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Gwen Johnson Jun 2015
I say I'm done
with being treated like ****
because I'm a human
and I deserve respect
but I still get surprised
when I'm treated right
and I apologize
when I've done nothing wrong
but I do stand up for myself occasionally
so that's something
Gwen Johnson Jun 2015
The things I don't tell you
When you ask what I've learned
My friends care
But sometimes they don't know how to care for me
I can be with my friends and still be lonely
People can love me
Even when I don't
I can love how people feel towards me
That doesn't mean I have feelings back
If I love someone
Relationships are a mess
I'm a mess
But I'm not always the problem
I'm not the answer either
Its good to help when I can
But sometimes I can't
Its okay to leave problems unsolved
I don't need to know everything
I'm still learning
Gwen Johnson May 2015
I should wear a sign that says fragile
but instead I wear fake strength
and pretend that I don't break
Gwen Johnson May 2015
Where do I fall into your life?
or is that all
do I just fall?
Gwen Johnson May 2015
I'm me for my hours spent on poetry
And my love of tea
And dancing off my energy
I'm me for singing quietly
And walking off shyly
But maybe I'm me for more than you can see
Maybe there's more to the hours spent in bed on netflix and tumblr
Maybe there's a girl that you don't see
She seems to think hiding is the best way to handle stress
And telling everyone she's okay will make her less of a mess
She rates herself lower than everyone she meets
She tries to communicate the best she can
But everything in her tells her to panic
And maybe I smile as much as I can
But something inside is crying out
And maybe I don't know me
Maybe that's something I'm still figuring out
Maybe I have all the pieces but they're mixed around
And maybe I could be more put together
But there's no such thing as perfection
So a little broken beauty won't hurt
I'm just another human
That has some things to figure out
Gwen Johnson Apr 2015
I'm on a swing
Two chains
and a seat
I feel like I'm flying
or I could be dying
if I jumped
but the ground isn't too far from my feet
but the sky isn't too far out of reach
and I like to come back
to this swing set
when everything's too much
all my dreams
out of reach
grip the chains
and pump my legs
until my hands are blistered
from holding the chains
and my hips are in pain
from the force of the seat
because this is where I realize
if I push hard enough
nothing is too far from my reach
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