Oh, how such calligraphy glints In the waking sun ‘tis betrayal Post-ejaculatory nocturne
Such crucifixion of misery Performs as an aid to impending tragedy And obliterates the art ‘tis suicide so that infants be branded with a mark of amour that is profound
In each and every star lies a distinct honor undefined In due time all shall awaken Arousing armistice
It may be a tad blurrier than life It may be a pinch closer than death Ironically equality lies upon the cusp of an idea--- It, it, it--- Seems to be great reason for all things;--- A bubble supposedly invented as a means for survival Be and let be “It” does not matter
Nimble diffused twinkling dusk An unforeseen consolation Upon such mirth hold I must Nimble diffused twinkling dusk Forthcoming woes shall be hushed A yet to be fused consolidation Nimble diffused twinkling dusk An unforeseen consolation
Within a fecundity of fatuity Squandered were all endeavors Fazed I eluded Unequivocal passion was sought Yet still squandered were all endeavors Candid without knowledge Lacerated and forsaken Forlorn I languished Betwixt the vacuous cracks Of black and white pavements
She rises In the darkness, This burdened woman Shrunken by Weariness and regret Like a black rose in winter In the icy rain, Like a wind-swept rose in winter That has yet to raise its neck Again.
Fringed by putrescent dusk Fingernails dig beneath graveyard wounds Fostered by lexical warfare Within the harrowing fiascos of tomorrow Nothing but bated memories Braided by skin, coffee, and cigarettes Branded by concrete whispers
A sharp, harrowing burden Fashions mirrors of fear ****** pages designed From white nothingness Tattooed by black teeth Eyes everywhere Bold, brave, and daring To decode the freakish nature Ascending from duplicity
A canary sojourned my garden The hunger whispering from its eyes Greeting my palm with Affectionate nibbles of gratitude whilst circling the symmetries of my palm it sprang forth in merriment a concluding chirp transpired and away it flew
Adorned by crimson attire Fangs bared a woman skulks her designated target engraved within her mind though the framework of her bones ensnares the prey of which she seeks the universal populace she yearns to vitiate by way of the libidinous tones radiating from betwixt her lips
A role is fashioned for each of us homosapiens to portray Though what if such a role ‘twas fashioned by a fallacious organization of fabulists Who decode billions of renditions of one monograph for narcissistic purpose of monetary gain? Naked fidelity shan’t be placed upon a hollow existence Nor should verses be fibbed Why can’t religion be real again?
Imagery so vivid and clear hum patterns of melodies across the universe fanning wildfires of euphoria Whilst swallowing the anguish from confounded pupils waking in a linear paradise
In her aristocratic yet somber hour Inebriated she phones me As if I am an oblivious commodity Though still I feel coerced To exist within her wake Even though communication May be relinquished when sober An allegiance has been pledged
Damp energy descends from skyline prophecies an irresistible souvenir laced with infatuation the gentle, yellow moans the way they mirror streetlights and flies the friction of blue moons
To cast an infinite chamber In certain places of the moon, To twist and to waltz Till the black night fades. Then soften at sultry morning Underneath a baobab tree While afternoon stroked the horizon lightly, Lovingly as I --- A strange yet, delightful vagary!
To cast an infinite chamber In the beloved areola of the sun, Waltz! Twist! Twist! Till the brisk day is done. Soften at fallow night… Underneath the baobab tree… Night stroking gingerly Lovingly as I.
Innervation kidnapped reality Stark vibes nimbly scoured verity From the hands of universality Innervation kidnapped reality At the forefront of totality Paradise delivered clarity Innervation kidnapped reality Stark vibes nimbly scoured verity
Tones of depreciation eject forth estuaries of spittle Causing unsought billows of panic Why can’t society be more appreciative Instead of dejecting them And divesting them of criticism Communication is significant Yet people omit it’s qualities
A pocketbook of grins deprived of rightful glory, passion, and peace unionized candles like smeared lip stick upon subconscious intellect layered with finite faces
5 a.m. had surfaced Weary I ascended from my bedstead Keen I rose the first of many cancer sticks to the sleek rift of my lips Oh, how the flavor of fresh, young smoke Knocked at the base of my esophagus Caressing my uvula with infinitely Unfathomable mountains of beauty
A contortionist achieves ****** Her ******* saluting her lips From within an envelope of pleasure Causing local beatitude Though one may query such enthusiasm Her ******* cooing mollifying concert Waltzing against the hips of autumn temptation That she was vibrant Or that she was barren Or that in artistry This plausible microsecond The happening of dawn quite imminent And a canary perched upon a fence Lavish us with falsettos Each and every organism throughout the universe Itself just below its conception And love equalizes the balance
I’m a grown man, but Sadly, I’m beginning to think that just like everyone else That multiple millenniums will have surpassed our graves Before a day strikes that you’ll take notice Oh, but wait you are conservative Though you state that you are a democrat
Well, tell me what kind of democrat when faced with opportunities or possibilities for change outright vetoes it without consideration for experimentation? I remember when I proposed to you the idea of baking velvet cakes in multifarious colors You accepted and requested me to buy all of the ingredients claiming you were gonna make the **** cake, but every day that you said you were You never did. You attempted to argue with me over trivial **** like the fact that you don’t own the house and that it along with all of the **** that you have could be gone without a moment’s notice I guess that’s why you are always threatening to put me out huh? Because you are afraid of that fact so you try to project it onto others right? What kind of life lesson is that?
On days when I am out and about Yeah sure I buy things for myself to eat for lunch but then when I come home I always have to debate with you over my next meal It is always a constant battle between me and your distorted logic and reasoning
Me: “Mom I haven’t eaten anything since pizza time earlier may I get a bowl of cereal?” Mom: “Wait until I get off the phone.”
Thirty minutes pass…
Me: "May I eat now?" Mom: "You shouldn’t have to eat twice if you ate a whole pizza.” Me: “It was a small pizza and that was around twelve this afternoon.” Me: “Your logic is distorted; Everybody eats more than once a day.” Mom: “Anyway you can eat the other cereal not cinnamon toast crunch.” Mom: “Distorted? Every adult that buys their own food can eat whenever they want otherwise there is no logic in your reasoning. I don’t have to feed you. You don’t feed anyone with your money.” Me: There is 100% logic in my reasoning as well as everything I say regardless of who is feeding who and one less thing that the population needs to be fed are useless and fabricated theoretical fallacies over useful and valuable facts; At the end of the day nobody wins.” Mom: I would like you to move out as soon as possible so that there will be no need to feed or conversate with you.” Me: “No conversation with you is worth even one syllable that is why I avoid talking to you; I’m wasting my time right now even texting you.” Mom: “Then stop.” Mom: “Just get out of my house and you won’t ever have to talk to me or my relatives.”
What the **** am I then? Just a man with some paper and a pen who has some poems day and night profusely spilling upon the pages in spite? Just a fan with some extensive knowledge of past and current chart toppers turned to developing a passion within disc jockeying?
NO! I’m just a man who is disgusted to even have ever been given the blessing to title you ingrates what I call the curse that s my family.
Cumulus clouds skate along the troposphere ivory braids of cotton drifting in their wake vermillion swans infuse as pristine lips take the shape of minutes as we mount the pillars of time
A golden fortune lingers along the patterns of my palm; a ****** suave the mere touch; a picturesque symbolic of greed and dishonor thousands of lips taste swiped corporate rhinestones
A fiery sensation looms Seasonally ever so fickle Majestic temptation blooms A fiery sensation looms As nature escapes its cocoon Spanned was a universal ripple A fiery sensation looms Seasonally ever so fickle