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Ghazal Oct 2015
I am the star of small groups,
Intimate meetings, close friends,
Personal conversations,
Old, private jokes- they are my thing,
Talking to someone i barely know
Seated at a far corner of a noisy table,
Is something I just can't do,
A "remember when..." gets more out of me
Than a "what's up",
So, in a crowd, I may be the "quiet" type,
But at a table of four, I am full of life,
I can become the life of that table,
I'm that type,
The in/ex-trovert,
That's me, what about you?
Ghazal Oct 2015
Hearts bound by Destiny don't obey
the rules of distance, time, realities;
they cannot be chained by worldly restraints

For their bond had been carefully crafted
that day the universe had taken upon itself
to bring their love story to completion

And who can defeat the universe?
Constraints, tangible and intangible,
try but miserably fail,

As the two hearts, sometimes flutter,
Falter, fly hither-thither,
But never go away much further

And are pulled back together,
again and again - again and again!,
With the strings of their celestial love, unbreakable

Sparks fly when the hearts conjoin,
Reeling from separation, their love now intensified;
The beatific universe watches over them

*And blissfully smiles
Ghazal Oct 2015
I love you and there's no if or but about it,
I love you like I've known all my life how to,
Like I was born with the feeling oxygenating
my blood, my very core,
I love you even when I try to deny it,
I think about you even if I am thinking about something else,
You're always there, sometimes in background,
sometimes in foreground, but you're always there, why?
Because I love you!
With you I leave all the road maps behind,
With you I don't go according to "plan",
You take my plans and set them haywire,
Jazz them up into something unexpected and
Phenomenal, you take me to the road I would never
have taken, but I do, because that road has
Ghazal Sep 2015
It's that time of the night again

The memory of your presence
Lulls me to soft sleep
But the shock of your absence
Pulls me awake again

I toss and turn in this gnawing pain
It's that time of the night again
Ghazal Sep 2015
Cornered by two-faced,
Three-faced, uncountable-faced,
No-faced monsters-
The so-called confidantes,
Well-wishers and friends,
Who deep down are back-stabbing fiends-
I put up a brave face,
And try to take them on,
With a true face, my only face.
I will hold my own
Ghazal Sep 2015
Heartbeat aflutter,
Rhythms skip and stutter,
Slip as if on butter,
It's the end of those days forlorn,
the heart sounds in triumph,
*Crush Alert- ON!
Ghazal Aug 2015
Our fingertips touch and the world
Comes to a standstill-

Still as all of nature at dusk,
Silent as the moonlight on a starless night,
Heavy as the gurgling clouds just before it rains,
Blinding as the sun in all its glory and light

Our fingers begin a rhythmic dance,
As if playing the piano, rendering a favorite song,
Knowing the pace, the moves by heart,
Not faltering once, not going wrong,

Then twined together, we blissfully lay,
Content, peaceful, complete.
The moment of oneness cupped between our hands
preserved for all of eternity.
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