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467 · Oct 2011
In The Clouds
Gary L Misch Oct 2011
I'm flying to the clouds
Upon imaginary wings,
I don't need any help
For God will take me there,
I need to be above the troubles
Of the earth,
I'm never gonna come back down
To ordinary life.

I thought I might find heaven
When I got up here,
But all I found was
Water vapor ice and snow,
No angels,
Not a paradise,
Just me alone with water vapor,
And ice.

It  doesn't matter,
'Cause I'm staying any way,
I kind of like this place
The way it is,
If others come,
I'm going to charge them
You see,
I'll be the king of heaven
In a mortal way.
461 · Jan 2012
The End of Bear Season
Gary L Misch Jan 2012
Bear hunting is done,
Silence reigns in the mountains,
Case that three-oh-eight.
455 · Apr 2012
death and me
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
sadly, death is proud,
i prefer him shy or coy,
my fate in my hands.
452 · Dec 2011
I Looked For You
Gary L Misch Dec 2011
I looked for you,
Before you were,
Even Born,
Looked in vain,
I gave up,
Before you,
Were you,
And marched on,
That's what people
Grow old,
And now,
Too late,
I've found you,
Me old,
You young,
I can only watch,
In loving sadness,
It rates a tragic
But I don't do,
Guess I'll just
Gary L Misch Nov 2013
Dear Jack,
It’s been so long,
Yet we cannot let go,
You are our touchstone,
Our Icon of perfection,
You did so little,
Yet your smile,
Set upon that charismatic face,
Gave to oh so many,
A stunning vision of things
Yet to come -
Your three short years
Grew in our minds,
To a giant’s legacy that never was,
‘Til you could do no wrong.
Now everyone,
Knave and angel both,
Fight to have you as their own,
But no one knows
For sure,
Just what you might have been.
413 · May 2014
A River's Tale
Gary L Misch May 2014
Where do old couches go?
And old TVs?
The ones that weren’t born as HD,
They go into our nearby river,
Along with fish,
But fish in fact are s’posed to be there,
And maybe
Jimmy Hoffa too,
Who ain’t,
To speculate would be unfair,
The river doesn’t say.
412 · Mar 2013
Yizkor - 2012
Gary L Misch Mar 2013
Their lives left us,
Not in their own time,
But in a storm
Of others' choosing,
A storm that left a stain,
But not a trace of them.
When we mourn them,
We might wonder
Who their children
Might have been.
Do not pray for them,
Pray for remembrance
Of the deed,
Forgiveness is not
Ours to give,
Let the dead speak,
If they wish.
403 · Dec 2011
Looking for the Other Side
Gary L Misch Dec 2011
Follow me,
Down a path,
But do not follow
Me too close,
The path grows
And rugged,
Soon the width,
Is just for one,
The trees envelop
Though bare
Of leaves,
They crowd out
All the light,
'Til any sense of
Up or down,
Begins to vanish
From our sight,
From our minds
It’s gone as well.

The gravel under foot
Grows large,
Our footing
Less than sure,
The ground is new,
The atmosphere
Then you must go,
Back to your world,
I shall go to mine,
My new world,
It's a place where I
Will have no need,
No need of hope
No need of love,
Where I may finally
Not the rest
Of the just,
But just the rest
Of those most tired.
Most tired of all
That weighs us down,
That pins us to
The desperation
Of life.
Gary L Misch Dec 2011
We enter in,
Not by choice,
Our heart insists;
We feel the need,
The need that God has burnt
Upon our soul,
The one that cannot be denied,
But when the love is not returned,
The sheltering warmth
Becomes a sad and cutting burden,
A garden maze disorienting,
It would be better if its grip were
To let us know how toxic was
This place,
But we are trapped,
Trapped within this sad and empty
Warmed only by the sad
And lonely heat
Of our own
Forlorn and solitary love,
There to nurse the draining
Of a heart
Permanently broken,
Whose only wish would be
That its beat would cease,
And stop the endless ache.

Copyright 2011 by Gary L. Misch

All rights reserved
388 · Jan 2012
Sadness' Anthem
Gary L Misch Jan 2012
Let joy's bell be mute,
May Stark Silence rule over
What hope we might have.
388 · Mar 2013
Early Spring Snow
Gary L Misch Mar 2013
The snow lay hidden,
Waiting to spring an ambush,
A mid March surprise.
376 · Mar 2014
on a lover's separation
Gary L Misch Mar 2014
the sea broad and dark,
spans the breadth of our romance,
the rain sings your name.
351 · May 2014
Cover Me: A Journey
Gary L Misch May 2014
26 December 2011

Cover me with darkness,
Hold me on the edge,
Let me drift where
I must be,
'Til I can land,
Where e'er I need,
My heart is fully
My body aches
Stem to stern,
My soul cries out
To let it be,
And bears what sadness
There might be,
Within its core.

Some silent
Must come to me,
To heal me
From within;
I've lost my faith,
In all there is,
Even in
What I can see.
So let me go,
And let me be,
To live life out
In peace,
While free
To breathe
Upon despair,
Until the end
Is clearly seen.

2 January 2012

I cannot find
The end.
Is it somewhere here
On earth?
Could it be a refuge
In this life?
A place of calm
And hope?
A place where love
Might safe exist,
Where hope might shelter
From despair,
How would I know
When I am there,
Could I arrive
While unaware,
And yet enjoy
Its fruits?
We'll see.
Might not hope
Exist alone,
Within there,
Without form,
Upon its own accord?
But holden to
Us all?

To be continued;
323 · May 2014
Gary L Misch May 2014
My love
She rests so quiet,
Where she speaks to me
In silence,
She rests beside
Her favorite place,
She rests in peace,
We put her there,
My other love and I,
We set her down,
Upon her final bed,
And covered her
With softness,
That we might
Where she lay.

— The End —