I could kiss you into happiness.
But my lips cannot grant you the solace you desperately need.

*I wish I could fix you.
313 · Mar 2014
Haley Mar 2014
Thank you for letting me go, I can finally breathe.
(10w.) Inspiration.
Haley Jan 2014
It is completely unbearable
to wake up from such
perfect dreams
only to
Violently shoved back into
reality where we are
not together at
It makes my tears burn five
times as hot, when you
look at me and
That smile is just a smile to
you, just a friendly
While that "gesture" is my
entire world, it is the
very air that I
So when you ask me what I dream,
you can understand why I can't
say: "You smiling at me, and
every smile is like glue,
mending my world
that was once
shattered by
300 · Apr 2014
Untitled: Love
Haley Apr 2014
You kiss me like I'm an angel -
so gently as if not to break me, but yet so passionately as if to keep me from flying away.
298 · Apr 2014
Haley Apr 2014
You hold me in your arms
My head against your chest
Surrounded by the smell of you
I breathe it in
I'm home.
298 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
Just because you found
a sad poem that I wrote
does not mean I am depressed.
297 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
and there goes my heart.


along with the ***** I give.
294 · Mar 2014
Haley Mar 2014
I wish we had this earlier
This cute puppy dog love
I'm growing really attached
And we're not even together.

We're going to leave each other
In just a few months.
So why bother with labels
When we can just have fun?
279 · Feb 2014
1:16 am
Haley Feb 2014
And if you are looking up at the night sky,
Just know that we share the same stars,
And the distance between us, isn't truly that far.
265 · Mar 2014
thoughts on you.
Haley Mar 2014
I've never been one to feel particularly happy
And then here you come and change that.

I've never been so happy in my life
But I've never felt so sad.

Because if you leave now,
My heart would feel so dead.
My life is looking up, but I can't help but focus on the down...
255 · Feb 2014
Haley Feb 2014
I'm getting tired
of being your friend
All we do is make plans,
which you cancel.

I'm tired of you
choosing your boyfriend
over your best friend.

You wonder why
you don't know what's
happening in my life
and get mad at me for
not inviting you places.
(well, honey, you can blame yourself.)

Maybe I'm just tired, or maybe you and I have changed, maybe I've found better friends. Either way, I'm tired of being let down by you.
234 · Feb 2014
untitled, once again.
Haley Feb 2014
just go back to him

i know you want to

i know how you feel

and it's not fair for either of us.
209 · Mar 2014
Haley Mar 2014
When we had our arms wrapped around each other, and my head was on your chest, I had this moment where I thought ‘this couldn’t be real’ because you’re too sweet and how could someone like you like someone like me?

Well, if I ever wake up, you were the best dream I’ve ever had.

— The End —