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 Sep 2013 Gen Border
Kaleb Vernon
My skin left pierced;
From the gripping bite of your cold voice
Over top your cigarette breath you words still stunk

A lion-heart with a lying heart

You promised the waves of our love would never reach shore;
Instead you dumped me into shallow waters
Lying face down and still not standing...
My feet can't lock onto the drifting sands of your comfortability
so I stay there, trying to swim to my next lover
trying over and over;
...but drownings much easier

The more I turn blue, I cant seem to tell if my emotions are bursting through my skin
or the hypothermia from within.
My mind starts ticking;
My insanity seeps through but I believe it true
That once this clock strikes 12 that you'll be attached by another mouth

The boat we were once on together is drifting away
a simple memorial of true lovers lost
can't find the directions to each others heart
but hope for the best while were apart

*One day, I pray you'll float back here in my dieing last breath
and save me from my misery that you cause since.
Glance at the bullied survivor with no hair left at all,
Look twice and you'll notice
She's still standing tall.

Watch the former gang leader, walking submissively,
Look twice and see the trail of tears,
As he searches for the winding road to recovery.

Observe the old man scrawl a name in the snow,
Look twice and see a father,
Mourning his murdered daughter buried down below.

Admire the woman you love for sure,
Look twice and realize that,
Due to her past abuse, she's still insecure.

Witness the beating of a man done in vain,
Beneath his unruly hair and dark eyes, look twice-
Don't you see pain?

I recognized the quiet woman, generous to the core.
I looked twice and saw my mother,
Still tortured by memories of the Vietnam War.

Dismiss the endless news reports of crime and abuse,
Look twice and understand,
Violence starts with the power to choose.

Awaken and see the world through new eyes,
Look twice at society and find out,
You've been telling yourself lies.

See the disabled, the victims, those who made the wrong choices,
Look twice and listen,
Now can you hear their agonized voices?

I realized the world was never the cordial society I'd dreamt it to be.
I looked twice and found out,
Stopping violence begins with me.
I submitted this poem for the Do the Write Thing Texas Contest two years ago.
 Sep 2013 Gen Border
 Sep 2013 Gen Border
Why I bothered, even at all, is because they had said with smiles that my future was in my hands. I didn’t understand their smiles. I desperately hoped, that it wasn’t, that it would be too big to fit there.

— The End —