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Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Every time you pass by
My heart goes weak, it leaps and cries...
To walk up to you, I always try
But, as you come near, I almost die!

To hold your hand, my fingers tremble
Yet, seeing you, I can only fumble!
Though my soul is crushed and crumbled,
Those three words, I can only mumble.

I wont come by,
I'm fine, I will lie!
Know this silence kills me,
Yet I wont try!

Days will fly,
Tears will dry,
Times will change,
By then, you'll no longer be mine!
Written on 30th January, 2010.
Acceptance is the way to survival.
Denial only paves way to self-destruction.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I wish I were an ordinary girl,
Who could take time to smell the flowers,
And be late at times!
Who could keep singing to herself,
And laugh non-stop!

I wish I were an ordinary girl,
Who knew no tears or sorrow,
Except when her doll was broken or ribbon stolen!
Who could stop worrying about monthly paychecks,
And count her pocket money instead!

I wish I were an ordinary girl,
Who was taken for granted,
And never the center of focus!
Who had a few friends - who were true,
And could count them too!

I wish I were an ordinary girl,
Who was not so benevolent,
And was greedy, for a change!
Who could make mistakes,
And was still forgiven!

I wish I were an ordinary girl
Who had one regular visitor,
And not so many passersby!
Who could fall in love,
And afford to keep it too!
Written on 28th January, 2010.
At times, during moments of despair, you regret even the good things you have done in life.
Especially when you see people you don't deem deserve the best, enjoy a much better life than your own.
Strange is a human's mind.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I don't live by what I preach - Live life to the fullest and be grief-free!
What I know could fit in a cup, What I don't is vaster than the seas!
I never learn! I never seek!
I am never free. I am full of grief!
Yet in love with life, I claim to be!

I still hold on to frivolous moments...
People who have passed by...
Paper which has faded...
Toys long broken...
Memories which are jaded...

People are weird! I have never known...
Who they were?
Why they came ?
What they meant?
And where they strayed!

I wish - so selfish, I wouldn't be!
And talk to people who wait for me...
Pray for those who are actually in need!
Long for people who find time to be free...
And love those, who are still a part of me!

I will not whine. I will not complain.
Tomorrow brings hope. Tomorrow I will change.
But for today, let me live in grief.
In a day, what difference can it be?
So let me not change. Today, let it be..!
Written on 13th January, 2010.
The only way to help yourself is to push yourself out of the mess you have created.
It is easier to preach. Its tougher to be strong within
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
A beautiful gush of wind...
Thats what i felt when i saw him first...

Two brown eyes....
A vibrant smile...
What more did he have?

That made me so shy?
That made me smile?
That made me feel I'm his and he's mine?

He sang as if he meant every word...
He stared as if I were the most beautiful girl!
He shared as if he'd waited for so long...

Was it love at first sight?
Would it last?
Will I ever meet him?

If every question had an answer,
What was the fun in living?

Why did we meet?
Was it fate?
You could have stayed...
Or rather, never come my way!

What is love, this four lettered word???

Now, I know!

Its when you keep waiting,
When you know you have lost!
Written on 13th December, 2009.
Some people just walk into your life, make you feel so special, charm you and leave you.
You never know what to do with them or without them!
Now I know, it's better not to have met them in the first place. For that experience, trust me, is really not worth it!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Couldn't cry
As I made my first move
My eyes were dry
As my mom had cried!

Could only laugh
When tears came and blocked
Life was tough
Yet "we" pulled and towed!

Could only fake a smile
When he stabbed "us" in our hearts
Could only love him more
The farther he seemed to go!

Could never know us, fair
But, you were never there
Alas! Then when you came
"We" weren't there to bear!
Written on the 31st August, 2002.
It is quite depressing to be brought up in a broken family.
A single mother, no matter how hard she tries with all her constraints, can never replace a father.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Slowly awaken,
Fast asleep
An apprentice at feelings
A ****** at love.

Lively but lonely
Friendly yet fragile!
My heart pounds to music,
Yet stays calm and wild!

They tagged it "Sentimental"
He called it "Most bright"
God marked it "A wild flower,
Fallen from the sky!"

To the reddish mountains,
And the muddy drops,
My life - disdained
Yet it seems to glow!

Amidst the bright darkness,
Of this lonely night,
I pen this to highlight
The flights of my fights!

How my life looks vain!
My birth - a disgrace,
I was born a queen,
Yet, slavery I face!

A burden to my shoulders,
A load to my sons,
A grief to my siblings,
A fun for everyone!

An antique - cheap in nature
A painting - known by none
A sculpture - made of sores
At the hands of asylums!

My vision isnt blurred,
Its the world that has flunked.
Yet, they call me "Funny"
And I call them "Junk!"
Written on 11th August, 2002.
The way the poem was named is hilarious. My roommate then, told me that one night I was woke her up from sleep only to ask her, "Haven't you got enough tears?' and go back to sleep again.
It was senseless. And so is the poem. Hence I thought the title is apt!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Who loved -
Not to fulfill,
But to fullness!

Who hated -
Only hatred!

Who went -
Without waiting to be invited!

Who responded -
Without being called!

Who loved -
Without being loved!

Who figured out -
That perhaps,
Love is God!
Written somewhere in 2002 again.
Your mom is your best friend. Especially, when she is a single mom.
Mine is special. Just sad that we often forget to let her know!
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