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Gary L Misch Aug 2012
We set their air afire,
Just as they'd set our ships
With a great killing,
We brought to a stop,
Their killing,
A fairly rapid stop,
Perhaps too fast a stop,
Too fast for some,
For sure,
But who could know,
That these horrendous things,
Would come to pass but once more,
And now that bell tolls yearly,
Its lonely voice sings
“Never again,”
“We hope.”
Let us be sad For those who died,
But let us not regret.
Their deaths bought life,
For others
Who did not have to fight.
Let revisionists glory in their guilt,
Their guilt is not ours.
We can pay our respects
To Enola Gay,
And to this day
Say “well done.”
Gary L Misch Jun 2012
Thunder swept the sea,
The sky rained a nation's fate,
Great ships found their graves.
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
the joy of living,
the dignity of dying,
the will calls the soul.
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
sadly, death is proud,
i prefer him shy or coy,
my fate in my hands.
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
If you could train a train,
To travel at the speed of light,
Would it not arrive,
It had even left?
It would put
The passengers,
Into an awful fright,
They wouldn't want,
To ride the rails
For another night  :)
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
Leave the town;
Not everyone can,
You need a camel,
Or a Land Rover,
(a real one),
And a driver
Who can infer
The road.
Take two spares,
We might be on
The moon's face,
Behind you,
A kind of
To be lost,
To be stuck,
Is perhaps,
To die.
Why go?
To see the light;
Light houses
Call us.
It sits alone,
They all do,
This one watches
The Gate of Tears,
Flash-flash it says,
Then it rests,
Then flash-flash,
It works alone,
Its mates
Are ships,
Someday, perhaps,
There will be,
A real road.
For now,
The track is
Half imagined,
And the place?
As if we,
Had never come.
Gary L Misch Apr 2012
How can beauty
Be so fleeting?
Her petals begin
To fall,
Drifting in
The wind,
Before the last
Has even bloomed.
Perhaps she wish'd
She might have been,
Fully dressed.
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