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 Mar 2014 Gary Joshua Weyandt
it's weird that Brits say "chips" instead of "french fries",
and it's sad that your dad says "you're hopeless" instead of "I love you".
it's weird that the sun pokes up out of the ground at different times everyday,
and it's sad that it hurts more when you poke your finger than when you run the blade down your skin.
it's weird that the sun still shines when it's 3 degrees outside,
and it's sad that 3 am is filled with thoughts of agony and your pillow is stained with the salt water from your eyes.
it's weird that there's 365 days in a year but it dreads on feeling like 1,000,
and it's sad that the pills that are supposed to make you feel better for your depression only make you want to swallow 365 more to make the pain go away.
it's weird that you're forced to go to school with ignorant teenagers that have no idea what they want in life besides getting high,
and it's sad that those teenagers romanticize self harm and depression like it's beautiful to have demons in your mind eating away your sanity.
 Dec 2013 Gary Joshua Weyandt
music fills the air with joy
it brings sadness and happiness
note fly high above the clouds
while down below we dance to its enjoyment

although i may not be good at it
i very much enjoy the emotions it brings

it's funny how a song can bring sorrow at one moment
and a joyous trance the next

Music marks special occasions
remember the song that placed when you met "the one"
or maybe the song playing at the dance when you experienced your first kiss

how such a simple thing can do so much
decades people have embraced such a simple but complex thing
what many people take for granted, most can't live without
 Dec 2013 Gary Joshua Weyandt
climbing that metal plateau
wish for the number of acceptance
the digit that magazines deems as beauty

10 pounds lost
15 pounds lost

envying those in the double digits
pulling yourself through
skipping a meal or two

everyone see's a beautiful person who god has gave us
while you only see the bad

what you see as mistakes
they see as beauty

the mirror reflects the diamond standing be-forth it
get off the scale
see yourself for who you truly are
numbers don't define perfection
 Dec 2013 Gary Joshua Weyandt
dots riddle my face
for what looks like a game in a child's activity book
hiding from the world
feeling scarred and broke

these blemishes make up me
some are physical and most our mental
but still every one is so judgmental

they say society is ugly
then I must be society

i feel them stare as walk past
not wanting any moment to last

for every battle i win, a war awaits me
i see the beauty of the sun
just to watch the darkness of the night take over

confidence is key
but where's the lock

these blemishes make up me
some are physical and most our mental
but still every one is so judgmental

i wake up every morning to to rest again
dreading the hours to past
locked up in my own chain

getting called cute or hot
only lasts a moment
while i remember the ugly within
In my little world I hear the birds serenade my soul

I hear the wind whispering through the trees

I see the sparkles of the morning dew making diamonds in the grass

I smell the freshness of the rain falling down around me

I see the butterflies dancing in delight across this earth

I see the wisdom in the great owl teaching me silence

I see the great eagle who teaches me to soar and spread my wings

I feel the sun bringing me warmth and illumination

I see the moon and feel the great mystery he beholds

I see the vastness of my life when gazing upon the stars

Most of all I see God and love in all I see and will be

And that is why I truly love just being me
Carol Huizinga 2009, dedicated to Amanda, this one I wrote a little different and it became her wedding vows, when I married her and Byron.

— The End —