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Dec 2015 · 314
Grace Fedo Dec 2015
Sometimes I just lay awake at night and I think. I think of all the things I shoulda coulda woulda done differently if I could do it all over again with the knowledge I know now. Sometimes I just want to cry. Thinking about all the stars who's wishes I wasted on dreams that were never going to happen. Sometimes I just stop. I think of all the things I coulda shoulda done when I did something wrong. Sometimes I think that's why I have insomnia. I can't stop thinking. I wanna take large chunks of my life and erase and rewrite. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I think of you. And then I tell myself I'm stupid because I don't even know you. A couple of dates some steamy kisses one shared night that's all we've got. But what is that. Sometimes I feel like I can't go on because the weight of everything is crushing me and making me sink. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I try to distract myself from the thoughts of my future. I wanna be a teacher but what kind of teacher am I going to be. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I think. I think of this ****** hand life dealt me and I think of who it made me become. Sometimes I think I hate myself. Sometimes I try my best to cry it all out and I just end up falling asleep.
Sep 2015 · 221
Grace Fedo Sep 2015
I sit in this empty room and think. I think of my past and my future. I think of my present. The people that are here right now but won't be soon. I think of the people who have yet to be here and I wonder. How much will change? Will anything stay the same? The people I loved, I don't love. What am I to do? This empty room offers nothing in the way of help to my screams of desperation. I am so lost and confused. I feel so alone in this empty room that's really full of people full of life.
Sep 2015 · 205
Grace Fedo Sep 2015
They say that the eyes are windows to the souls. So what would you see if you looked into my eyes? The love of a good person? A religion that thrives on individuality and doesn't change who I am? What do you see? I see a blank wall, one more reinforced than ever before. I see pain and anger, hurt and lies. I see a happy and beautiful person pushed too far and just trying to get by. I see fear. Too much fear. I see a blank look and a dark wall looking back.
Sep 2015 · 361
A Light In The Dark
Grace Fedo Sep 2015
I have a voice. A voice that is trampled and ignored and beat down to oblivion. But this voice is healing. She is learning to speak and become her own person. A voice can only be silenced for so long before the truth begins to break free. I am a broken voice beginning to see a light.
Sep 2015 · 180
Grace Fedo Sep 2015
I am sometimes a poetry person. I do not write to feel good. I do not write poetry words for the masses. I write for myself. My poetry is my feelings. My outlet. I do not share because I do not care. I write what I cannot say because the hurt become too much. Too much to handle and too much to bear.

— The End —