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 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Leah Reed
Cancer has taken away your own life
And I am left alone to find closure.
You had a good life despite all your strife
You have finally met your composure.

The stress that you added to my whole clan
Is something that I will never forget.
Remember how you told the muffin man
Is what causes my eyes to get all wet.

Seeing what was so important to you,
You begin to seem even more insane.
However much you though of as a few,
Keep memories of you on your chain.

Loosing you has been harder than I thought,
And I’m remembering more than I ought.
When I’m with you, I feel beautiful.
I feel as though the world around us fades away,
and all that’s left is you, me, and the sound.
The sound of our hearts singing out in harmony.
The warmth of our lips touching, ever-so gently.
So gently that the butterflies inside of me weep out
the sweetest nectar that has ever been made.

When I’m with you, I feel alive,
I feel giddy, and wild, and free.
So free that I can barely keep from leaping off mountainsides
In hopes that I may soar,
Away from all the troubles
And into your loving arms.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Scottie Green
Whose heart you can tinker with,
And whose body you can play with
I will be waiting here at your beckoning call
Wrapped up in you over one-too-short of a night
All the way around your finger
Three times over
What a charm
You could wear me like a bracelet
And even now,
You do,
But I suppose to you I'd be more of a plaque
Because you don't have any desire to find amusement in my chain
No matter how many jewels I hang from my body,
And I know I'm not a thought
Even fleeting,
But I get dressed with you in mind,
And push your half-smile-face out of head
Picking the ugly underwear,
Without the lace,
Because I know that you aren't coming.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
i dont know how to be something that
you call home
and ive tried so hard
but everynight it rains
youre always sleeping
in someone elses bed

literally and figuratively

im writing poetry for someone who
i have never met
i thought i was making love
with these words for you
but im not

im still upset that you
cant see how bad this hurts
ill never admit it
because complaining fixes nothing
so what is it worth
i dont know why
it hurts this much anyway

but i have my mind
chained and *******
like some kind of beast
sometimes i miss when
people called me crazy

being insane-
like an old friend
or love letters from your first
boyfriend in a box under your bed
i just want things to
be okay

the window pane is a friendly
reminder that i am allowed
to leave whenever
i wish
and these tired eyes
tell me that everything
will in fact
be okay
real ******- planning on reworking this
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Jim Taylor
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Jim Taylor
In the tiny hours of morning
When the moon is going down
And the stars have finished shining
I never hear a sound
Except your breath across my pillow
And the beating of your heart
And I lie awake and wonder
Why we spend
So much time
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
You made me feel at home
When homeless is all I've been

You left me there so cold
And yet still warm within

Come back to our garden
To our hours in the night

Look with me through windows
Whilst depriving them of light

Come back to me, my love
As you promised me one day

Come back to me, my dearest one
Come back to me, and stay.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Dani A
I once stood tall and confident and strong.
You brought me to the floor; belittled and scared.
I fear you the way circus animals fear their trainers.
Crack your whip! Once? Twice? Three times? Four?
Until I jump through your hoops flawlessly.

Bring me down.

Respect? Is that what you call it?
Love? Is that what it is?
Break down my walls just enough to damage me
and see what lies inside.
But not enough for anyone else to notice.

Two faces.
Both terrifying.
Which one is real?

Smile and bring me my meals
Frown and bark your commands.

Who are you? What am I?

Expect me not to retaliate; to look and feel happy.
Because you love me..

Is that what it is?
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Now Run
one day
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Now Run
One day
One day I will
Find peace
I will find
Everything I’ve needed
I will
Love myself
I will
Find the strength to
Go on.
Believing this keeps
Me going.
One day I will
Find peace.

 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Blake Worley
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Blake Worley
In my heart I know that its you.

Ive become someone else.

A life never lived until you.

You showed me your soul.

You've given me love.

Life will never be long enough,

Since I met you.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Mary Oliver
When death comes
like the hungry bear in autumn;
when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse

to buy me, and snaps the purse shut;
when death comes
like the measle-pox

when death comes
like an iceberg between the shoulder blades,

I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering:
what is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness?

And therefore I look upon everything
as a brotherhood and a sisterhood,
and I look upon time as no more than an idea,
and I consider eternity as another possibility,

and I think of each life as a flower, as common
as a field daisy, and as singular,

and each name a comfortable music in the mouth,
tending, as all music does, toward silence,

and each body a lion of courage, and something
precious to the earth.

When it's over, I want to say all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it's over, I don't want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.

I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.
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