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Ghazal Jan 2016
Don't go by convention, na!
Grab a chair and sit next to me,
Not at the opposite side where
So distant you'd be,
No! I'm not saying so because I want to
hold your hand or something-
not that I would mind, but no-
Just sit beside me, so I could
lightly punch your arm,
secretly stare at your dimple,
watch your eyes mischievously twinkle,
also take a spoonful of your slice of cake-
so be near me and,
let closeness be the highlight of this first date.
Ghazal Jan 2016
I peer into the thoughts
In her lonely eyes,
Barren and wintry,
Cold as ice,
Colored lids do
Little to hide
The tales that toss
and turn inside
Speak to me darling,
go on, confide!
She feigns ignorance
to conceal her pride,
I try to draw the curtains,
shine her recesses with light, but
hastily receding, she pleads,
"please do come some other night"
Ghazal Jan 2016
Everybody has their thing,
The thing that makes them unique,
That, even when stifled by the mundane
everyday routines of mediocre living,
Undaunted, unaffected, bravely remains.

At times, we forget our thing-
We are made to, or make ourselves believe
That some other things are our thing,
Like, you know, 9-5 jobs, paychecks,
Project submissions, career graphs,
Shallow relationships, fake smiles,
Fake compliments...

Yes, I agree, they sometimes force themselves onto us,
But what we need to know is, that they're not
what our lives should revolve around;
what we should dance around, is that quality,
that precious thing that is ours,
and solely ours to own,
And, though worldly lies and trivialities,
Come and go away, as they please,
Our thing, crystal and true, faithfully stays.

I lived that feeling of fulfillment today,
Letting it win the tussle with the to-study list,
Letting it down the vague guilt of procrastination,
Letting it break free of the web of this and that,
that life ties us into-
I embraced my thing, and let it run untamed,
And now I'll read it, edit it, love it- my poetry,
And ponder over its name.
Ghazal Jan 2016
It's been a year since I tasted the sea
And let its vast strength wash over me

It's been a year since the mischievous sand
Tickled my bare feet, slipped out of my hands

And the sun kissed my starved skin,
Marking it all over, illuminating me from within,

If only I could close my eyes and be there for just a moment, if not more,
I'd lay myself, carefree, unarmed, vulnerable, at the endless sea shore

And as the sparkling waves would splash over my thirsty soul,
I'd become one with water, sun and sand- for just a moment, if not more.
Ghazal Jan 2016
A certain peace envelops
The second hour of the night,
A little mellow, a little electric,
The ratios positioned just right

I'm sure this chai I'm dreamily sipping on,
Would not seem as delectable in the day
As it is right now, with its caffeine
Making all my senses with abandon, sway

That's the thing about this hour, I say,
Its still tranquility, its silence and calm
is merely superficial; if you're up this time,
you're part of a storm

A simmering storm, with a quiet surface,
and a whirlpool of life concealed within,
A psychedelic fiesta booming with
A myriad of emotions beneath the brim

Indeed, Silence turns Audible,
Colors turn Tangible,
Misery turns Defeatable,
Loneliness turns Affable

Music begins to make all the more sense,
When freed from the cacophony of the day,
In fact, the night will tune a sweeter melody
If you'll put those headphones away

And listen! Listen to the solitude,
The slow tick-tock of the clock,
The distant horn of a car somewhere,
The occasional howl of a street dog,

The rustle of leaves as they dream in their slumber,
The whisper of the wind as it strolls outside,
The sound of Papa's snoring the sole interruption,
To the fluid rhythm of the night.

A certain contenment surrounds me tonight,
As I bid goodbye to the second hour revelry,
Where my sentiments turned to words,
And words turned into my long departed but duly returned,
Ghazal Dec 2015
I may not be able to
Shape you into a poem today,
Though you've been calling out to me
From quite some time now,
Know that I'm keeping you safe
Inside my heart,
Where all my emotions rest,
Where all my peace and turmoil conjoins
and fills up my being, makes me real,
I'm going to keep you there,
Dear idea, bask in my happiness,
Feel my pain, the knots of my confusions,
The force of my convictions,
The pangs of my regrets,

And wait for me,
For, when the time is right,
I'll reveal you to the world,
In all your wisdom and beauty,
Wait for me, my love.

Until I'm able to put you into words,
Feel at home inside my soul.
Ghazal Nov 2015
Loving you is an acquired taste
Like my love for cheesecake,
Strange, unfamiliar, sour-ish at first,
Frowned upon by many, not understood by some,
Which slowly grew upon me, with its
Pleasant softness, the delicious gooeyness of its core,
the sweet, sweet feeling long after it's
touched my lips,
Loving you, an uncharted flavour then,
makes all the sense in the world *now
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