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James Daniel May 2019
We kissed once
And we were legends
They couldn’t see us
Not at all

Take me to the new Church
The one with the swimming wall
I want to see it
See it all

We’ll take hold for a moment
We’ll seize control
Till there’s nothing left
Till there’s nothing more
One kiss to finish it
One kiss, that’s all

The war will run and hide
Either that or we’ll fly
And your peacefulness
Will be my bride

We’ll take hold for a moment
We’ll seize control
Till there’s nothing left
Till there’s nothing more
One kiss to finish it
One kiss, that’s all

Your smile shakes heaven from its high nest
Borders collapse and borders fall

One kiss and we were legends
One kiss, that’s all

We’ll take hold for a moment
We’ll seize control
Till there’s nothing left
Till there’s nothing more
One kiss, to finish it
One kiss, that’s all
James Daniel May 2019
Watching people on the bus
Thru windows
Talking to each other
And who do I talk to?
Just played music to a bar
And who did I sing to?

Because it’s night isn’t it?
There are lights everywhere
Rows and rows of lights
Colours flashing, signing
Like a giant lit up christmas tree on its side
And there’s no-one to talk to

A 3 minute fantasy will do
The removalist
I could go walking and not stop
Afraid I’d stop
Afraid of everything

A 3 minute fantasy
I’d put it all down for it

I watched the internet star
And what do I do?
But this isn’t doubt or disbelief
This is being sure
But with your lips sealed

Maybe just like heaven and the afterlife
It’s a fools wish
To speak with words
You mean
Even to yourself
Let alone somebody else

Here comes the crux
The lonely singular wish…
Don’t stop walking
Creating, collaging
Collecting, doubting
Posting, recording, believing
Writing, thinking
Typing, aiming and doing

A 3 minute fantasy
I’d put it all down for it
James Daniel May 2019
My sisters were saying they were getting into canned peaches again
Of all things

I was walking home at night
And there was a poster of a woman aged 37
Went missing in 2018
And an empty can of peaches was on the ground

I thought, how cold the world is
This ******* world
How a person can be nothing more
Than an empty can discarded
Out here, out no-where

I put a prayer on the moon tonight
That I care for something in this world
That I say I'm here and this is mine
And I won't let go

A garden against the nothingness
Care against the careless
Fire against the cold
James Daniel May 2019
Tomorrow’s land
Didn’t get away as quickly as it should have
History would catch up with it

The people who have seen things they shouldn’t have
The poor who think they are rich
And the rich who think they are poor
And where was it again?

Tell me lady, behind those strings beaded with oil
Tell me about things

Always will be always was
Original music, original love
And over and thru it
Flew the listening dove
And rocked the laughing rocks
One by one, we filled the aisles
Shoulder to shoulder
Still as young as we were
Only the world got older

The youth got on the tram
Passed the burning church of Notre Dame
Thru the winds of change
And over the seeds in the sleeping red soils that sprouted at night

Why are you so happy? I asked
I got hit in the head
And I still got up

He said I’ll teach the world how to be a world again
About wonder and about peace
I’ll teach the world how to dream

It was yesterday here, but tomorrow over there

Always will be always was
Original music, original love
And over and thru it
Flew the listening dove
And rocked the laughing rocks
One by one, we filled the aisles
Shoulder to shoulder
Still as young as we were
Only the world got older

I’ll craft an aeroplane
One to fly thru the  change
I want to get to that place
Hope is stitched into my brain
I don’t know who’s coming
But that’s where I’m going
Like nature and it’s symphony
There is an audience I can’t see

Always was, always will be
James Daniel May 2019
For my younger self I'd say
To not know everything is o.k.
Be you, you're special
You are you, there is no helping it
Be proud of you
And be suprised
Live your life, live your dreams

And for me now I'd say
Be you, you can see you are special
Just do you
Be suprised
Work towards your dreams
Keep going
You're doing great
from me to you
James Daniel May 2019
There’s a mattress on the street outside the house
No-one wants to do anything about it
James Daniel Apr 2019
I’m like a Jenga Box
With a hole in the front to put the pieces in

Because I live in this house of housemates
All from somewhere else
All gone to look for something

When we finished Jenga,
I had to put the pieces in one by one
Thru the hole in the box
One by one

And so I’ve got to build in to build out
Understand what it’s about
I’ve got to build in to build out
Understand what it’s about

So when I go looking
I don’t leave things missing
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