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2.3k · Oct 2014
Cat Scratch
Lieing on my body is my soft little feline
So cute and sweet like a flower of clementine
I pet Young Gunther softly as he stares into my eyes
I however was yet to meet my despise

The claws came out all sharp and about
Blood everywhere as I fought him throughout
Feeling such pain I fought back the best I could
His speed however was misunderstood

Bleeding out I grabbed the phone
In mid-brawl I began to crawl
Dialing 911 to save my life
At this point even a knife would not suffice

Nearly dead the ambulance arrived
Deprived and hurt I continued to cry
"Why Gunther, why?"

I was put on to a stretcher and taken away
Gunther running he escaped in some way
In the ER with little blood left
No hope in my mind remains about to be swept
Into a can and in a number of minutes
My fatality occurred
Words were slurred
And I died slowly painfully and without any last words
But "Oh Young Gunther, you little ****."
Made in 10 minutes
1.8k · Mar 2015
3 Shirts
Mr. Scott has 3 shirts
His style to me it hurts
He has an Is Alpine shirt
He is running low uh-oh fashion alert!

He also owns the shirt with the U.S. Ski Team
To own more than 3 is surely his fashion dream
Mt. Rainier is the 3rd shirt he owns
This kind chap also often times wears pants that are green

Oh Scott oh Scott!
You mustn't be stuck no your number of shirts is not a lot
Fear not o' fear not
Is Alpine and the others are all you need and all you got
Shoutout to ***** McCrudiggen and Binary Code (binary code is amazing)
846 · Dec 2014
Sharpener Meets Finger
Mr. Shmirnoff could not fall asleep
For his mind was focused on nothing but his jeep
He walked into his kitchen with the hope of a solution
As he saw the pills the ones next to the lotion

He took a few too many thirty minutes later
His mind was spinning in circles like a 3rd grader
He figured he might sharpen his pencils before he lie down to sleep
He approached his sharpener he took a quick leap confused as a purple sheep and what came next was gory and ignorant because he put his finger in the sharperener out of confusion and tore it he still was loopy

And his finger became droopy as he confused his finger for a pencil his mind was woozy and soon enough he was losing so much blood and then he finally understood what was happening the blood dropped low as it stopped on his toe oh what a mess he made he finally took his finger out and said "Oh hell no!" The room was soaked in red his nerves were dead and shortly after that he entered into his bed

Finally resting with a finger mostly destroyed his ring was broken just like his previous joy and he finally fell into a slumber as he dreamed of some lumber that he had see on Tumblr.
I made this in my world history class
695 · Nov 2014
The Boy from Spocompton
There once was a boy who lived in Spocompton
His biggest fear was a drive-by to stop him
Whitest kid around totally fearless in this scary town
He shouted "Hey fatso!" But boy he did not know what was going to go down

One day he left the house to buy a small mouse
So called "Fatso" was out and about with his homies no doubt
Driving down the ride so happily and calm
But a mile down the road came Fatso with his hoes
The boy stepped out of his car onto the sidewalk standing afar
Fatso and the crew drive by quite slowly and out come the guns shooting bullets not low-key

The boy cries loudly as blood splurges from his body
Just a young guy about to die he began to ask "Why, Fatso, why?"
Bullet holes in his body tightly spread in his shotty
The boy in the ground now begging for mercy
Praying to God that he might stop hurting me

Dead and gone, Fatso still angry with a name like his
He didn't like to do it but he needed to complete his biz
Fatso drove away, the boy died quickly,
A sad day to insult, as Fatso yelled "Don't **** with me."

— The End —