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In my hands, your touch
In my stare, the disire
In my mouth, all of it!
Just a kiss...

original in portuguese

Nas mãos, o toque
No olhar, o desejo
Na boca, tudo!
*Só um beijo...
Sep 2014 · 442
Lou Reed is dead
One day I sat down listening
To one of your songs
Just waiting for the man to come

And then in the other day
I refused to go onboard that ship
Cap didn't seem very well to lead me somewhere

Some years had gone
Some new songs had come
Some new exciting feelings too

One day I got up to go to the zoo
But there were warnings
"Do not feed the animals"
I don't mind, I don't care
Certainly it was a lovely day
Spending with your records in my ears

The other day I saw my face
And hated myself, I've wished
I was someone else, a better person
Someone good, like I always thought you were

But as dreams come true
Nightmares does too
I would really apreciate
If you had an imortal body
To never listen what I have listened
On that sunday evening...

Lou is gone
Sep 2014 · 621
From a Lou Reed's Song
Today I listened to a song that I first listen  to it when I was 16...
some verses that I never noticed that they were there.
The lyrics are a little bit different from the studio album because it's from
a recorded tape in a show on 1969...

Lou Reed was a amazing person, writer, guitar player and unique!

Lisa says on a night like this
It would be so nice if you give me a kiss
And Lisa says that you just want a little smile
And I sit next to you for a little while

And Lisa says that you must be a funny kind of guy
Wait allways staring at the sky

Lisa says...

And now that you are next to me
I just get so upset, why am I so shy?
Those good times, they just seem to pass me by

Lisa says
Apr 2014 · 596
senselessness life
the time is crawling
awaked in a painful dream
in this eternal dawn
inside a spiral i'm still sinking

under a senselessness life
wondering the smell of death
pretending i'm still living
but not alive, actually

the time is running
slipping through the maturity
drying the skin that covers
a portion of meat
that one day will stink
before feed some
worms and maggots
that probably ignore
the fact that they're alive
to be continued...
Feb 2014 · 479
Just like some spell
Just like some spell
You spell the word l-o-v-e
You spell the word m-e
You spell them out
Right on my ears

You spell your feelings out
Slightly hidden through these years
My hands softly slide down on your cheeks

Under a spell

A l-o-v-e m-e spell
I Inflate my lungs
And blow
And breath
And tell
Tell you
My spell
I spell y-o-u
A l-o-v-e m-e spell
The same way
You did it to me

*by Antonia van Haas
Oct 2013 · 402
Till the grave
Bury the body
This is over
There ain't no party
Life has gone
Nothing else to be shown
No more things to be done

Throw the roses
Smash up the clay
There's no more reasons
To be, to feel or to stay

Give up the fight
Everything went dark
It's gone, there's no more light

Take this last drink
Life isn't the way you thought
It is not the way
It's not the end
But it's the only and lonely
Sad reason to finish this season

“Break my body and hold my bones” (1)
Break the glass and get into...
Through the end,
Till the grave

*(1) - a verse from Pixies song 'Break My Body'
Oct 2013 · 421
I'll wait some more
But sometimes I think to myself
What for?

I'll ask why
And then explain the reasons
For these stains,
These chains.

Sometimes it hurts
I don't recall
Some other times it rips
I don't feel anymore

I'll ask why
And then forget the reasons
For these chains,
These stains.
Oct 2013 · 486
shamed moon
and the sun have waited all day long
better to say
the sun had wasted all the day
wating for the night to come
to feel and see what it would never can
the beauty of the dark and the silence of the night

at the other hand
it lended its brightness
to a full pale moon that happily sees
the sun and the light
the day and the night
the light and the dark

but shamefully hides one of its faces
the scary one
the bruised one
surely that one which really needs the light
Oct 2013 · 581
we are all in a boat
and it’s called life
we lived our lives separated
life tore us apart
neither love nor hate
life did this to us

we are all writing some poems
anyone, anywhere, anytime
verses are in line
strophes are leaving
and poetry is the holy hole inside this boat
that make us sink like a rock
and saves us from our weird nature
and from unwanted salvation
Oct 2013 · 499
Clear words
These words
So clear to me
These feelings
No meaning to me

Now I see
Your words
Simple like tears
As crystal, clear

Seeing this blue
Deeper than mine
From where drops
Some words of pleasure

Of health, your words
Over this line
Make me feel I, me, mine

These doubts
Some verses don't shout
Spell these tears
Spit on my fears

Your words...
This clear
This tear
In line
My life

first published on 2011/19/12 *
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
The Funeral
I'm sorry about possible mistakes, this is not my native language.
Thanks, Guilherme*

The son was sad
The daughter went mad
The mom cried, breathed in deeply and fell on the ground

The raven wearing its black elegant suit
Was standing, staring at every moment of that morning
While someone else was moaning

The son still cries
The daughter became angry
The mom was still lying on the grass beside the grave

The raven in a black feather coat
Was standing, staring at everyone
Wearing those pathetic black clothes

The son still cries
The daughter was turning into insanity
The mom was taken away

The raven wearing a perfect black crush hat
Was standing, staring at all those fools
And watching the gravedigger disappear beyond the hills

The son had stopped his cry
The daughter was finally hysterical
The mom was declared really dead

The raven rose from the tree, above the grave
Took a brief flight over everyone at that funeral
And landed on an old rotten log

The mom was really gone
The daughter finally got crazy
The son, the son… yes,
He said to the raven:
‘Let’s go my friend,
Who didn’t notice you
Doesn’t understand life
Doesn’t understand that we’re like grass
Waiting for a reaper,
The Grim Reaper that owns you’

The raven took another brief flight
Till the shoulder of the son
Meanwhile the coffin was buried
And the grave was sealed,
The mom was taken to a morgue
And the daughter sent to Arkham.

Probably now she’s having some fun with Joker.

And don't ask about who was dad...
It doesn't matter : now he's buried and...
He's The dead!
Oct 2013 · 656
Touch me
So you can free me

This cage, my body
This ilness, my party

Touch me
Free me

These chains, my thoughts
These feellings, my lock

Touch me
Feel me

This pain, my pleasure
These days, my death

Touch me,
I'm sick!
Oct 2013 · 580
Rose is dead
roses gave her a name
wild roses gave her a smell
and dry roses gave her a lover

some roses had adorned her imperious, furious blonde hair
a unique  thorn hurted her finger and heart
and that rose was blue, the same colour of his pefect pale blue eyes
his perfect love, for ever and ever rejected to grow
on the same ground where that purple and white marble roses gave her
the name of loneliness
Oct 2013 · 868
Extend your patience for a moment
Stop the desires and change the laments
Enhance your madness and move it into sadness

Pretend the light is black
The flesh is not red
And there’s nothing inside of your head

But no,
The flesh is still red and so the blood
Your hands are so far, so far away
Then they can’t make it or take it
Whatever it is

So, it is
So, it will be
So, shall we
Get into these insane dreams?

Extend your desires till they turn into laments
Stop the pattern and change the paths forever
Enhance your sadness more and more,
Turn it into madness

Pretend the darkness is light
The red is blue
And there’s nothing to see inside of you

The flush is turning, so fast, so fast
That you can’t merely see it
Your hands are so fast, so fast that you can really grab it
The flesh, the flush, the blue fish
Whatever it is

So there it is
So there it will be
So shallow it swims
Would we dare dive within?

Extend your hands for the flesh
Change directions and die mad
There’s a slim chance to pretend
You’re not really dead
Oct 2013 · 374
Although, would you dare?
for Amanda Palmer*

I'm not begging you to fill up my can
But you can colaborate to feel
I'm not asking you to pay my rent
But you can stay and look
It doesn't matter how long...

This is my work
And I call it art
This is my life
And we are not apart

Here I'm
Standing, staring at an empty space
And at your empty stare
And I'm not begging you to throw a penny
Inside of my ******* can

Although, would you dare?

— The End —