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Ghazal May 2014
Saw her after years,
Clinking her glass as
Everyone roared "cheers"
To somebody's happiness
They cared two dimes about.
Marvelling over how her
Hair seemed to finally
Stay in place,
How she did eventually learn
To suffer high heels with grace,
And trying hard to not be
Intimidated by the hint of rouge
Adorning her face, I managed
A "What are you doing here!"
Expecting her to reply in some
Accent or language as fancy
As she'd become,
But oh! Musically she spoke
In a manner as matter of fact,
As nonchalant, as uncautious
As before,
"You know, just pretending to be pretentious!"

Oh you wicked little rebel, I thought,
Gently tugging at her hair,
Loosening one curl,
Try as you might to pretend to pretend!
You're way too REAL for this world.
Every woman should bathe herself
then look in the mirror au naturel and say,
"My body is beautiful" because
we forget sometimes that the only person
we need to please is
Ghazal Apr 2014
While he is sort of an
All-black with a dash of fluorescent
Kind of guy
I am more of a
Dazzling fluorescent with a hint of black
Kind of girl
So, what do you think,
Will it work?
Ghazal Apr 2014
Okay, so you waltz right in
Wearing this summery white shirt
Slightly but tantalisingly
See-through, and if that wasn't enough,
You do your little forearm display show
By intelligently folding your sleeves
And then you expect me to be careful
Because you don't want a crease?
Darling, you can't have the best of all worlds.
So, while I do my thing,
Excuse me, please.
Ghazal Apr 2014
Hey, I think we should stop right now
Wasting precious hours
Building these sturdy
Pedestals for each other
Let's remain in the dirt instead,
Ankle-deep, slipping, falling,
Giving in to the wind, carelessly
Letting our bodies sway
I have a feeling
Life'll be more fun that way
"But he was the only one who understood me. He didn't put me on some pedestal.
He knew that I didn't want to be adored or coddled..."

- Claire Underwood, House of Cards
Ghazal Apr 2014
You were a little too loud
A little too dismissive
A little too upfront
Forever eager to point out-
Especially among onlookers-
The million ways I was wrong.
I admit your harsh noise
Almost intimidated me enough to
Cave and give in,
Until I craned my ears a bit more
And heard the hollow bellows
Of the clanging insecurities
You'd hidden within.
And then I learnt to not give a ****.
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