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Hadley Oct 2013
World shifts

I see truth in the cracks
Everything is beautiful

And you see everything

I don't know what we said
Heads spinning on the room
Looking at the moon
I drew and drew and drew

Beautiful Moon People is the only thing I remember you saying

I only remember tracing veins
and Squeezing hands

I trace your back
Someone tries to sleep
I have to deal with so and so tomorrow
Don't let tomorrow consume you
Tomorrow is tomorrow and now is now
You can only be sure of the present

or can you?

Melt swirl run turn
I see the universe
Hadley Oct 2013
Dante's inferno
Burning in hell
saving his love
But he was a sinner himself
Michelangelo Michelangelo
How the women admire your painting
But not your person
Is that the fate of an artist?
Hiding behind your artwork
And listening to people pick it apart
and think they're thoughts are exactly my own
how pretentious
Why must we pick it apart
tear it from it seams
Thats not it thats not it at all
Dare I disturb the universe?
Challenge the views of others
make them realize how wrong they are
but only to me
Hadley Oct 2013
my body is floating
my lips and tongue(s) tingle
i just need to get to my room  

i could walk up these stairs
but i reach the top

all good things end
Hadley Oct 2013
'Its not gonna work'
'Tbh you're embarrassing yourself'
Thats what I needed to hear today
When I hear everyday form my Mom I'm a burden
I especially need to hear that
When my step dad forces pills down my throat
So I'm quiet and
'Don't cause anymore trouble'
I love all that
I'm standing up for what I believe in
And I'm being persecuted for it
Does that make me a martyr?
I'm too stupid to be a martyr
To 'embarrassing'
I cause too much 'trouble'
I'm just not worth it.
Anna smoot can **** my ****
If I want to make a petition I'll do it
Hadley Oct 2013
I feel like I'm obligated to write something today
But I really have nothing to say
I just want a smoke
and I want to talk with someone
and listen to music without speaking
Hadley Oct 2013
In the office
The vent is hissing and spitting
I'm bored out of my ******* mind
I wore a mesh shirt to school
You can see my stomach
But my legs
are covered
really the only offense is
my belly button
I refuse to cover up my natural
body parts
Its not right
Or fair
its completely unreasonable
But the administration needs something to stroke its ego ***** right?
But I refuse to give hand jobs
To a completely corrupt education system
This is actually happening as we speak I won't change my shirt because I'm not indecent or anything and I may be suspended B)
Hadley Oct 2013
I'm hollow
right in my middle
I can hear the wind whistling through it
It swirls around and stirs up the dead leaves
that were once my feelings
and thoughts and memories
Theres a storm now
and all these thoughts
are turning into one thing
empty space
a black hole
it ***** everything in
destroys it
then its taken to an unknown place
are black holes in space
portals to someones soul?
Or is it the other way around
when your soul collapses
does it create a black hole
always needing
constantly hungry
in the fabric of the universe?
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