she had a wicked kind of motion,
a cold beauty
with the radiance of a sunset dying.
Jack had seen her,
had seen her walking
the sidewalks and streets
that are too dark for dreaming,
the acne scars on her cheeks
had left faded marks,
with her wolf spirit longing
to be unchained.
the sudden rain drumming on the roof of the car.
and Jack was no stranger to sad streets,
the sidewalks and tenement caves,
strangers in a crowd laughing.
his sad eyes, two black eyes,
another fight,
he looked like a raccoon.
he came around the car
as she knew he would,
took her in his arms,
kissed her and when he withdrew
from the kiss
she felt his warm breath.
Melissa was from Montana,
had left her husband.
just one more nightmare to try
and understand
and so Jack didn't want to know, why,
He didn't ask
and she is the one women
that never took the smile
from his face
and some loves forever to ring true.
2 souls in the fire.
one heart.