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Ghazal Feb 2016
The thrill is palpable,
Pulsating, powerful,
Fierce heat it emanates,
Warming our faces,
We are radiant, we glow,
We both feel it,
We both know,
But none of us
is brave enough
to reach out right now,
so we just breathe with bated desire
and watch the lush fire,
crackle, hiss, seductively bloom,
one impatiently waiting for the other
to make the *first move
Ghazal Feb 2016
Silently she prowls,
Inhaling whiffs of his scent,
That inflames her through and through,
Igniting her every sense.
She circles outside his vision,
Sizing him up, drinking in
the rawness of his manliness
Watching him make his ****,
Wouldn't he like to see my skills?
she thinks to herself,
claws ready to pierce into his skin,
to mark his body as hers,
only hers,
she proceeds towards him,
concealing all her fire, all her madness,
beneath smooth, unruffled fur.
He harshly growls,
turning ferociously towards her,
And she,
demurely *purrs
Ghazal Feb 2016
Where did you hide our love, darling?
At the top of that snowy mount you scaled?
Or in the depths of the river you rafted in?
Or was it in the dank silence of those ancient caves-
The greens of the valley you camped in,
Or in her arms as you both gazed at the Milky Way
in its starry vast glory,
Where did you hide our story?
I wonder if it's too much to ask about
where the deathbed of our love lies,
I wonder if you'd tell me so I could wish it
one last goodbye
Ghazal Jan 2016
Take them off now,
It's been too long since
we've amused ourselves
with those layers of
goofy humour, non-sense jokes,
favourite song, favourite movie,
hell I don't even have any favourites
I just told you to keep
the conversation going, so
I could reach somewhere deep
beneath your colorful veil
and explore the place no one else has
dim and soft and silent and still,
house to your secrets,
your fears and your dreams,
your demons and your guardians,
the dark and the sunny
facets of your being-
take me there,
Disrobe yourself,
of these distracting layers
Ghazal Jan 2016
More resistance!
Unbearably overpowering,
Feeble opposition,
Finally, resignation,
And after this,
Sweet, chocolatey bliss.

*Impossible it is,
To watch your weight
Sitting at a table with
Friends who live to eat!
Ghazal Jan 2016
What's it like when you live with your soul
exposed bare each and every day,
surrounded by betrayal and deceit,
you cannot help being yourself.
Everyday you're let down by some,
lied to by some,
yet you give them your only weapon,
your only defense-
your clean, unadulterated self,
that fails to fake, fails to hide,
that reveals its true colors
no matter how hard it tries.
You know they're not real,
and you think to yourself that you
do not care, you'll forget,
even if you don't forgive,
yet indifference is a lesson,
someone like you will never learn-
can never learn.
Because you keep your soul
exposed to the environs of this *****, ***** world,
Your soul is beautiful, it is crystal
inspite of breathing in this tainted, tainted air,
So, even though your truthfulness,
your blatant genuineness exasperates you yourself,
be proud that you are who you are,
because the real ones,
the misunderstood, the outspoken, the clumsy ones,
are the best there can ever be.
Ghazal Jan 2016
Why do you worry?
You are the muse, while I-
merely the flame,
that he'll use to light the dark
as he sculpts your frame,
and then extinguish with ease,
while chanting your eternal name.
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