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 Aug 2013 gesine
Joe Satkowski
how are you preaching?
with your teeth broken

i can draw lines all day, where i please and when i please
and the lines mean nothing

lit a cigarette
i tried to send you roses but
they wilted as i touched them

many ******* exist outside of your body but only if you let yourself experience them
for how much i enjoy cutting the wings off of butterflies, i never want to be an entomologist
 Aug 2013 gesine
Joe Satkowski
the only thing i have left are planets and
organs attached to each part of the atmosphere
according only to size and weight

i am on life support
and earth is the only
corporeal form of existence i can afford to accept

and rebuilding
stairs to the sky that i won't need for much longer

you look so pretty when you smile
you look so pretty when you smile

i will steal the resources of the earth to fund my seemingly incessant existence
until i know my time is up
 Aug 2013 gesine
Joe Satkowski
i remember all the pictures we took
how i made you come out of your shell
look at it differently
i would always say that to you

you've gone bad
you aren't ripe
you're starting to bruise easily
your blood won't clot
the same as it did the day before

i could hang one of your shirts from the highest tree
douse it in gasoline
strike a match
wrap your garments around my neck and hope for something

but **** will never change
just know how i loved you
 Aug 2013 gesine
Joe Satkowski
pay no mind or matter to any emotion submitted from here on
because if you don't mind, i don't matter
and i think this pact is mutual

are you willing to sacrifice anything?
for that matter, do you have anything that you would want to sacrifice, or do you even have anything worth sanctification
i guess
is what i'm asking you

it must get hot and uncomfortable after you take your face off
and it must have been uncomfortable the entire time anyway
come home and take it off
who are you anyway?
 Oct 2012 gesine
Pablo Neruda
Drunk as drunk on turpentine
From your open kisses,
Your wet body wedged
Between my wet body and the strake
Of our boat that is made of flowers,
Feasted, we guide it - our fingers
Like tallows adorned with yellow metal -
Over the sky's hot rim,
The day's last breath in our sails.

Pinned by the sun between solstice
And equinox, drowsy and tangled together
We drifted for months and woke
With the bitter taste of land on our lips,
Eyelids all sticky, and we longed for lime
And the sound of a rope
Lowering a bucket down its well. Then,
We came by night to the Fortunate Isles,
And lay like fish
Under the net of our kisses.
 Oct 2012 gesine
E. B. White
The spider, dropping down from twig,
Unfolds a plan of her devising,
A thin premeditated rig
To use in rising.

And all that journey down through space,
In cool descent and loyal hearted,
She spins a ladder to the place
From where she started.

Thus I, gone forth as spiders do
In spider's web a truth discerning,
Attach one silken thread to you
For my returning.
 Oct 2012 gesine
Pablo Neruda
When I cannot look at your face
I look at your feet.
Your feet of arched bone,
your hard little feet.
I know that they support you,
and that your sweet weight
rises upon them.
Your waist and your *******,
the doubled purple
of your *******,
the sockets of your eyes
that have just flown away,
your wide fruit mouth,
your red tresses,
my little tower.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
 Oct 2012 gesine
Hilda Doolittle
Where the slow river
meets the tide,
a red swan lifts red wings
and darker beak,
and underneath the purple down
of his soft breast
uncurls his coral feet.

Through the deep purple
of the dying heat
of sun and mist,
the level ray of sun-beam
has caressed
the lily with dark breast,
and flecked with richer gold
its golden crest.

Where the slow lifting
of the tide,
floats into the river
and slowly drifts
among the reeds,
and lifts the yellow flags,
he floats
where tide and river meet.

Ah kingly kiss --
no more regret
nor old deep memories
to mar the bliss;
where the low sedge is thick,
the gold day-lily
outspreads and rests
beneath soft fluttering
of red swan wings
and the warm quivering
of the red swan's breast.
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