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Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Why do I stand,
When the world retreats?

Why do I fall,
When the world is at peace?

Why do I pray
To the deaf and debris?

Why do I choose
From a one-sided dice?

Why do I make
When all others break?

Why do I cry
When, with all might I've tried!

Why do I hate
When all are my mates?

Why do I love
When all are my foes?

Why do I buy
When all are mine?

Why do I sing
When no joy it brings?

Why do I write
When nothing is left bright?
Written on 22nd January, 2002.
Dug this one out from an old diary.
I was twenty then. Justifies the long list of questions asked!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Music - Soft and slow.
My mind - It's free to flow.
Melody - Soothing and calm.
Singing - My sorrows are embalmed!
Sacrifice - The only way to let go.
Sorrow - Is with me through and fro.
Solitude - A blessing in disguise?
Passion - May come before demise?
Love - In your eyes I see...
Weddings bells - Now, part of debris.
Peace - Will be
Happiness - I'll see

Tears - Will stop
Cry - I will not

Fake - Were emotions.
God - I pray with caution!
Helpless - In my path I feel.
Pain - Is all I get in deal!
Misery - Will have to fail
Faith - I will keep nailed

Hope - Has been torn.
Smiles - Will but be born!*
Beauty - Is in you.
Friends - Are truly few.
Hugs - Are they free?
Baby - Can I be?
Innocence - Will it return?
Dew drops - On a heart which burnt...
Ring - My naked finger!
Music - Makes me linger!
Written on 28th November, 2009.
Life IS full of if's and buts.
A lot of '*Conditions apply', if you were to put it in marketing terms.
Wouldn't you agree?
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
While young and naive,
I had dreams to achieve,
A childhood to leave,
And no time to grieve!

Time did a favor -
With age I got braver.
Couldn't wait and crave,
With a youth, so depraved!

I no longer cover,
Nor pretend to glower.
When showered by a lover,
Kisses are devoured!

Bundles of notions,
Twirls of emotion,
Hugs of devotion,
Like the warmth of the ocean!

Moments of pleasure,
Fragments to treasure,
Sweat which felt fresher,
I love with no measure!

Now, with no hopes
Skin that's gone taupe,
In solitude I *****,
Even death has eloped!

My face, now turned ashen
My soul, with the demon
My life, wrongly driven
My past stays - unforgiven!

Tears flow in streams...
I wake from that dream,
As odd it may seem,
My sore eyes still gleam!

The bright sun still shines,
Everything looks fine.
Life is so divine...
I thank god, its mine!
Written on 27th November, 2009.
Perhaps weighed a little above hopes.
Both drive us and keep us focused.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Will I find a love that's mine,
That will be with me, through time and tide?

A smile that will assure you are safe, its me!
A hand that will hold, yet set me free!

A glance that will shine, as my shadow saunters
An embrace that will hold me in a lasting fonder!

A praise, even when make-up fades on my face
A kiss, even when my eyes swell in disgrace!

A chest so wide, for me to gander
A mind so full of me, to ponder!

When will I find the love of my life?
That will be with me,
And be mine... and be mine!!!
Written 23rd November, 2009.
Hope keeps us moving.
It keeps us alive.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
My fears trickle down as tears,
Yet I crave for your kisses on my ears.

My anger overcomes my sorrows,
Yet I hope I can hold you tomorrow.

My heart still pounds hard when you are mentioned
And my love for you, grows exponential!

You are gone. I feel torn.
The dead don't return. My soul feels burnt.

All in vain. All down the drain.
The world has moved on. And I refuse to live on.

I refuse to accept. I refuse to release.
Death is not a reason. Death is just a treason.

By your grave, I will cry
Tears of sorrow, to make you abide.

You will live, You will return!
For in my heart, I shall hold you undeterred.
Written on 21st November,  2009.
Sometimes, you love and lose. But, you don't give up.
It is a sad spot to be in. I have been there too!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Percussion of thoughts…
Foundations ruined!
Foundations formed!

Demise of values…
Morals found!
Morals lost!

Array of rights…
What’s sought?
What’s got?

Accusations flaunted -
Baseless, thoughtless.

Emotions displayed -
Fake, forged, fictitious.

A world,
Where ambiguity reigns
Like Kings in a dream.

Where love comes to those
Who yearn for debris.

Where lust becomes Dharma
And destruction becomes Karma.

Where do I stand?
If I ****, I may succeed.

And return to being a baby
Smiling and sleeping to lullabies.
Written on 8th January, 2008.
I frankly don't remember why and how. In fact I, now, don't follow half of what I've written in the poem.
State of mind. Does crazy things to people!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Why pretend be my friend?
And ditch me in the end?

Why further offend?
When I don't defend!

Why that smile still?
When you always wanted to ****?

Why crib and command?
When you've already abandoned?

You needn't walk beside me, behind me or before me
As long as you don't stab me,
Its fine!
Written on 23rd October, 2009.
This time after a huge fight with a very close girl friend. No, don't get me wrong. I don't always walk away from relationships. I guess it was just a very low time of my life.
Now, of course a lot of water has flowed under the bridge and we are back to being friends! So, a poem is all that we have to remember our fight!
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