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How long can i keep the demons at bay?
How long can i keep the thoughts away?
How soon till i finally break?
How much of this can i take?

How am i not used to this yet?
How am i still alive?
How come he died instead of me?
How come it couldn't have been me?

Because we all know he is wanted around,
so it would be more suiting for him to be alive
not me.
Anniversary of his death. Today is gonna ****. So what  you guys think of the poem?
 Feb 2014 Grace Garms
Darling put down that knife,
Take the razor from your mind,
And quit dreaming of a noose.
You're better than that.
I love you,
And you should love yourself,
Just as much,
If not more than I do.
Honey flush those pills,
And never pick them up again.
Throw out the scales,
You dont need them.
Along with that nagging voice in the back of your head,
The one that's driving you closer and closer to the cliff,
The one that keeps telling you you're less than,
Or not good enough.
Because you are.
You are good enough.
You are beautiful,
And I wish you could see that.
But whenever you feel like all is lost,
And your heart beat goes a mile a minute,
Then you feel those walls closing in on you,
Just take a breath.
Look up at the stars,
And clear your mind.
Think of me,
Think of the things that I am saying to you right now.
Because I love you,
And its all worth it.
I know you dont really believe me,
And you dont have to,
I just want you to listen to what I'm saying.
I know how bad it is,
To hate yourself so much that you just cant.
But there comes a day,
When someone shows you the light,
And you cross the bridge to the other side,
And the other side is beautiful.
Its full of hope and love.
No judgement,
No caring.
A person took me to the other side,
Into the light,
And it was one of the most terrifying things ever.
But now that I'm here,
Its worth it.
And now I've come,
To show you the light,
Even in some of the darkest times.
And lead you across that bridge,
To happiness.
It gets better,
It really does.
I love you.
 Jan 2014 Grace Garms
when i was just a little girl
mama said, "you're the prettiest girl in the world"
and at four years old, sitting with a mirror
i batted my big green eyes, and simply believed her
for this was just something that i'd always been told
it was a fact of the world that i was beautiful

six years old, with long, blonde curls
and mama said, "you're the prettiest girl in the world"
i remembered the phrase, but doubted her words
i had no front teeth, and a voice too soft to be heard
but it must've been true, 'cause mama's don't lie
but how could it be that the prettiest girl would be so shy?

eight years old, with a baseball cap on my head
"you're the prettiest girl in the world," mama said
i looked down at my soccer jersey and cleats
"if i'm so pretty how come i have such big feet?"
but mama didn't miss a beat, she was so smart
she said, "you're prettiness shines through your great big heart"

ten years old, with a notebook and a pencil full of lead
"you're the prettiest girl in the world," mama said
i barely heard the words, and decided i was fat
pretty girls like shopping, not books and baseball bats
and the pretty girls don't need to constantly be reading
because when you see a pretty boy, a pretty girl is leading

twelve years old, and wishing i was dead
"you're the prettiest girl in the world," mama said
i knew it was a lie, and i was severely ******
if i'm so pretty then what are all these ugly scars left on my wrist?
but i nodded to my mother, and told her that i knew
maybe i was dying, but i wouldn't bring mom down, too

fourteen years old, lying in my bed
"you're the prettiest girl in the world," mama said
i knew it was a lie, but i'd made my peace with that
i'd always be a little ugly, i'd always be a little fat
i didn't look like a model, but that was okay
i never would be pretty, but who cares, anyways?

now i'm fifteen, and i'm starting to be okay
"you're the prettiest girl in the world" is what mama will say
i know i'm not the prettiest, but more importantly, i'm kind
real beauty isn't in the face, real beauty's in the mind
i'm learning to accept the hand that i've been dealt
and i'm starting to heal my heart after all the pain i've felt

— The End —