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2.0k · Jul 2018
GAETANO Jul 2018
Just the fact that my mother
Was always there for me,
Whether I needed her or not,
The little things she did for me: I miss her!!!???
With EVERY breath I take,
Every moment of the day...
...She is there.
I can FEEL her in my life...
...But to actually TALK to her,
To kiss her,
To Hug her,
To tell her I love her,
To tell her
What she really means to me:
Those days
Of physically chatting with her
Over a cup of coffee,
Are gone...
...I can only express my love to her
Through my heart...
...And I pray she hears me.
MOM...I'll miss and love you always!!!
1.6k · Dec 2015
GAETANO Dec 2015
People have talked about 'FUNK',
For the past  forty-five years.
That's  FUNKY!
Music is Funky.
Gimme' some  FUNK!
Listen to that Funky beat!
Play that Funky music Dude!
How Funky can you get?
This is Funked up!
I'm feelin' FUNKY today!!!
I'm in a Funk.
So many different uses.
So many different meanings.
Uptown Funk;  What's Uptown, Funk?
Classier than Downtown Funk?
People can take a slang term,
And make it anything they like.
That man smells Funky!
My Lady...She's my Funky Mamma!
A dancing child is Funky;
YEAH Little Man...let your FUNK out!!!
That restaurant is Funky,
Don't eat there.
FUNK, is an interdimensional, Transracial, Interdependent word.
It came from the Seventies and,
Will last forever,
And never go out.

Don't let yourself be...
...Caught in a FUNK!!!
1.1k · Dec 2015
Your Words
GAETANO Dec 2015
Your words speak to me,
They let me know
There is somebody else like me.
Your words are art to my eyes.
Floating figures from an alternate reality.
Touching my thoughts.
Whispering in my dreams.
These words were part of a note I sent to another person on here.  I liked them so much after I re-read them...I decided to put them here for all to see.
But, it is the way I feel about good poetry.  No 'tricks'...just plain honest art.
788 · Mar 2017
Meter May Be Rhyme
GAETANO Mar 2017
Doesn't anybody anymore,
Pay attention to the rules of the land?
It seems people have given up
On abiding by rules which
Were developed decades, nay
An entire encyclopedia,
At our fingertips, for our use,
And we can not see it for the keys.
Nothing is hidden from view.
We have spell check, and
We have grammar check.
In our zeal, we choose to ignore.
We have a thesaurus within our grasp.
We have the ability to count to ten.
And just like everything else in life...
...we have given up on rhyme, and meter.
When will we ever learn,
That some things in life,
Are best left to tradition.
And we should become progressive,
In our thoughts on paper.
Inclusive of Meter, MAYBE to rhyme.
And bring that progression into life.
Not to wither and die on paper,
In a dusty old library of old thoughts and deeds.
784 · Jan 2016
A Waking Whisper
GAETANO Jan 2016
I open my eyes in the morning,
And look at you.
Your eyes, closed,
Your face, relaxed,
A faint smile from your lips.
I wonder what you are thinking.
I watch you gently breathing.
Your face contorts and moves,
But you remain asleep.
You mutter something incoherent.
I wonder if you are dreaming.
Your eyes move gently behind your lids.
You moan a bit,
Your lips form a soft smile.
You open your eyes and,
You kiss me softly on my lips,
And whisper...I LOVE YOU.
718 · Dec 2015
Morning Sunlight
GAETANO Dec 2015
Sitting on a bluff, enjoying a cup of coffee.
Watching the sun rise over the horizon.
Not a cloud in the sky,
The sunlight a bright gold.
The oceans water is calm,
No waves,
Cool breeze.
Looking out over the beach,
There's a red head sitting on a rock,
Enjoying the suns morning glow.
Her hair waving in the breeze,
Is ablaze withthe light shining through.
She's facing the water watching the sunrise.
Quietly, I lift my cup to her,
Taking a final sip of my coffee.
The sun has fully risen.
I get up,
Fold my chair,
And I walk back to my car.
It's time to begin another day.
593 · Dec 2015
Forever In My Dreams
GAETANO Dec 2015
Hello, how are you today?
I hope this note finds you well.
I'm writing to tell you that I miss you.
I never known
The touch of your hand on my cheek.
I've never known
The way you would look into my eyes,
And convey to me, the love in your heart.
Your love for me would make me feel unique.
There is an esoteric peculiarity in your look.
An emotional connection which flows between us.
How can I touch you from here?
I dare not get near you.
I'd never want to compromise your
Love for another man.
I'd never walk  by your home,
Even though, just being near you...
...My HEART beats uncontrollably.
I think how lucky I am to know you exist.

You walk by me,
As though,
You don't know that I am here.
How can I tell you
Of the endless depth,
Of my love for you?
You don't even glance in my direction.
All I can say is I love you,
In my fantasies.
But we live our lives
Together, Happily,
In my dreams.
530 · Dec 2015
Sunday Morning Neighbors
GAETANO Dec 2015
The air is cool and crisp today.
It's not cold, it's not biting,
It's an invigorating day, near the end of Autumn.
Children cavorting in the playground,
Kids playing basketball nearby.
An old man watching the children play.
A man and woman with their children,
Feeding the ducks and geese in the pond.
Walking by, the kids are having a wonderful time.
The ducks coming to them, eating from their hands.
Cavello gets excited and wants to play too.
Moving along on our walk,
A runner is resting, stretching, and rehydrating.
We smile at each other, in passing.
A squadron of Geese came in to land,
Heading at me in a perfect 'V'.
A beautiful sight.
What a great day for a walk.
A slight cool breeze,
I think I'll continue around the pond,
Just a few more times.
499 · Dec 2015
Snow Day
GAETANO Dec 2015
The night air is cold,
Dark clouds rolling in from the north.
A chilly Zephyr brings a hint of snow.
Just a hint of this change brings people to panic.
All worried of being snowed in,
With nothing to eat.
The snow begins to fall.
Emotions amplify as people watch the snow deepen.
Glistening in the street lights,
And Christmas lights create a festive glow.
Informing us that the season is underway.
There's a kind of warmth in the air,
The wind is still,
Snow is falling fast, and heavy.
An eerie stillness is present.
Quietly falling snow amplifies the silence of the night.
People watch the snowfall and worry.
Children know, there's no school the next day.
465 · Dec 2015
That Without
GAETANO Dec 2015
Sitting here, gazing out the window.
Watching the rain falling down.
The sky is dark and gray.
People outside are running  here and there.
People running from here going there, or,
People running from there coming here.
People of all shapes and sizes scurrying.
Like ants at a picnic.
The rain is heavy, I'm hoping it will fill the  void.
It's a gray day.
Lending its color to my mood.
Putting people in a gray mood.
Putting lives into gray moods.
Putting days in a gray mood.
We allow ourselves to be 'suaded by the weather.
Don't we see the weather is OUTSIDE?
The Human soul resides within.
Sheltered from assailants,
By the human body.
Don't allow that which is WITHOUT,
To migrate WITHIN.
For if you do,
You give your sanity over to insanity.
THAT will become your new master.
RATHER than calm serenity, your true norm.
408 · Dec 2015
Her Eyes
GAETANO Dec 2015
Her eyes, give me a glimpse into her very soul.
Her eyes look at me with all her love.
Her eyes draw me into the center of her being, Her Heart.
I think I still need some editing here, on this, but, for now, this is it.
292 · Nov 2015
GAETANO Nov 2015
I look up at the sky,
I see a leaf floating by.
It's that time of year we call Fall.
Let's rake the leaves into a pile, and have a ball!!!

— The End —