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Gary L Misch Dec 2011
I looked for you,
Before you were,
Even Born,
Looked in vain,
I gave up,
Before you,
Were you,
And marched on,
That's what people
Grow old,
And now,
Too late,
I've found you,
Me old,
You young,
I can only watch,
In loving sadness,
It rates a tragic
But I don't do,
Guess I'll just
Gary L Misch Dec 2011
Is rain just God's tears,
Falling upon His children,
Soothing their souls' pain?
Gary L Misch Dec 2011
We enter in,
Not by choice,
Our heart insists;
We feel the need,
The need that God has burnt
Upon our soul,
The one that cannot be denied,
But when the love is not returned,
The sheltering warmth
Becomes a sad and cutting burden,
A garden maze disorienting,
It would be better if its grip were
To let us know how toxic was
This place,
But we are trapped,
Trapped within this sad and empty
Warmed only by the sad
And lonely heat
Of our own
Forlorn and solitary love,
There to nurse the draining
Of a heart
Permanently broken,
Whose only wish would be
That its beat would cease,
And stop the endless ache.

Copyright 2011 by Gary L. Misch

All rights reserved
Gary L Misch Oct 2011
The sea's grown calm,
Just two days out,
The ice is in our wake,
We're thinking of a
Run ashore,
We've earned it,
Six days through
The sea smoke,
Ice bergs,
Bergy bits,
All the usual debris
Of travel in these parts,
Now the only debris,
Pods of whales,
Folks pay to see them,
We get paid to see 'em,
Sort of,
It's been a long cruise,
But still,
We are getting paid,
In the morning,
We'll give the ship
A bath,
And get ready for
A real reward,
There's got to be
Some reward,
For vigilance,
And boredom
All across the pond,
And there is a reward,
There'll be Newfie merchants
On the jetty,
Bringing to us,
Barrels of...
They don't have much,
In Newfie Land,
But lobsters they've got,
An over supply,
We'll bring 'em home,
Steamed and frozen,
Ready to eat,
And while we're here,
Perhaps a little beer,
A reward for not hitting
A single whale,
Let's keep the Navigator sober,
Insurance that he miss
Sable Island,
On the next leg south,
After all,
It's the last leg home.
And so,
St. John's,
Not a garden spot,
But good enough,
To be the last stop.
Gary L Misch Oct 2011
I'm flying to the clouds
Upon imaginary wings,
I don't need any help
For God will take me there,
I need to be above the troubles
Of the earth,
I'm never gonna come back down
To ordinary life.

I thought I might find heaven
When I got up here,
But all I found was
Water vapor ice and snow,
No angels,
Not a paradise,
Just me alone with water vapor,
And ice.

It  doesn't matter,
'Cause I'm staying any way,
I kind of like this place
The way it is,
If others come,
I'm going to charge them
You see,
I'll be the king of heaven
In a mortal way.
Gary L Misch Oct 2011
We all looked for peace,
But peace was never where we were,
Peace was at home,
Better there
Than where we were,
Funny how
The fellows with the least use
For a peace
Were those who'd never put
The uniform on,
A golden bunch of
Chicken hawks,
Too smart,
And too important,
To risk their lives,
They oughta send their daughters,
A man of few words,
Him with only half a face,
We didn't join
For the money,
Did we?
Can there really be peace,
In the place we left
To go to war?
I thank God my son is
Back there,
I'll ask him,
When I see him,
Gary L Misch Oct 2011
So they wanna occupy Wall Street, eh?
I do believe that it is already well occupied,
Occupied in making money,
Not in makin' stuff,
That would muss those custom suits,
And chip those polished nails,
You can't see Wall Street's residents,
They're busy behind smoked glass,
Trading the most expensive vaporware
On earth,
Buy it for a thousand,
Sell if for a hundred,
Heads they win,
Tails you lose,
Try retiring on that,
It's working out for them,
They're important people,
Don't hurt their morale,
Mayor Bloomberg is worried
They might get sad,
Don't turn around,
But while  you're occupying,
Your jobs are occupied,
With migrating to...
Another hemisphere,
Enjoy your camp-out folks,
And your three weeks
Of fame.

Copyright 2011 by Gary L. Misch

All rights reserved
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