Don’t miss a bite
Of today’s free
Blessing of walking up
To the sun, that gives light
Just be
The half-full cup.
Take the time
To smile
To those who pass by,
Imagine a chime
Of a musical style
That can make you fly.
After all
It’s only a day
But it could be last.
Break the wall
Back away
From the sad, have a blast.
Don’t despair
You can find love
At a corner,
But it must fit like a glove
To be extraordinaire
Show passion
Welcome “out of the blue”,
Just look around
And pay attention,
It’s not just about you,
But everyone’s breeding ground
Round is planet earth
Circling daily
Carrying billions of souls,
Make it worth
Let Love come your way
Be ready, have a ball!
Now matters-8-30-2015