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Halo Nov 2017
Who do you take to the snow ball?
What do you do to avoid the fall?
Do you have anyone to love you at all?

You go to the Snow Ball with someone you like,
Not friends but something more.
There is something special in a person's eyes
That'll drop your jaw to the floor.

When there is a perfect guy you know,
Your mind isn't made up and wrapped in a bow.
This decision could change your view,
Even of you.

The Snow Ball
Halo Nov 2017
                ­                                     Love
                                                                ­  a
                                                                ­    word,
                                                       ­                     but also an emotion.                                                         ­         

Words are much more than words I dare say.
They may seem like nothing,
But they always have a way.
The only time our simple brains find  this out
Is when we descend the stairs and we never come out.

We have to climb the stairs any way we can,
Once we descend we lose sight of our entire life span.
Descending the stairs is risky,
And frightening.
But if you find your way up,
Your heart will glow like lightning.

Descend the stairs,
Take the risk.
Just take your time,
It doesn't have to be brisk.

Descend the Stairs
If you didn't get it, the first part is supposed to look like stairs. Cool huh?
Halo Nov 2017
Sometimes your mind is a crazy thing
Especially when you are sad.
Your mind can't count
It says "1,3,4" and you think you're going mad.
The mad people are all the best ones,
The ones you need by your side.
But when someone you care for is leaving,
All you want to do is hide.
Hide and come out only when Christmas lights are strung.
Be hard to reach,
The top ladder rung.
134 is a curious number,
A great X-Men comic but also a reminder.
That your mind saying "1,3,4" just means you need to find her.
Your best friend is moving and your mind says "1,3,4"

Halo Nov 2017
The things you'll think will always stay
Will always seem to fade away.
Whether you're like Joyce and you talk to the lights,
Or you're like Mike,
and Lucas,
and you just have to fight.
You can't avoid the guaranteed,
you can not make miracles.
The spirits and creatures are against you,
And you'll just make yourselves criminals.

My friend is to move away,
It is a miserable day.
She's going to disappear like Will,
Leaving me here to stay.

I've just gotta remember
Be brave like Nancy,
Ask for help like Will,
Use my mind like Eleven,
and just CHILL.
The things you think will always stay
Will always seem to fade away.

Fade Away
As you can tell,  I LOVE Stranger Things!!!
I'll miss you Smithse!!!!!!
Halo Nov 2017
Every morning,
Gloomy or not,
They find each other at the meeting spot.
A place for them,
A place for a pair,
Who love each other with no compare.

Why do I not have a meeting spot?
Doesn't my soul matter too?
My perfect boy means the world to me,
And I believe we are the perfect two.

It may not be Castle Byers,
A magical place in the woods.
But it could be the back of the school,
And isn't that just as good?

The Meeting Spot
Credits to Stranger Things and my own heart and soul.
Halo Nov 2017
Life is a game we play.
It can be cruel and
                                          and painful.
But when you think about it,
there are not that many bad things, just a handful.
There are things to live for,
                                           like friends,
                                                  and even Love.
Life is a game made by God and sent down from above.
        Life can be hardening and emotionally tiring,
         But Life teaches you what to do when you hear a gun firing.
When you are beside yourself,
                                                and think you are dying,
  Remember you haven't beaten Life and you have to keep trying.
Many people mistake Love for Life,
                                                        even though they are merely siblings.
Neither is whole without the other,
                                                          alone they each need filling.
Love is sweet but can be the hardest on your soul,
                     While Life is there to help love grow.

                                                 Life is a game,
                                           But Love is the name.
For a special someone who has no idea how much I love him.
Credit to Pikalil, Ebony, Ivory, WD Gaster, Amber, and Michael.
Halo Nov 2017
Everyone said "Decisions, Decisions"
As if it was a matter of life and death.
Now I know that they are right,
All it took was one starstruck breath.
We all have our own decisions,
Who to hate and who to like.
But when decisions are not your own,
What point is there to life?

His smile does not belong to me,
Neither does his heart.
Decisions are like the redwood trees,
Daunting and hard to pick apart.

The girl he likes,
She likes him and many more.
This world we face is cruel and mean,
And he has done nothing to deserve feeling sore.
The girl walked down the hall one day,
Hand in hand with another boy.
My face lit up with sympathy,
And me and my perfect boy talked more.

Why should I not be angry?
Why should I be unphased?
How can I go through the pain
Of seeing the dark in his face?

Decisions, Decisions
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