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620 · Feb 2011
Presence of Mind
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2011
Do you know you're bleeding,
Before you see your blood?
Does loneliness burden the heart
When about gaggles of babble?

Yet where is my tourniquet?
Oh sweet tourniquet...
For the taste of iron,
Is too much, often.
Written Feb 11, 2011 @ 9:37 AM CST
619 · Dec 2012
Every time I gaze upon you
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Every time I gaze upon you,
The sun rises and my heart starts.
Turning the ignition, ready to roll
Blazing down the road after you,
Knowing I cannot keep up with you.
But my mind stays on you
Every second thinks of you.

Yet when the clouds take the sunshine away
I feel hurt, unloved, and alone.
Deprived of this photosynthetic warmth
And ripped into the clutches of depression.
When the eclipse is done, I'm relieved.
I see my sunshine who teaches me much
About the love I pursue every day.

You've become a living segment of me,
Providing life force for survival or my heart.
The very single love you radiate
Warms me to think of you time and time again.
But if you ever fade from the skies,
I'll lose my warmth and be struck down.
The the death spawning frozen hell of sadness.

Then I lose sight of you until time.
I stop and wait for you again, hoping,
That I picked the right star to chase,
Before I never knew what I was chasing,
Or why I could never stop looking for you.
Now I know you and your brilliant radiance
Comprehending to never give way.
Written June 8, 2003
614 · Jan 2013
Pensivity Insanity
Gary W Weasel Jr Jan 2013
You wish to think deep
    Yet wishing what you thought is wrong.
I walk with a heavy heart
    From the source that which fuels desire
I think, can I trust any?
    With what the little trust I already have?
I wonder, can I love any?
    Only if they do unto me that trust.

But there are those I love
Yet fueling me the heavy heart.
And bringing me into this cursed life.
However, they're my birthright,
And are meant to love.
Written June 8, 2002
Revised June 14, 2002
612 · Dec 2012
Glance of Upwardness
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
True I had, the right to remain dead
But a word that is dead goes so long unsaid
So I lived there very much real
And to know real the warmth that I feel.

Pouring upon the crypt and text
Then held from my text and you sitting here next.
Wishing to perpetuate unforeseen meeting
End of night meeting came and unto farewell greeting.

Yet walking upon the courtyard tall
I find the end of wall and gazingly all
Scanning the heavens and suddenly gaping
And captivated gaping at stars of infinity escaping.

But when I gaze up I am not alone
For to be alone gives a depressant drone
In my scan it is your face I see
Infinity stars sparkling and twinkling down onto me.
Written November 13, 2003 @ 10:15 PM
609 · Feb 2010
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Alas, there he stands
Far above ocean sands,
The eyes close and ears have opened
To the world of sound around him.

Far could the eye strech out
Across the ocean in the sun's route,
No land can be found upon the horizon
Except the rock below his bare feet.

Each and every cresant wave,
Break above what he sets to brave
And covers its depths in uncertainty
To force the truth to be unknown.

And high above these waves below
Off an end of the ocean plateau
He leans and lisens with eyes closed
To the crashing of the waves underneath.

The birds echo through the sky
And do echo the waves' war cry
For he stands unclothed and silent
Preparing for a dive of faith.

The springs of his ankles unload,
And in hair and ears the winds blowed
His linked hands and fingers led the way,
And his closed eyes trusted the future.

Faster, more does his speed quicken
The mist of the waves does thicken
And louder the wind whistles, the waves crash
Although no drops of fear pour from his soul.

Plumitting to the depths at last,
Into the waves comes a decisive crash,
And now the test has arrived at his hands,
To dive deep for devils and their secrets.

Written: July 3, 2006 @ 11:35 PM CDT
602 · Dec 2012
Rose Petal
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
I was entrusted a rose petal
By the Grace of God
A singular peculiarity

Fingers stroke its creases
From magenta borders
Fading unto blooming sunshine.

Feeling the beauty of it,
The smooth silk
Of tantalizing luxury

Pocketed for a charm
Later to ascertain
All the hue soaked away.

But held close,
The rosy scent
Still forever lingers.
Written February 12, 2004 @ 6:51 PM CST
600 · Feb 2010
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Must to the rising crescendo he listen,
Given, before dawn, the early cry?
His morrow fatigue he scratches off,
And commences for a key to the sky.

Warm at heart he resonates icy air
And tunes it at work to fancy his mind.
The epiphany of his potential ability
Shall not waste or it shall decline.

The path to a dream he knows all well,
Seeing the lowest achieve exalted crest.
Labor to toil with unrest cascades to his key,
And effort meets the zenith of the best.
Written: February 4, 2005
598 · Dec 2012
Day of Infamy II
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
There commenced a prevalent time,
    Not knowing many would float above.
A direful action that not one could mime
    Now saying their woes to the ones they love.

A surprise had happened once before
    Causing many to run and cover one-self
Now again surprise is knocking at our door
    History does like to repeat itself.

Hence it began on a clear blue day,
    When souls were happy and bright.
For many to work they go away
    Not knowing disaster had taken flight.

People have working, high in the air
    Unknown, getting ready for what is in store.
They sight coming towards, a dove right there
   Just larger it was, a thousand times more.

It was at this time God lifted his hand
    And we smelled a breeze that didn't take care,
For there was no safety over this land
    Then shock and fear struck those in midair.

In the blink of an eye existed flames and fire
    But in a few minutes it repeated, the history.
The large white dove had hit the first much higher
    Your eyes don't deceive you; the sight's no mystery.

Dost here there is panic, hurry and screams,
    Elsewhere there is peace but not for long.
A dove in sight of five sides, so it seems,
    The mad one that does not right but wrong.

Now all that's left, is the four.
    And the twins have ultimately, yet sorrowfully fell.
For they are no longer visible from shore
    There is a sound coming, the awesome death knell.

Finally seeing that we suffered a great deal,
    God lowered his hand and struck down a dove.
We cry, for despair and loss is what we feel.
    He watched and taught us a lesson from above.

Now there is no longer any urgency
    "This will test our nation's resolve," he said.
'Twas a great day of emergency,
    On the paper next day it was, attack we read.
Written April 6, 2002
Revised June 14, 2002
593 · Dec 2012
Don't Look Back
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Rage flexed upon each other
Never once agreed together
Mind and heart seem to sever
Ever since life twas born.

War on scale far so grand
No spot of green o'er the land
More shelling than one may stand
Inside a war between mind and heart.

Tranquility here seldom given
Peace consistently overridden
To reconcile is forbidden
And blood splashes o'er battleground.

Do not make the mind mistaken
It is know for and has taken
Life from it and heart as Lincoln,
Engine of Life may destroy itself.

The heart is stubborn, and is strong
It shall fight and know no wrong
Until the ego brain is gone
Then it shall fuel the body blindly.

Now in love the balance is broken
There no free card nor no token.
Because the love for her is broken
In a splice one may not resect.

The heart in pain is ghastly screaming
And thus the mind is gently scheming
To rescue dreams of loveful dreaming
In a treaty for brand new love.
Written November 15, 2003 @ 11:23 PM CST
577 · Dec 2012
The time draws nearer
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
The time draws nearer,
The end of the beginning
Looms over the horizon
Speeding ever closer.

Fatigue installs within
And reigns times in time
My impetus shares the throne
Several total confidence.

When the end is here,
Where will the beginning be?
My conscious proves nervous
In times of eternity.

I imagine then
At the end of the end
When it comes
I'll exist alone.
Written November 17, 2004 @ 12:55 PM CST
575 · Apr 2010
Heart of Silver
Gary W Weasel Jr Apr 2010
It's the message left,
The light blinking on the answering machine
The buzzing of the lonely phone on your dresser
The offline message ne'er received
She's whirling about the world
Living to make a living
Often becoming invisible to all others

Here I open my heart to let you read it
For I do not pester without a point
Many moons shave been used to consider
Now I wish to climb down from my pillar

I dare to sacrifice proximity for distance
I consider the reward worth the costs
For over three scores of moon I knew your heart
Yet, now, I daresay seek to meet it again.
Written: April 8, 2010 @ 3:13 PM CDT

Two more stanzas omitted for another poem.
573 · Jul 2011
Gary W Weasel Jr Jul 2011
Why, oh my father?
Why, oh my friend?
Shall I cast my flesh into the lake of fire...

Why, oh my brother?
Why, oh my mother?
Shall my soul be so tied unto such desire...

Somewhere deep is the heart of David...
Somewhere near is the lust of the flesh...

You, creator, shall you harden my heart?
What misfortune of Pharaoh shall burn...
I pray and pine in time of dismay,
And when the plague dissolves - I return

Shall I wash in the Tigris, merely once?
For these spots will not vanish from me...
Whilst my ears cease to hear silence,
And my eyes, too open to see?

When shall you send your hand out,
To strike fear of the almighty upon the wall
So shake my very soul within the flesh
To tenderly call me lest I fall...

Commence the finale, mark as the Alpha
Thus by Omega, unto which shall end?
Written July 7, 2011 at 01:22am EDT
565 · Feb 2010
River of Tears
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
I remember... those days when we were happy with other.

The days I would pick you up and spin you around,
The nights I would walk with you to wherever;
The first kiss that took both of our breaths away.

The days when you were the happiest woman on Earth
We were in deep love with each other.

But what happened, o blur, what did you do?
Will this well of tears not dry up?
For my love for you is still so very strong.
But alas, it has no outlet anymore.
How great is the pain, the pressure of this,
What happened to ruin our happiness?
Where did things truly start to go wrong?

My heart is bleeding, for I am alone again...
So, very, alone.

Oh Lord, what discipline have you wrought?
Will you not comfort me anymore?
Do you not hear my despairing cries?
Every prayer I give to you only ends in sobbing.
Father I am impatient and in pain.

Can you not touch my feelings?
Can you not heal the wounds?
Can you not remove the salt from them?

For now, I have no more questions, nothing more to ponder...
All I can do now, is wait for my heart
To stop bleeding.

To finish pouring out the excess love that fits nowhere.
Written: August 16, 2009 at 4:33 PM CDT
556 · Feb 2010
Mind Your Words
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Mind your English,
Watch your French.

What here, are these words I see?
It all looks like Greek to me...
Day in, day out, I toil, I labor
Seeking and augmenting my repertoire of words.
More often, so often, I read, I find
My disgust in my own language's ineptness.

I say here, I love you.
But as also I say there,
I love you as well.
But society has brought love
Crashing down around their ears
For these two loves are naught the same!
Written: February 23, 2010 @ 1:03 PM CST
554 · Feb 2010
Army of Truth
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
No veil or curtain of deceit shrouds me
For nothing dims the power bequeathed
The ground yields to my boots’ weight
I crush the serpent’s head under my heel
The dust about cannot rest upon my crest
Holding no tainted steel nor ounce of rust

I approach civilians in their desolate darkness
And illuminate them by my shield’s light
Sword sheathed, I offer my hand in love
Opportunity to serve in the army of light
We serve the fearless, our powerful leader
To toil and labor in fighting the enemy

This armor glows; it creates the shadows
That evil hides in, to cower in terror.
For my tracks lead the way, my path is light
I follow one whose light cannot dim
One who needs no armor for protection
Who’s power and love stand unrivaled

Here I stand stall.
Shield held high
Sword at my side.

And behind me
Are the many ranks
All in the same armor.

We are the many,
Yet the few to rally.
Behind the savior.
Written: December 11, 2009 @ 11:24 PM CST
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
The years flashing within my head
Only the latest two
First in peace but now in question
On my timeline of you.

All the memories blazing past
Lost nostalgia once evermore.
I came to love you, love you strong
Conjuring intangible blood and gore.

In our fresh acquaintance, I thought you so
With unaltered personality
Defiantly I have seen you change
By reaction to reality

Your back has turned, unattending
It looks from here to be so far
Tell me why please, oh please I plea
Cause I do not know who you are

Written December 22, 2003 @ 10:58 AM CST
549 · Feb 2012
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2012
My heart cries out around the sound of time standing still
My eyes well up because of how tender You make my heart
My dreams are filled with the sweet aroma of her presence.
My hopes hold fast to my dreams with eyes wide open

Shall I stand still for many moons while waiting?
For my trust is in You, O Lord.
From repose to repose, my mind endures torment
For this is the path, the road less learned.
Written February 2, 2012 @ 10:22 CST
549 · Dec 2012
Immortal Voyage
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Five years hast vast seas chartered.
From beginning and on.
This sea long voyage,
Commencing at every dawn.

The rocky bay claimed its lives
In the first forty moons.
Navigation without a map, into
Thy yonder blue
But lessons will be attested to
So there it would be found.
By how much it grew.

On thine forty-first moon
A turtle embarked upon
This voyage forever long.
Yet by the forty-eighth
It was sought out for gone.

Then on the fifty-sixth
That trodden on vessel
Found a love rift
A night in heaven deemed untrue.
Leaving a precious memorial gift.

Thus leaving my chosen isle
From the altogether sea
A search was sought out
To follow flight of a dove
Clearer than a breaking wave may be
Then floating in innocence
The pearl dove dost found
No longer pure yet in a pool
Of blood in which shot down
Tears nought wiping unshiftable wreckage
A broken body engine finds its way,

Another isle I hath come upon,
But the terra dost not captivate me.
Yet the reef around it encircling,
I think of what it could be
It strikes my thoughtful mind
To realize...
Such a color I hath ne'er seen,
Except in her eyes.
Written September 15, 2003 @ 10:06 PM CDT
547 · Jan 2013
Postmortem II (Ex Animo)
Gary W Weasel Jr Jan 2013
I hear stories, I wonder why,
I am so lucky, to live like I do.
Tragedy striking all but me
I'm truly sorry my friend.

But you know you can trust God
For he loves you.
I trust you.  You can trust me.
That's a promise.
Written June 23, 2002
544 · Jan 2013
Peaceful Quest
Gary W Weasel Jr Jan 2013
So hence it goes on.
Search yourself fully.
See your emotions
Soundly I say to:

        "Destroy that of evil
        The five great enemies
        Ambition and avarice,
        Pride, anger, and envy.
        It is more difficult
        To do that it seems.
        For you just cannot say:
        'I have none.  It is gone.'
        The beginning is hard,
        and requires patience."

Mind yourself wisely,
Makes yourself well.
Magnetize the good.
Mock not my advice,

        "Peace is rarely denied
        To all the great peaceful
        Search not from the outside,
        But with inside of you
        At this point of your quest,
        Let not war, corrupt you.
        It is the happy, natural,
        State of soul and spirit.
        More patience is needed.
        It's the key content."

Close to be finished
Calm your mind and soul.
Create a good will.
Contain my knowledge:

        "If one is abusive,
        Quit company of them.
        If another cheats you
        Terminate all deals
        Nothing surpasses this,
        Awesome, calm and cool way
        Of confronting the wrongs
        That we meet each day.
        Speak, move as if in prayer.
        In truth, this is a prayer."

Finally, it's done.
Written May 1, 2002
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
For he is gone, for he is dead
For he has left and left us dead.
No!  Wilt not yet young flowers,
Flourish still.
Thy lost flow hast merely chosen
For God's table vase.
Radiate they iridescence to the eyes!
Captivate still.

For he is gone, for he is dead.
For we go on, recall instead
Dreams a dreamy man conceived
Of a flower garden, watered well
Flourishing its beauty.
Every seed of soil meticulously placed
To watch the roots grow shoots
Shooting into the sky
Capturing glorious warmth from the dreamer,
Of a thousand dreams
Come true.

For he is gone, for he is dead
Think not that, conceive instead,
Were thy flowers shall come to be
The dreamer who did succeed
Bequeaths to you
To dream

Dream through walls
Befalling the best
And become thy exalted one.
Written February 21, 2004 @ 11:33 PM CST
Written in memory of my best childhood friend's father.
541 · Jan 2013
Recap to Resolve
Gary W Weasel Jr Jan 2013
It's just 3 short of 12
And the death knell is no more.
The grave is clear now
Soon building where light takes its place.
As we recall our memory,
Almost as if, it were yesterday.
When in the blink of an eye,
Existed the flames and fire of horror.

Seeing those in air, falling
And bouncing back up to heaven
Or going straight through
Because of the evil they held.
Sorrow influence millions
While others far away cheered
The cloud covers that
Horrible image of what stood no more.

Those who caused this
As well the others who harbored it
Have payed dearly
And lost their prideful foothold
Yet there is more
That which we are moving on to.
Perhaps just to prevent
Another day of infamy elsewhere.

We will never forget
And the death knell is no more.
Written May 28, 2012
541 · Feb 2010
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
I look to the left,
Glance to the right.
Wherefore shall the river take me?

For within this boat
I hold n'er a paddle
Afraid to be carried out to sea.

I pray to the father,
Feel the arms of the Son.
My pain is lesser than what it should be.

I know He knows well
What the destiny may be
But I pray I have a say for what I may see.

So shall I be rescued?
Or remain here in current
Until I'm lead out to the open sea?
Written: August 10, 2009 at 2:17 PM PDT
540 · Dec 2012
Ending Infinity?
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
For only those who have the strongest imagination,
Let your mind wander free and ponder
Its task is hard just to imagine,
But does it end?
Or go on forever?
Or is it ending infinity?
Maybe one day, if mankind exists that long,
The light will come to us and tell the truth
Then we can prove whether we're right or wrong
Until then, we can only imagine of this fascination.
Written April 9, 2002
Revised June 14, 2002
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Truth shall ever be contained in the mind
The decider, debater of life
Collaborating with the body's output
Allowing the face with lies and truth to bind.
But power is described among some
To deceive the ****** risks,
Extirpating all traces of truth to find.
Written June 14, 2004 @ 11:52 PM CDT
536 · Dec 2012
A doll tossed around
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
A doll tossed around.
In a world of fantasy
For twelve moons of love.

Then loudly ****** back,
In another world unnoticed
Spying my ****** pearl dove.

Lost back in reality
Rambling headless amiss
For the upper hand above.
Written July 13, 2003 @ 10:56 PM CDT
535 · Apr 2010
Coat of Hearts
Gary W Weasel Jr Apr 2010
Behold your statue, you are called
By the One, the living God.
To be the light upon the world
Giving sight unto the world's lost.

They walk on the ash of the world,
Wading through rivers of lava;
Rasped hands trying to climb mountains.
Soot suffocating light of day.

Trudging about as dead machines.
Some denying what's past the soot,
Some climb the volcano itself,
Following the false hopes for light.

Yet there are those who remain curious...

Woe to the lost; they do not know the way!
Amongst the ash and fire, how could they?
Alas, we, the light unto this cruel world,
Must light the path that it may be unfurled.

Wear your faith, not upon a coat of arms,
But upon your heart, where His spirit charms.
For hearts of the faithful hold mighty love
So all the world knows the light's warmth above.
Written: March 25, 2010 @ 2:16 PM CDT
530 · Feb 2010
I Am Mine No More
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
So here you are
We stand here on these rises.
The rises, have no support but float
They float of the oceans of emotions.
There Crystal clear water
Yet we're here, surrounded by darkness.

For your light cannot stand up to my heart.
For your light begets the vile of my heart.
For your light cannot mend the divide in my heart.

I position my knife
And open my chest
I reach between ribs
And pull out my heart.

My face is downcast,
The pain of my body
Is only an echo
Of the stories told
By the scars on my heart.

Do you see my heart?
Do you need to come closer?
Do you see its redness,
Its fervor for God?
Do you see its greenness,
Its loneliness of man?
Do you see its blackness,
The grudge against you?

Can you feel its darkness?
Its hatred towards you?
Yet I pull it out, in fear that,
If consumed by my darkness
I may not see my heart...
Written: October 14, 2009 @ 11:30 PM CDT
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
'Twas a single kiss that stole me away
And all thought taken with.
Gazing back at you with a face of wonder,
Then catching myself breathless.

I was caught off gaurd by astonishment,
Not knowing what to say at all.
Then like a broken dam come rivers of love
And happiness at how far I fall.

With worries razed and hopes held high,
I came back for another daze.
Remember every second under the heavens
And your every passionate gaze.

Then our hearts came back and met again
And once more for a time thrice.
Sadly departing, yet I determined to live,
Perhaps another time to entice.

As I rode and went on with the night,
I thought of nothing more but you.
And even as I climb into my warm repose,
I dreamt of you til the morrow dew.

Thy fantasies of a twilight cold and brisk
Wishing so to see your face.
That no chill breeze could rend us apart
From our forever warmest embrace.
Written: August 27, 2003 @ 9:40 PM CDT
529 · Dec 2012
An eye in the sky
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
An eye in the sky
By the moon does spy
Zooms in down to earth
On a boy wondering why
In  leisure he sits
In open window sill high
Of the school's west wing
On the band hall side.
Feeling the wind passby
His face and through hands
Smell the flowers nearby
And gazing into the sky
Where the eye dost lie
But outside the obvious
Of beautiful blue sky.
There is a tornadic storm
Where in the mind does lie
The gravity of love
And he still wonders why
He waits window sill high.
Staring into azure sky
Waiting for the one he loves
Wondering if their fates will tie.
While he lounges day by day
As the yellow eyes passes him by,
Either to love or die.
June 10, 2003
529 · Feb 2010
The Cabinet
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
For my eyes shall not beget another tear.
Whilst I twirl my thumbs I reside not on fear.
Now, oh what pain you invoke unto my heart?
It even bleeds for you, though we last apart.

This feeling, reminiscent, I know too well.
You see, the last keeper of the key could tell,
That whilst she held the key, so did my heart pain.
A vicious cycle, regretful to no gain.

I foresee the sounds of lips and tongues proceed,
In dismay, relation limits shall exceed.
The strain of breaking fibers shall hurt us all,
So many a ****** fist will pound the wall.

So though you may still hold the key to my heart,
The locks have been switched to nullify your part.
I will remain cold and distant 'til the day,
When once more, I bestow my new key away.
Written: August 17, 2009 at 10:35 AM CDT
527 · Dec 2012
Stay Away
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
A wretched curse fallen upon me
A virus that lives inside me.
I shall accept it no more.

My heart cannot be mended
Further than it has been broken.
Back then, oh way back then
Touching you gave such warmth.

Now you feel cold to me,
And my limbs freeze from your touch.
I cannot touch you further,
You freeze and shatter my heart.
You hurt me, torment of total anguish
Stay away from me, quit breaking my heart.

I cannot stand you anymore
Quit touching me.
You're so cold.
Written November 17, 2003 @ 2:03 PM CST
526 · Feb 2010
The Pensive's Return
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
They're all afraid
To speak of the unspeakable.
Afraid to approach,
Or do they really not know it?

Others make discovery,
And send their condolences off.
They bake cupcakes,
And ice the cakes.

Their past shows a similar knot,
When we look at the ropes
Of our lives.

Light sheds that in time two ropes,
Were tied together twisting freely.
A fortunate some, the fibers make one.
The rest, the knots were false, loose...
Giving way at unexpected tugs.

My mind travels over oceans...

Her hand is never there anymore,
There's nothing to keep my balance.
No more a sweet embrace.
No more taste of beautiful lips.

For now all that exists is a one-way street.
I will come but she will not.
And I wonder...

Oh Lord, what is the future?
My humanity desires to see into your looking glass.
While your glass is true,
I am a mere child in your eyes.
Simply crying of my wishes.
Written: August 13, 2009 at 9:37 PM CDT
521 · Dec 2012
Here upon the isle of love
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Here upon the isle of love
Many inhabitants dwell and surge
Here in lovelorn inn
Are many visitors.
Written January 8, 2004 @ 12:16 PM CST
516 · Dec 2012
The human race has a flaw
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
The human race has a flaw until life is complete.
Every soul holds their own personality puzzle.
One side used for the life's learnings,
Another inducted into the physical health.
A part with the socialism of the minglerr,
And to last, for deep loving love.

My puzzle missed an entire side.
And the edges there curved off,
As it nothing belonged there.
A fact difficult to bear.

Love's piece does not fit,
Into my puzzle.
Thus life will never feel above
Because its made in vain to love,

Only for me.
Written August 22, 2003 @ 10:27 AM CDT
516 · Dec 2012
Emotion haunts more on
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Emotion haunts more on,
For twenty four moons
Growing and maturing now
More than before

A feeling always known
Yet I find conflict
Believing falsely
There is time
Perhaps Grace save me.
Written January 30, 2004 @ 1:00 PM CST
508 · Feb 2010
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Day upon day I stroll through my garden
And always do I halt to gaze upon one flower.
To dwell, absorb, adore.
Much of the day's sun spent in focus upon it.
Leaving a watermark upon my mind for the night.

Day upon day I stroll through my garden
And pause to admire my dearest flower
****** expression inverts.
I depart, to continue on without dwelling
To dodge mourning upon the first winter frost.
Written: March 28, 2006 @ 10:28 A.M. CST
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2014
I lie in the sand under the palm tree
Sand between the toes, washing in the sea
I count the stars, for the seventh time now.
With the moon out, I nearly forget how.

My meals come few, and far in between
Could the fish be sparser, so it would seem
There's so much time between my feasts to think
Ocean surrounds, yet not a drop to drink.

I ponder at the moon and recognize
How its hue reveals the deceit and lies
You, my misty moon, I remember you
When I saw you last, in agony too.

Those I held dearest left me here to rot
To wander about, within pain and thought
To fend for myself and survive alone
And march ahead in bracing the unknown.

I lie in wait tearing my own nails
Wondering what first will come, death or sails?
Until then I'll forsake those who left me
And draw closer to the sun whilst I be.
Written September 6, 2009 @ 12:02 AM CDT
505 · Dec 2012
Public Enemy Number One
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
A substance within is not felt
Is not touched
Nor smelt
Or heard.

But lives in our lives upon the day.
Stronger than radioactive assailant
Eroding everything unto its demise.
A conspiracy not seen.
Yet traveling at the speed of itself.
The speed of time.
A victor of all battles.
Is accelerating.
Written October 9, 2003 @ 10:34 AM CDT
503 · Jan 2013
Gary W Weasel Jr Jan 2013
Corruptions exist
    Many of cruelness
    Many of religion
    Many of sickness
    Many of well being
    Many of evil
    Many of peace

Corrupt the soul into acting on anew
Yet the peaceful cannot be corrupted.
The longer the company,
The easier the corruption.
Corruption does not annihilate one trait,
For only it can hide it, to its extend.

Curiosity and the yearning to learn,
Can never be manipulated, only hid.

It's up to the peaceful to uncover
Written June 14, 2002
498 · Dec 2012
What a fool I was
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
What a fool I was
To let my heart play
The game of love
Mounting stress day by day

The winter chill freezes my resolve
Dousing the heated summer lust
Time sulks slower than ever
Replenishing glaciated rotten dust.

Incubus shield blocking the warmth out
Of the rays of light the sun bounces about
Winter's sickles stifling every route
Letting the tears while crying my heart out.
All for all with nullification for me.

It's getting harder to breath, harder to see.
My lonely soul cries for love you see
It's now in the game of love
Existing with a condemning glee

Frozen inside are the tears but wait,
A warmth may lift me to the light
And breathe the cooling breeze of life
Thus rescuing me from this frozen blight.
Written October 5, 2003 @ 12:41 CST
497 · Feb 2014
Would you be my friend?
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2014
Would you be my friend?
Yet in time I gripe with Plato
Could you be my friend?
Socrates and Gorgias spar.

These bandages can only be shrouded
Underneath grains of sand
Falling upon this dune.

During every heartbeat
One thousand grains augment this mound
Within every heartbeat
The earth spins away from days' light.

Time shortens between friend and foe
Their pearls are rusty now.
I simply wait for sand.
Written September 11, 2009 @ 1:47 AM CDT
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Trapped here in an icy vault
Freezing my shattered heart
Chilling my body and soul
Through every throbbing vein.

Frozen limbs cannot grasp,
What the frozen pump does yearn.
Lost, so lost, so far away
From every touch of warmth.
Written October 23, 2003 @ 9:46 AM CST
488 · Dec 2012
I once knew a dove
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
I once knew a dove,
Gliding into abysmal heavens
Upon a blissful dream,
Lived once in time.

When I jolted its eyes open,
The wings shuddered;
No longer did the dove bounce
Everything its wings buoyed
Through the abysmal air.
Written March 23, 2004 @ 2:12 PM CST
487 · Feb 2010
I lied to myself
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
I lied to myself
And everybody else
That I didn’t love you more than a friend.

It was just to hide
Feelings deep inside
So I could get on with life again.

But in the back of my mind,
From time upon time
You existed there every living day.

And no matter who else
When not by myself
There in my mind with another you lay.
Written: May 28, 2003
484 · Feb 2010
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Life's necessities
Are our friends, children, spouses,
And loving Savior.
Written: February 2, 2005
482 · Dec 2012
The Day of Life
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
I arise alone,
Having less time than yesterday.
Suppressing the urge to idle
I forsake my repose.

I unbolt the drawer
And make a selection.
Preparation in silence for the day
Sustaining my hunger to last the day.

I set out from the door
To burn my legs upon nature;
No hand recognizes my presence,
For the wind stands still.

Stopping but journeying through life
An unrivaled struggle resides ahead.
Then I am challenged here,
And stoically fight through fatigue.

I alternate my room
To practice what I preach
And labor obsessively to breed a seed.
A hand sails past my window at twilight.

Then confidence finds me
And guides me to orate the answers.
For I know these matters,
Presiding at the peak of the caste.

The roots of my seed dig elsewhere.
I glide into the brisk wind
Hearing trillions of hands applaud me
As I amble home again.
Written August 25, 2004 @ 8:41 PM CDT
Gary W Weasel Jr Dec 2012
Spring Blossoms, Flowers Bloom
It's the start of season's beginnings,
And the end of winter dooms.

The beginnings of life
Terminations of death.
The birth of many loves
As well as its demises
The peace is subsiding
And war is dawning.

For in the fields of nature
Every blade of grass,
Every flower pedal,
Counts for every minuscule effect
That nature has on our mind's eye.
But every ray of light
And all the drops of rain
Mark the rise and fall of life
And the journeys within.
Written April 8, 2003
475 · Feb 2011
Past Time and Space
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2011
Shall I come upon the chance
To ever know your heart?
For it has been scores of moons
Since mine searched out yours...

In that time, groping through darkness
Within that lofty cavern, water dripping
Searching for my flint upon the damp floor
Amongst all the stalagmites,
Never reaching stalactites.

Fondly how I remember those times,
And its warm nostalgia
Just as now there resides a flutter
At the thought of your face.

So now, shall the distance remain?
Over the arc of the earth my heart wanders
Desperately, yet cautiously
Afraid and hopeful.
Written Feb 11, 2011 @ 9:27 AM CST
474 · Sep 2015
Lives of Quiet Desperation
Gary W Weasel Jr Sep 2015
He dies - - - Yet his heart still beats on

Man of the minute, slipping away in his chair
Into the quiet of the night.
The hullabaloo of his mind.
He slips and slouches, sipping his drink and sighing
Slipping into desperation

He looks at the time - - - behind the hand of the clock
And all the enemies of peace
Standing against an age ago,
Become dread itself, turning into the monster
And horror unravels the soul

The pin drop roars, but what good is screaming
Without an ear to hear?

How can the out-pouring of one’s heart heal,
With tension in the air?

So he welcomes the second death.
Written on September 22, 2015 - 3:50am EDT
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