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 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Apollo Hayden
I don't know what this is but I can't feel what this isn't
Maybe the false is hidden, caused by the illusions of the heart
O what battles I face in these affairs, and when it comes to you!
Illusions can make it feel so real..
What felt so deep could turn out to be a surface of lust that's frail
So I keep my distance to guard the heart but I grow weak in my resistance
Cold feet in concrete decisions leave me froze
I act as if you should give a ****. How could you if you don't know?
I feel you never will..
'Cause we took it too far way too fast which brought on the chills..
Now occasionally you get mad at me and I've hid this secret anxiety; now I'm sure it shows.
A familiar feeling starts to arise
This situation hangs by an old rope.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Matthea Brown
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Matthea Brown
I have gone out, a cold candle.
Dancing, darting, flickering radiance,
flighty shadows fade back into the night,
but their memory is still on these walls
if you reach out and
touch them.  

I have felt the inhale before the exhale, but
neither as strongly as the pause in between.
Filled with more potential than any dream you’ve ever had,
yet somehow ending the same. Always.

I have surrendered to your breath;
darkness falls.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Kiss Now

Kiss now
Before  you forget
Kiss now
Just like the day we-first-met

Kiss long
Like time has stood still
Get lost in the moment
Until your hearts are fulfilled

Kiss deep
With every emotion you feel
Take one single breath
As your eyes lock-onto what's real

Kiss gentle
Until you both feel aroused
Kiss soft
Until you feel your head-in-the-clouds

Look ahead
As you age and slow down
I'm sure you'll kiss then
Kiss now
While they're still around

Kiss now
With every ounce of your soul
Kiss with passion
So that each of you know

Kiss Now
because soon
Now becomes Then
And guess what?

You'll look back


"Wished you kissed when..."

©8DaveWonder 2010
Close your eyes,
Spill your words.

Say it all,
Listen to nothing.

Simple bliss,
longing comfort.

Let it out,
breath it in.

Tell the walls,
tell them everything.

No words to feedback,
all you ever needed.

Stationary object,
never leaving.
This poem is a realization i had a couple of months ago. The walls in your house are something that can be altered and changed but never taken away. They have no words, but they have ears. Maybe walls are the best listeners anyones ever had- and every needed.
 Aug 2013 Genesis'
Simon Grover
My bones are on fire
flashes from a casket
all the words have sprouted wings
a hint of something working
I'm lost in a thought
but my chains are bleeding
and I'm pinned to the wall
and it's getting harder to keep pulling.
I'm done,
So guess what? You won,
And as I cry,
I want to die,
As I hold the knife steady,
I whisper "Take me god, please, I'm ready
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