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Jun 2013 · 934
Giovanna Jun 2013
I hold many secrets,
Behind these eyes.
Most of what you know,
It's all lies.

My name,
you don't know it.
nor ever will you.

My father,
He worked with a,

I hold many secrets,
you'll never know.

If you're lucky,
And i trust you,
i will expose them.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
i am
Giovanna Jun 2013
i am dyslexia.
does  not mean im dum.
i just cant read or right easily.

i am synesthesia
i usually say the colour,
youre outlined with,
or i say the thing that,
i taste with your words.
am i random?
to you maybe.

i am stutter.
i t-ta-alk l-like th-this.
am i dumb?
i again say-no. i am as smart as you.
maybe even smarter.

Can you imagine trying,
to read something out loud,
while having dyslexia ,
AND  a stutter?
its crazy.
Jun 2013 · 721
Lucid part #2
Giovanna Jun 2013
I got out of bed and clicked open the door, another day with these maniacs. I looked at the floor, "****!" There were squares everywhere. I have this issue with squares. If i touch one that already has something on it, i have to start over again. I stare at the ground, hip hopping around. My long blonde hair in a braid to the side, Bangs in my eyes. i put my hand on the wall so i can use it as a guide. On my bare feet, the ground felt smooth, and soft. But icy, and cold. I liked it. My head bumped into something. i looked up shyly to see a man holding a bundle of human pinkies. "Would you like a carrot?" the purple man asked me. i was quite hungry. "yes please sir." I was questioning why he was holding a bundle of human fingers but then, "Here you go cutie." i looked up again, he handed me three pinkies, i accepted them and he stared at me with a large creepy smile. i just then realised how odd he looked, and he wasn't wearing any form of proof he stayed in this ward. He wore a tattered green suit and black skinny jeans. he bid me farewell. i was about to put my hand on the wall when i looked down, but found that there were no squares. It took me a moment, but i remembered that this hallway indeed had no squares.
Jun 2013 · 3.7k
Giovanna Jun 2013
I walk into school,
and find your unique Blue glowing outline amoungst
the average outlined people.
i lean on your locker
as you tell me how the last
episode of the walking dead ended.
as i listen to your unique voice
i taste buttered popcorn.

it wasn't an unusual event.

It wasn't till the day,
I walked into school,
And i saw you,
you were sick and your voice was raspy.
but my brain refused to accept,
that it was you.
because you were lacking a ring of colour.
and your voice tasted of caramel,
and not of buttery popcorn,
and i asked you where your,
colours went,
it wasn't till then did i realise,
that i was not normal.
and thats when i was told,
that i had synesthesia.
Jun 2013 · 723
Lucid part #1
Giovanna Jun 2013
Running fast, really fast. I get this feeling at the pit of my stomach. Almost like butterflies  from excitement or nervousness. But this feeling is clearly different. My feet finally lift off the ground and I started to fly. I was in complete control now. I Flew. Flying so fast and zooming high. Zig zagging everywhere feeling free to do as I please, I “fall” down to the ground head first Speeding like a bullet. Then I save myself last minuet like they do with the fighter jets during an air show. People gasping in awe to be witnessing a blue eyed blonde haired girl fly. People cant accept the fact that i am completely and simply anti gravity. But it is completely and easily controlled. But then, I woke up. Starring at the plane whit ceiling, and the plane white everything. What a joy.  I thought to myself. Another day stuck in this prison. A nurse came into my room. "You appear to be doing better since your last....outburst....and we are "happy" to allow you to roam the halls again." she said clearly not happy that there was another one to keep track of. I'm in a mental hospital. I'm insane. I certainly do not agree. I think im fine.
Decided to write a story :D
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Giovanna Jun 2013
im scared.
im scared to hug you
im scared to hold hands
im scared to go places with you
because theres always that possibility,
that i will fall in love.
so i hide.
i hide behind my wall.
i have built it very tall.
i fear by trying to block you out,
and push you away,
i have made you just want to stay.
that scares me.
because i think i have,
scared myself,
into loving you.
May 2013 · 352
Giovanna May 2013
May 2013 · 2.2k
broken promise
Giovanna May 2013
i walked into
class with my
sweatshirt on.
you looked
at me in
and said
"forgotten! its
like a billion
degrees outside!"
"i dont

the teacher said
that we
were going to go
outside for class
and have some
free time.

we sat
on the log
away from
the others.
you made me
tell you
why i was
wearing the

i told you and
you got tears
in you perfect
blue eyes
"you broke
a unicorn

you took my hand
and we walked back
to them.
you kissed me
and made me
unicorn promise
to try not
to break
the previous
a unicorn promise is the highest form of promise.
you make a unicorn horn on your head with your pinky then the other person does the same then you do the pinky promise thing. its serious stuff when someone brings it to unicorn promise. you CANT break them. and i did so i feel terrible. :b
May 2013 · 377
Giovanna May 2013
he wants me to smile,
so i do.
theres a little issue,
that smile isn't true
May 2013 · 1.0k
i cannot die
Giovanna May 2013
i cant find a way out.
im stuck here forever.
no one can here my silent shout.
put the gun up to my head
i dare you to pull the trigger
you find i cannot be dead,

you cannot **** someone,
who is already dead inside.
did i break my promise to you?
no. (i lied)
you cant **** someone
who is dead inside.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Giovanna May 2013
it was put on the board.
my teacher told my to stand up in front,
of my 6th grade class and,
read the assignment.
i stared at it for a while,
and i started to read,
to, then suddenly the letter t,
flipped upside down and decided,
to become an f
the the o became a c
the c turned into an n
i could feel all eyes on me.
my mate whispered "today"
i said today,
still trying to figure out how that matched the board.
we turned itself into,
but i finally remembered what i say first.
its been 3 minuets now and,
all i had read out loud was,
"today we"
will and be started to move around the board.
then all the letters switched around,
                                the board.
the only thing still there,
was one word.
then my mate finally whispered to me,
"today we will be"
and i said that.
then i turned back to the board.
while i was attempting
at sounding things out
my mates couldnt handle it anymore.
they bursted out in giggles.
i read "poet..try?"
and got a detention for delaying the class.
May 2013 · 312
Giovanna May 2013
i am adopted.
i cant tell the general public what happened to me.
but i can tell you i have 4 brothers.
and i was given a new name and sent to america.
i can tell some of you what happened, but not all.
May 2013 · 304
i dont know why
Giovanna May 2013
i feel sad,
but do not know why.
when i look in the mirror,
all i wanna do is cry.
i know im not fat,
i can see my bones,
but for some reason,
i am all alone.
the feeling of being sad
is one i cannot explain.
chances are,
you might not even feel my pain.
May 2013 · 401
when i sleep
Giovanna May 2013
when i put my head on the pillow,
and close my eyes,
all i can dream of is,
freeing the lies.
when i sleep,
there are no secrets to keep.
i fall asleep,
just to wake up.
when i wake up,
i am still asleep.
i look to my bed,
to find myself,
sleeping in front of my own eyes.
i see the sadness as tears,
slip down my face,
thinking of my very own fears.
then i walk away,
even at night,
it is still day.
May 2013 · 397
Giovanna May 2013
I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky,
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,
I think my dreams keep me sane,
I dream of happiness, a life without pain,
some people say I'm stuck in this place,
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there,
I know some day I'll have to wake up,
but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare,
I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland,
May 2013 · 675
eating disorder
Giovanna May 2013
I sit at my desk
With an empty mind,
An empty inside,
In an empty house
in an empty room
on a lonely street
in a lonley town
without anything to eat.
"she" wont let me be free
im alone no matter what i do,
theres no escape.
theres nothing i can do,
be warned,
"she" will take over you.
May 2013 · 921
Untitled ~not mine~
Giovanna May 2013
You lied to me.


You want to tell me i'm not beautiful?

You don't deserve to be here

You should be under a six foot deep hole

No coffin or casket

Just you under the dirt

Breathing in death

Have fun down there

I'm going to go watch a movie

It's about a girl who kills all liars

She comes off as the innocent type.

They never see it coming

Sound familiar?


Exactly. >;)
May 2013 · 486
plastic bottles ~not mine~
Giovanna May 2013
Sitting in the shadows of plastic bottles,
Familiar to the touch of contaminated skin.

Let the oval cascade your neck,
Toxins in the body disperse,
Tired eyes fall.

Cleanse your mind of anguish;
Step into bubbles pumped with white lies.

And never take out the pin in your pocket.
May 2013 · 683
The text
Giovanna May 2013
Me: Kelly likes you
Him: I wont date her because i like someone else.
Me: Whhhhooooooo
Him: a person in our class
Me: Well if it's not Kelly * unless you like men * hmmmmm Mariah?
Him: no.
Me: Me?
Him: yup
Me: I convinced myself that people cannot like me
Him:  you lied to **yourself
May 2013 · 313
Alone ~not mine~
Giovanna May 2013
The blood runs down
She cries and screams
Suicide runs deep
Inside her mind
Pain and hate
For herself
Wishing for death
Hoping this would help
May 2013 · 1.5k
Giovanna May 2013
you cant defeat me
you wont
Ill cooperate
Ill act scattered
Ill be unfocused
Ill be motivated to motivate this terrible distraction in my mind
The answer is simple
School and AdHd dont mix
they collide
my brain is a dj playing dubstep
24 hours a day
non stop full volume
crank it up
because there is no stoping.
May 2013 · 1.0k
Giovanna May 2013
Dubstep fills my ears,
as im drowning in my tears,
the music makes me numb,
but its the kind of numb thats actually fun.
as the bass drops,
i ponder calling the cops.
i felt so high,
i decided i wanted to die.
i pulled out my headphones and jumped off the bridge,
hoping for anything but to live.
May 2013 · 398
nameless ~not mine~
Giovanna May 2013
Her eyes are wide open
nervous gaze within
stretching far
she is waiting
for a good pass
on the corner
of loneliness
behind those lonely eyes
terror of addiction hides
she needs to use
a little bit
to reach the oblivion
the black pit
lack of chemical gear
causing hell and fear
shaking body and
disturbed brain
for sale on the corner
standing in the rain
May 2013 · 326
The world
Giovanna May 2013
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
~Albert Einstein
Giovanna May 2013
The in-between time
after love has gone
is filled with wonderment,
waiting for the heart
to cry out again in joy
because someone smiles
and says hi...
May 2013 · 295
love is a lie
Giovanna May 2013
when i think of love
i do not think at all
because love,
i have never truly felt.
"why do you say you love me then leave?!"
"i will never know what love is until someone shows me it for real."
May 2013 · 747
who am i
Giovanna May 2013
Sometimes I don't even know if I'm sad,
If I actually want to be happy,
What if I actually want to stay sad,
What if all I'm doing
Is just because
I crave for


That'd be really bad,
All the attention I'm already getting,
Is it not enough?
Have I really become that


All the little
The people around me
Go through,
Have you really neglected them all?
Is it really because
You're depressed
And so you've
Wallowed up in this
Hole of depression
Cut off yourself from the rest of the world?
Or is this just


I don't even know
If i genuinely feel anymore
Or if all these thoughts
Are words from the devil.

I just hope
The people I love
Are fine,
Or more than ok

It's just sad
That no one shares their problems anymore,
Worried they'll add on to mine,
When really,
It's doing
The opposite.

But it's my fault again
Isn't it?
For being sad in the first place,
For sharing the problems with you,
For bothering you
Time and time again,
It's all just me.

Me, myself and I.
Is that all that's in your mind?
What have you become?

Selfish ****.
May 2013 · 335
hollow shell
Giovanna May 2013
I try to be brave,
yet i have drowned,
i'm so far deep,
to deep for you to notice,
to deep for you to care.
i'm gone now,
nothing is left.
I should only hope you learn,
it was never your fault,
the depression cut me,
to deep for you to see,
to deep for you to feel.
The pain is bigger then me,
I tried to fight it.
I'm just gone now,
just a hollow shell,
i'm sorry,
but i a just to gone.
May 2013 · 365
bleeding my tears
Giovanna May 2013
I slit my wrist to ease my pain,
you look at me,
and think i'm insane.
my eyes turn red,
bleeding my tears,
and still you try to protect my from my worst fears.

— The End —