When shall I stop hating the moon?
Surely, outside my door, in the black of night,
When you are coming to and from fullness,
I watch you light my night and smile upon me.
Yet I only grimace and wish for you to leave.
For was it not you, oh moon, who watched the onset of my agony?
For was it not you, oh moon, who watched me fall to my knees crying?
For it is you, oh moon, who reminds me of what I lost.
What I used to have.
Let God dig through the depths of my flesh and mind,
And journey into the depths of my heart,
And place the scale, to replace...
Pain with Joy
Disdain with Delight
Past with Future Hopes
When, oh moon, will your day come,
When in the night you light my way,
And I shall not resent it?
Written: January 27, 2009 @ 4:02 PM CST