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Gwen Johnson Oct 2014
I've read my poems
over and over
It seems like the only person
I can connect with
Is me...
Gwen Johnson Oct 2014
There is a monster in my head
It's feeding off my troubles
but for some reason
I don't want to let it go
Gwen Johnson Oct 2014
There are women against feminism
And I really don't get that
Feminism is about equal rights for men and women
And without that
I would spend my life suffering through the remark
"Get back to the kitchen"
Because it wouldn't be my place to deny that
And little girls would grow up
With their purpose in life to be
To look pretty
And have children
Without feminists
I would grow up and never get the chance to vote
Without feminism
It wouldn't matter if I had an education
As long as I looked good enough to get a husband
Isn't there something wrong with that
And feminism is around today
Because some men still look at women as objects
Because women can't dress nice
Without a male seeing it as an invitation
Because women who have *** are *****
But guys who have *** are praised
Because women get paid less than men
Feminism still exists because so does inequality
And men don't think I'm blaming you
I'm blaming the society
That uses a woman's body to sell anything from burgers
To perfumes
I'm blaming the society
That constantly photoshops women
I'm blaming the society
That blames the victim
I'm blaming the society  
That makes women believe feminism is wrong
Gwen Johnson Oct 2014
Sometimes I'm sensitive
Sometimes I'm strong
Sometimes I break
Sometimes I break free
Today I feel strong
Though tomorrow I may not
And that's okay
Because that's what makes me human
Gwen Johnson Sep 2014
Here's a poem for my mother
My favorite teacher of all
She never stood in front of a whiteboard
She didn't have me raise my hand to ask a question
She was just always there when I needed her
She taught me how to be kind
And this needed no lecture
She was just the kindest person I knew
She taught me to fall in love with language
She never led me to believe that I had a reading level
She shared with me what she wrote
And she shared with me what she read
And even if I didn't fully understand
It still felt like magic
Knowing that words could create different worlds
And she taught me how to do just that
How to create a world with language
She never had to give me a grade
Because I passed creating something I was proud of
And she still teaches me
With everything she does
And this is why to me she's the best
And of course mom
I love you mom
Gwen Johnson Sep 2014
You don't find scars on my skin
So you think I'm just fine
You don't see in my eyes that I cried all night
But some of us don't wear our scars like clothing
Some show scars in poetry written in the dark
Where they feel the rawest emotion
And I'm one of them
I bleed my emotion into poetry
And hope you can make sense of it more than I can
So someone can you tell me
How am I feeling?
Gwen Johnson Sep 2014
I wish I didn't feel so much
Because only now that I let you go
Does it truly feel like I'm falling
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