26/F Sometimes I play with paper and pen
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Not enough verses. Not enough rhymes. Not enough comments Not enough likes. Delete. delete. Delete.
The words I prided myself in That won no awards That were not good enough To be heard. Delete. delete. Delete.
Embarrassing thoughts Of a younger me. A silly child Is now all I see. But clearly I'm more lost now Than I was then And maybe that angers me. Delete. delete. Delete.
Will I write again? Probably not. I've lost my passion. My words only rot. They can no longer shine Or comfort me. Delete. delete. Delete.
It may be selfish Maybe somebody saw And felt something, Anything at all. Anger, joy, static, relief. Though I'm sure that's Not the case with me. Delete. delete. Delete.
It's over. Done. Been and gone. Me. And my time with Poetry.
And here I am, Pressing on repeat, Delete. delete. Delete.
Gently floating in my dreams, weightless, only as I sleep.. Lost easily, and often, if only my voice could reach.. And so I stand, waiting for Something unknown, something unheard of.. Sharp as a blade, yet somehow, I remain weaker.