I pity the fool who takes pity on me,
Says "Little girl don't get hurt."
I am not some pretty princess,
wearing a sequin skirt.
I've always been the small one,
the meager, shy geek.
I pity the fool who sees this in me,
and finds me tender and weak.
For that is not me.
I pity the fool who takes pity on him,
for his size and not himself.
He is a strong individual,
with his feelings high up on a shelf.
He has always been the short one,
the "Munchkin," if you must.
I pity the fool who will not look past this
and leave the poor boy to dust.
For that is not him.
I pity the fool who takes pity on her,
for her seemingly awful life.
It may have it's dark spots,
but there is always light.
Deep down inside she is unique and daring,
but all of people's harsh words
leave her heart and soul tearing.
She has always been the outcast,
the one too weird for words.
I pity the fool who won't get to know her,
and leave her up high with the birds.
For that is not her.
I Pity The Fool.