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Geetha Raj Nov 2011
When I kicked and pushed my way out,
Into this world, the day I was born....
When I ****** life in from mom,
Along with her tears, as daylight dawned...

When the first shaky steps I took,
Made me trip and fall...
When my red frocks became shorter,
With every inch I grew tall...

When I trembled with excitement for my first day at school…
When the first ‘B’ I wrote came with an extra curl…
For the first medal I brought home, proud…
During the silly fights fought and those taunts…

When I knew pain as I turned a woman…
As I blushed red when my first sari, I draped…
That sleepless night after my first kiss…
Which repeated, with tears after the first break up…

On the stage on that graduation day…
When I laughed with my first job offer, happy and gay…
As the train took me away from the comforts of home…
When I observed in awe, my money the ATM gave…

When I still search for that hand to curl my little finger,
When I look for that fractured shoulder to rest my little head,
When I long for that hoarse voice to comfort my ears.
When I long for that sweaty smell to reassure I’m dear.

I realize life is void, if not for a father…
I realize I still wait, as I always did…
I realize I still long, as I always did…
I realize I still miss you, as I always did...

I realize I still love you,
Daddy, I really do!
Written on 9th May, 2010.
That was a twist, isn't it?
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Struggles are part of every man's life
They come in the form of worries or wives!
And once they are done with arguments and strife
They know life's over, and they forgot to jive!

Miseries come to women as heirs or hubbies
The former is chubby, the latter is stubby!
Often treated as a slave, a cheap scrubby
Now no longer bubbly. She is mostly grubby!

Youngsters are blessed - for they are ignorant and mulish
They are worried of gadgets, or a spreading blemish.
For even when the world is at war and looks bleakish,
What keeps them up would be a love, to anguish.

Children find solace among friends at school
With homework half-done, they're obstinate as mules.
Parents are loving, so they are allowed to drool.
Even teachers look fools. Life is so cool.

Stages of life are - all different, all funny!
Some stages look dry. Some stages look sunny.
The one thing that links all - the crazy and cunning
Its no longer love. Its rather money.
Written on 28th March, 2010.
As the title indicates, it was just something penned for fun.
No thought into it. Just tried to force match the rhymes (with some success!)
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Why do I feel that he is still my world!
Why do I still love his beautiful curls!
I hold to his memories, like they were pearls!
I'm stuck in emotions, twisting like whirls!

Does he realize I've lived through these lashes?
Will he even know, if my number flashes?
Wonder if my smile, on his screen-saver he watches!
Wonder when memories peep, he stops or backlashes?

Do I regret, now as I bethink?
For an affair that was gone, even before I winked!
We were man and wife, though it was not inked.
We felt our love, would always keep us linked!

Does he still care? Does he still tear?
Will I ever dare? Why do I fear?
Verdicts were made, and we adhered!
Just live to bear! Life is austere!
Written on 26th March, 2010.
Don't you wonder, "What would it have been if...".
Imagination can take you to a different phase of life altogether.
You compare the false life you love in your imagination only to hate the reality in your true life! What a paradox!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I knew there was no coming back,
Yet, I walked down the lonely track,
Dragging my feet, which refused to leave
From the door I had slammed forever, behind me.

Maybe this was destined to be,
Or maybe you thought I wouldn't heed!
Cos, you never came after me,
You never called. And never did I plead.

Every bus I boarded, every paper and poster -
Your name in bold, each one hosted!
Silly it seemed, but it did strike a chord!
God was passing a message. Or I was being weird.

I felt you were laughing. It made me tear further!
Insanity? Hatred? I am sure it was neither.
The good happy days of love - were gone
Now there was only us - apart and torn!

We never came by, we never rendered.
Weeks became months, months turned years.
Memories faded. Your name disappeared.
Amongst those who mattered, I have stopped counting you, dear!
Written on 13th March, 2010.
Slamming a door need not mean it is the end.
For many, it is the beginning!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I only ask for a word,
So that I can make sure I've heard!

I only pray for a quick glance,
So that I can then live in that trance!

I only beg for you to hold,
So that I have more fond memories to unfold!

I only stay hidden as you pass by,
So that I can take in me, your every vibe!

I only sleep after I have cried,
So that in my dreams, you'd wipe them dry!

I only put up this silly fight,
So for the rest of life I can say, I tried!
Written on 2nd March, 2010.
Sometimes you come and conquer.
Sometimes you come and lose!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Kisses and tears,
Smiles and swears,

Love and fear,
All still seem so dear!

I wish you were here...
To hold me close and near!

Laughingly, I would bear
What destiny holds clear!

You wrote me a song,
Which I still sing all day long!

Emptiness or peace?
Cant make out what I feel!

Life goes on,
How long will I mourn!

Hoping for my life...
Which left me, the day I whined!

Waiting for my life...
Which stopped living, the day you died!
Written on 14th February, 2010.
Sometimes when certain relationships end, it just kills a part of you.
A part lost forever.
A part which can never be revived.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Will you be my child,
Who I can sing to each night?

Will you be my brother,
A brat I can beat and fight?

Will you be my friend,
To whom I can crib and cry?

Will you be my boss,
To whom I can ask a hike?

Will you be my dad,
So I can hold your hand?

Will you be my lord,
So I'd be with you when I die?

Will you be my Valentine,
Will you be mine?
Written on 14th February, 2010.
Sometimes a love is all you need.
Sometimes a love is all you want!
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