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Jul 2013 · 498
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
I like you
I need to see you
I want you
I need to hug you
I need you
I can't have a conversation with you
when this keeps popping into my head
Jul 2013 · 266
Again (10 words)
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
So here I go again
I'm always wishing for tomorrow
Jul 2013 · 326
Break down
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
I guess it was only a matter of time
before I broke down
I guess I didn't expect to break down
in front of you
You've always seemed to be my light
when I was standing in the dark
You always have been easy to talk to
I just never expected to cry while standing by you
Jul 2013 · 239
Tears (10 word)
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
You made me cry
so you could wipe my tears
Jul 2013 · 243
Secrets (10 word)
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
I found
a far away place
for my dark secrets
Jul 2013 · 204
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Sometimes I want
To get lost
Out in the sky
Pause reality for a second
Jul 2013 · 985
Mirror mirror
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Mirror mirror on the wall
I know I'm not the prettiest of them all
Because I live in a judgmental society
That thinks peoples looks tell all
Mirror mirror on the wall
Stop pointing out our flaws
We already know them
And it tears people apart
Jul 2013 · 294
I like you
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Here we go
You're part of the game
Because you didn't turn away
Your mistake
Sad nights
I lay awake
I like you
I'm not quite sure yet
It hurts
Then it doesn't
My life is the game
Now you're part of it
And you'll always be
Darling I'm sorry
You mean so much to me
Jul 2013 · 221
Save me (10 word)
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
You're the only one
Who can save me from myself
Jul 2013 · 210
Please (10 word)
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Pull me up
Or drop me
I'm done waiting
Jul 2013 · 225
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
What is it
That makes my mind run to you?
With all of this madness
I guess it's good
To have some perfection in my head
At least thinking of you is never a waste
But it always does keep me awake
But sleep isn't that important anyway
You're like a song
Constantly playing in my head
But I can never get tired of you
Because you will always be
Jul 2013 · 282
Screams For Help
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Get a grip
You're losing it
The pain you feel is just a trick
The story is always really thick
There's nothing you can say except goodbye
If nothing else you're alive
Get a token
You're so broken
Pain slashing through your mind
You're breaking
You're shaking
Tears are rolling from your eyes
Silent screams for help
Coming out loud
But you've left
You're gone
And you were the only one I had left
No one to save me
Oh well it's done
I might have ended it for myself
If I hadn't fallen so hard that I'm gone
Jul 2013 · 378
By The Hand
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
You may not know it
But you took me by the hand
And brought me to this adventurous land
Retaught me how to smile
How to really laugh
Then at night you go to rest
And in the dark
I shed a tear
Because you can't see
But maybe it's me who can't see
Because you always come back
And so I smile again
But I've been too blind to see that
But now I do
So I can laugh
Jul 2013 · 388
So Right
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
Noticing little things
Like that piece of the conversation
When everything seems right
Even when you know it shouldn't
Like when you realize that
You're still breathing
Your hearts still beating
It may be natural but it's still
I have to go
Turning please don't go to
I'm glad we talked
Even if it wasn't for long enough.....
Noticing the smile you forgot
Smile for tomorrow, today, and yesterday
Smile for me smile for you
Even if it's totally wrong
It's just so right
Oh well goodnight
Goodnight not
And that's why it's just so right....
So completely right
Jul 2013 · 817
Broken Toy
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
They wanted the truth
So I told them
But I guess it didn't please them
Because they tossed me aside
As if I was a broken toy
But look at us we're all broken
And we look at each other like we're not human
Just because we're messed up
And our feelings are confusing
But they treat us like we don't have any
Because to them we're all toys sometimes
So again they leave us
But who wouldn't, look at us
Leave me
And I'll be
But who cares?
So treat me like a broken toy
And I'll be forever gone
Jul 2013 · 515
Gwen Johnson Jul 2013
What do you do when madness contains you?
What do you do when silence breaks you?
Where do you go to get tomorrow?
Where do you go to lose your sorrows?
When will you see there is no light?
When will you see that you gave up the fight?
Who do you go to when you have no place?
Who do you go to when you lose the race?
Why do you find it so hard to believe?
Why do you find it so hard to leave?
Jun 2013 · 305
Easiest 10 word
Gwen Johnson Jun 2013
Sometimes its easiest to let the world fall around us
May 2013 · 314
You will cry
Gwen Johnson May 2013
This is life

So you will cry

Learn the truth  

Learn to lie

Selfish games

We will play

Feel the wound

Fight the pain

Find your path

Find your pain

Find your sorrows

Lose the game

Find your wound

Deepen it

There's nothing left

No one wins
May 2013 · 422
You'll still be
Gwen Johnson May 2013
I've never believed in fairy tales
I don't need to be a princess

I don't have high expectations
Because i want to achieve them

But you'll still be my what if...
May 2013 · 346
Who are you?
Gwen Johnson May 2013
Who are you to bring me pain?
Who are you to destroy me?
Who are you to tell me I'm not pretty enough?
Who are you to reject me?
Who are you to mock me?
Who are you to repeat this everyday?

The answer is my brain
May 2013 · 364
The dark
Gwen Johnson May 2013
Sometimes the dark haunts me
it makes me fear it
Sometimes it calms me
and relaxes me to sleep
But every so often it taunts me
because sometimes i want
to disappear into it
May 2013 · 270
It would hurt
Gwen Johnson May 2013
I know it would hurt to let you go
Not for what we had
because we had nothing
That is sort of why
because I've liked you for so long
Still you can't know
and with mirrors all around me
I can see, that it's just me
May 2013 · 1.4k
Gwen Johnson May 2013
When your walls crumble
you build them taller
you build them stronger
so no one can break you
then when you do break
you have no one to blame
other than you
but when you reject yourself
it's rejection just the same
no one loves you
and no one can
because you build
the wall up again
but a reject is all you've been
May 2013 · 275
Lost 10 word
Gwen Johnson May 2013
Somewhere lost
is where i lay.
Words just go away.
Apr 2013 · 219
I would miss you
Gwen Johnson Apr 2013
I want to find a place

Where I can be alone

Where I don't think of you


I don’t know where it is                

I would look but i can’t

It’s somewhere


Wonder where it is                    

How far away                                                

If  someone finds it                                                  


They let me know

I wonder how long

It would take me to


My life                                        

My home                                    

My everything...                          
Mar 2013 · 240
Gwen Johnson Mar 2013
I can remember
smiling and laughing
though when I'm sad
its not what i think of
even if it should be
still smile when you can
and don't make yourself suffer
you can't chose how you look
so be proud you're yourself
Mar 2013 · 598
Wouldn't understand
Gwen Johnson Mar 2013
No one knew how I felt
I smiled till I was by myself
Didn't see the tears I cried

Bullied me
When I didn't talk
Never said a word to them

Scared of my own friends
The few that I actually had

  Run to bathrooms just to cry

And you say I wouldn't understand
Feb 2013 · 301
No one
Gwen Johnson Feb 2013
I didn't mean anything
Nothing I said mattered
I could lie and say I hate you
But it would hurt me more than you
Forget it now it's done
Now no one is what you've become
Jan 2013 · 500
Seven billion people
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
Seven billion people
Struggling through tears
Struggling through fears
Struggling through the day
Seven billion people
Hoping for change
Hoping for love
Hoping for the next day
Seven billion people
Just wanting to make it through
Kind of like you
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
Broken and pretending
Lost in nothing
Winning by default
losing by rule
Can’t stop the patterns
Nothing is cool
Can’t stop pretending
Now who are you?
Jan 2013 · 265
Time go away
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
Seconds. Minutes.
Hours. Days.
Never going  
fast enough.
Never going
slow enough.
Living just
to watch them fade.
Please go away.
Jan 2013 · 316
In the silence
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
Silence is torment
for it carries
lost hopes
and broken dreams

Numbs your mind
with words never said
and tears you've cried
and screams that
never left

Suffocating on the pain
this world always
leaves for me

I'm done with the silence
its time to make a sound
the words reach my lips
and I cry for help
but no one will hear me
because they left me by myself
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
If you hide from your troubles
would you really be free from them?
If you ran away would they still follow?
What if you left your past behind--
would your decision haunt you forever?
If you left your past behind and you regretted your decision
could you still run back and reclaim your past?
If you left your past behind would you even know you had one?
Do you really want to hide from your troubles?
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
If no one could hurt you would you still be afraid?
Would fear still rain down on you or would it not be the same?
Would you still cry and cry or would it all change?
Would you worry about someone else if you didn’t have to worry about yourself?
If no one could hurt you would the whole world change?
If there were no breaking bones or calling names...

If no one could hurt you would you still be afraid?
would you hold on to the past? or let it fade?
would emotions run wild? or would they not be the same?
would crying end? or would it stay the same?  
If no one could hurt you would it be a good change?
Jan 2013 · 453
A world with so much hate
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
How wind storms so violently, how peace finds no place.
How danger seems to look you right in the face.
So how do you stay alive in a world with so much hate?
How colors seem to fade.
How I see that look that look on your face.
How do you find a place
when wars never fade and the dark keeps you awake?
Will hate ever fall and bring peace to us all
in a world with so much hate?
You hate the world until it falls to the ground
then realize it was great but that’s what happens
to a world with so much hate.
Gwen Johnson Jan 2013
Why do you live knowing you'll die?
I pondered this for a while
because it doesn't come that often
that I am struck with a question
finally I had a question as an answer
why do you smile knowing you'll cry?  
I was proud for coming up with an answer
when I heard the new question come up
why do you cry when you can smile?
And then again I was left struck
for in my head that never came up
question after question left unanswered
only pondered and pondered again
why do you live knowing you'll die?
Dec 2012 · 480
Flash or no flash
Gwen Johnson Dec 2012
frozen in a moment
cradled with emotion

color or black and white
saved for a time

smile or cry
scream or laugh
today or tomorrow
flash or no flash

press a button
take a picture
now it's all
saved in pixels
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Masking Emotions
Gwen Johnson Dec 2012
The emotions become enough
I lay down for a moment and cry
Then shut my swollen eyes
The light is then gone
Darkness in that moment
And then to lay awake
Silent cries and soundless screams
A never fading nightmare

Gone and lost
Hopeless dreams
and memories
Fighting battles
Left unwon
Timeless moment
Timeless race

Smiling is no longer
An emotion
No longer
A friendly gesture
But only
Another mask

Now everyone's become
Emotionless dolls
Playing along
To mask the past
And the time to come

— The End —