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Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
Let Then Get Together  
So I can break them apart
But If they get together
The only thing that'll be breaking
Is  My heart.
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
You rubber cement
Your wounds shut

Telling your mother
To shut the **** up
( Your okay really)

But you just like to have
Them all singing your song

Your just a bottom-of-the-bottle

You feel like you dont belong
So you dope yourself up
And mope around the house
With bruises (Black and Blue)
Made By You For You

And shes such a school girl
For believing
She could save you

Truly yours
Like the buckets
Full of bottles
Full of worms

The Other Side OF You
Darling 28 Copyrighted
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
Not only can I still hear
The teacher preaching
I can still see him leaving
( Leaving getting farther away from me)

More than I can believe
Is centered on a class only
10 proof strong

And nothings happened
That can make me
Feel so wrong

Yet here I am
Drenched  In the Smell of
Love that don't belong

Listening to
Teenage Songs
He knows.
Darling 28
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
I want to
Hear your voice
As clear as I
Can hear

That Dixieland
***** Voice
Of Hers

And The Acoustic
Behind Her

Chanting  The Rythm
Out Of Words
That Held Meaning
Only Two
Years Ago

But If I hear your
It would Have

And Age

And I would
Have to Strain

To Remeber
The Little

I met long ago
Once Upon
A September
Darling28 (Dedicated to PMSA 2013 B/c even time is against us)
Gabriela Jimenez Nov 2011
been a while
been out sharpening my nails
   on the backs of boys dressed like
     crocodiles leather and lace all ****** mace
           lines out here deliver like the best punch line
               i dont do it for the show no more cuz
                    no ones watching and no one knows
                           been a while
                                 since i carved a smile into
                                      your face but tears roll
                                            easy now dontcha know
                                                         been out sharpening my nails to
                                                              use em on you  
                                                                   but the rain wont stop
                                                                      an my flights delayed
                                                                             get out the house get away
                                                                                    cuz i been out fightin and its a while since
                                                                                       i been away.
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
I'm Sorry
That you hurt
So much that it shows threw

But at the same time
I think that hurt
ain't enough for you

Because you yell and scream
Until my blood runs blue
And shows on my skin
Like the sins
Commited by you

She says
You'd never land a blow
But I'm scared of you
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
Figuratively speaking
You are the smoke on
My wind

Empty from Promise
And Eager
To be

With The title

' The One Left Behind'
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Mar 2010
Hello Darling
Hello Me

I want a boy who won't make me bleed
Steal or try  to take me or my creed

Away from our dark lit homes
With our fairies and gnomes

Hidden in the background
Of his delecacies and ****

Hello Darling
Hello Me

When will he come to me
The day we die sweetie
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
I want your voice
Over an acoustic
Guitar set

In the back of my car
as we drive
Past the beach

and Pristine

Earsing our Sins
With The Petrol
On the Sand

Because when
I get up
Every Morning

I can almost
Not breathe
Between Our distances

And truthfully
I Can't stand it. D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
She beat on the floor
Her body closing in on
The fact that these couple
Jagged Breathes

Her body throbbed
As the congression watched

The Pope told her
Before we teach ya
How ta live
We gotta teach you how
ta die

So somewhere inside
Even the worst
Part of humanity
Is Alive

The Congression
Watches unchanged

As she sweats and

Her eyes close and
He  as he says

Then they open
Though they have changed

To The
Of The


Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
Pandora is suggesting
Music my mother would like
As if to say

You sound so much older
than you are

With those
Dark tinted glasses
And red blood roses
Running threw your head

Is treating me
To verses  
In latin

As if to suggest
I'm so otherwordly
That I sound
Pulse Dead

keeps on sending me
Poems about

As if to say
I'm not stupid
Enough to let
you in
my bed

Keeps making me Dial
Numbers Written
In Red Pen
On Bathroom Stalls

Just to Ask,

Right Now?
Ha **** Ha.
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
There is a room
In a small highschool

Where the teenage
Heart aches
Came to die

On a couch where
the poets
came to lie

And contemplate
The diffrence
between dying
and suicide

While the future

Asking whether
she was ugly enough
to be beautifully alive

Or just dead inside

Such a place
Such Liberty

Watch your children

For in this
On the couch where
the poets came to lie

and the directors

in the small highschool

They learned what it feels
Like to be  alive
Dedicated To Sierra, Jess, Destiny, Johannah and Jocelyn
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
my insides
where as gritty
as my taste

would you still doubt

Because every morning
when I wake
up from
my sleep

I get shivers
down my spine
remebering the things
you told me

last night

You make me sick
beyond my reasoning

Yet here I go

Playing doctor
Like I Do

Telling you
To keep the
sword away
Your Heart

Suicide isn't
As glorious
As a new start
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
I'm getting sick with
The Sickness
Of back to school

Back to backstabbing
Sad girls with pretty eyes
Writing poetry on the wrist
Of they're album cover
looking baby blue

A state so contagious

Fill me up with
Sun and Sand
Let me be
who I am

I don't wanna go back
I don't wanna go back

My mantra
is still spilling
Little ink driven
'You can' can't..."

Live without

I'm getting sick
With the sickness
Of back to school
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Dec 2011
I don't get it
I'm not like this
I don't do things like these

I've burnt to many bridges
But with you I've grown wings
What connections do I need?

When there isn't any soil beneath my feet?
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
I spent my day thinking
What I'd do without
Him and his noisy hoes
Strippin as they do
A Stupid Pose

If only for
The time
He compared me
To a Rose
Dying Of Course

I spent my day like that
Until I realized it was to quiet
and that you weren't there
( and I couldn't find you anywhere)

So I took myself home
Not once did I look at my phone
Because once your happy
You let me go
Gabriela Jimenez Feb 2010
Hello Love
I called you
Not to be mean
But you ignored me

Yet she called your name
Horribly loud
With tear stains on her face
You turned around

For her hideous sound
Her temper tantrum
And her screams

But refused to see me

So next time you
Look to find me
I will be  
Breaking your heart into little pieces

With some cheap
10 dollar *****
On some busy street

Hello Love
Are The words I'll scream
Copyright to Gabriela Jimenez 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Mar 2010
I love you
To the deepest
Bloodiest degree

With all my wants
and all my needs

You are everything to me

But you don't know it
Because I don't show it

And I'm good at hiding things

But one day I won't hold it
And even you will know it
Gabriela Jimenez Feb 2010
I hate having to look you in The face and lie But I will do it To save my life So silently I whisper That I hate you So that this hidden Love will have room to survive
Gabriela Jimenez Mar 2010
Hello Dearest Darling,

Do you if I'm okay? If My body isn't wasted in some dark alleyway?
Bang Bang, Gun shots near the door.  How are you comfortable
without knowing if it's my body on the floor? I live alone
Baby shouldn't you be worried? Even with this snow the flurries?
Couldn't you have come home for just one hour?  To change your clothes, to shower? I don't want to sleep alone baby. Couldn't you come home, couldn't you come home? Instead of being out with your friends? While I sit here and pretend that everything is alright?
Even though I haven't seen you in four night? This isn't fair baby leaving me alone. I hate you baby. Deep inside I can't take you baby. So I'm going to fire three shots. So you'll remeber the girl you forgot.

Forever yours and dripping in blood,

Your love
Gabriela Jimenez Aug 2010
God it must be like
To be living on edge

Tip toeing
between whats real
And that gimme gimme ectasy day

Like breathing threw spandex
Just enough to
make you want more

Never wanting
to hear
what anyone else had
to say

Besides the
music would be
too loud anyway

I wanna live that

but you know what they
Live Hard Die Fast
D28 2010 ( Deconstructive Inc)
Gabriela Jimenez Mar 2010
I wanna spin aroun
Until I die
See The Sky
From the ground up high

Live Breathe Die

With all that stains
my insides
Revolts  turns
Wuntil They are Outsides

Live breathe die
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
I had a dream
Where you spoke to me
And it made me happier
Than I've been

But the lightening woke me up
Just another person who is my drug

Is my new word
Because your love
Is a disease

Staining The pillow
Where I lay my head
To Sleep

Love is a drug
Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010

Somewhere Between
Wondering about
The Upcoming Surgery

And The Monster
In the Closet
Or Under my bed

I start wondering
If you meant what you said
Or if you where just upset

And if I'm to young
To start acting my age
Because it hurts
To behave

Finding Beauty- Craig Armstrong Ladies and Gentlemen
Sit and wait for it to hit you
Then read The poem
You get chills dont you?
Dedicate to Darling 28
Gabriela Jimenez Aug 2010
It's funny
How missing you an entire

Is quickly turning
into a "what was I thinking"

Into Eternity
My Brain is washing
Thoughts Of
And us,
a you and me.
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Feb 2010
I wanted to laugh at you Because you couldn't stand the taste Of metal on your tongue Oh what a shade of alternative loveWith piercings in places They don't belong Tracing places Against your gums Oh what a pretty look That half shrugged sweaterWith that ugly thing you doWhen you see how much he loves you
Orignally Up on,  and now also up on facebook.
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
I am not a self promoter
I do not write my name on mirrors
So you can see it.

I do it neither for art
Or exposure

I  do it for the simple
Of seeing all those syllables

Forming me

On a surface
So Illegal

Its reflecting

Is staining me
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Dec 2011
I went back to all the hate mail
I went back and retraced all my scars
I went back and followed you to the start

Of all the none believing
In your heart

You don't believe in
your face
your hair
your smile

You used to smile at me
and say things like
I wish I could make the pain go away

From his hands
His knuckles
His teeth

Everything he ever used to beat
you, break you, eat you

I always thought he was broken
But I never thought he'd cut  you with
all the shards

I keep having dreams where you're
standing now

But you've been pushed down so low
That theres no getting out

I'm sorry I chose Mary Jane
I'm sorry I chose to Escape
I'm sorry I chose to Look away

But I'm not going back there
No way

I liked to think
I chose to leave
and You chose to stay

But I know you just
chose him
instead of liberty
** I in no way am insinuating that women decide to stay in abusive relationships. I put this together from memory.
Please accept my apologies if this troubles you.
Gabriela Jimenez Nov 2011
your voice used to sing me to sleep
@ night
not no more
you grew up and left me
got big with
the boys and kohl liner

you used to sing
like a ***** in church
but i guess this new music
is the  only sound you got left

and its vibrating in your chest
(undress address)
your voice used to sing me to sleep
@ night
not no more
you grew up and left me
Gabriela Jimenez Jun 2010
Do you want the truth?

I ideally  I would want
A taller than me
By much
Blonde haired
Blue Eyed Boy
With no dark secrets
Or spare tickets
To the club

But what I keep getting
Is a dark haired
Dark eyed
Know it all
who drinks

till hes drunk


till hes gone

And bleeds on the outside
Looking in

and amourously

For the first month.

And a quarter of the

Then he turns
Rambles softly
Moving On.

Oh What
a sweet tragedy

And oh how stupid
we are
Gabriela Jimenez Dec 2011
The course of two years
didn't come cheap

We spilt blood and money
Because living isn't free

Neither is dying
you said to me

So we hang onto our bittersweet

Singing Paramore
into an empty sea

Bring more bottles home to me
at least I can press my lips to them
and remember
how you kissed me

Your alcoholism is killing you
My dreams go with you
into our placid sea

may the sweet lord
recognize you

your body
has been the cost of living

two years
didn't come cheap
Gabriela Jimenez Dec 2011
I wish I could stop
My hands from stalking
your page
from refreshing just to see your name

an expert in
pushing people away

My tongue is best *******
instead of exercised

it's exorcism is backwards
demons it will spew
right into your insides

the things i say
aren't like the things i do

But my conscience blurs
all those lines when I'm with you

Who is this new host
of parasitic infection?

Making overly
sexualized suggestions

Who gave her the key and locked me out?

I wish I could stop
My hands from stalking
your page
from refreshing just to see your name
Gabriela Jimenez Jun 2010
my poetry is a picture
of the moment i wrote it in

in this case
im listening to boys lie
and wondering where my father is

while my mother sits outside my room
with the dogs

and the sun
is not thinking
about setting soon

and im still thinking about him
about what he would be like
if he dropped the ****** bag act

And yes i did defended him
was that a mistake?

if today i felt just alittle compassion

towards someone
just a little bit
worse than me?
Gabriela Jimenez Aug 2010
I keep on having dreams
Where my only comfort is

That your out there

Hiding,Sleeping and Alive

Out of Harms way
from my broken lips
And horrid mind

But I can't keep hoping
Like I do

That you'll come back

Crawling, Groveling, and Love Sick

From the many nights
I've spent up
Cursing You

Because In My Dreams
My Only Comfort

Is really

Only The Idea Of You
D28 2010 Orginally placed in <3
Gabriela Jimenez May 2010
I wanted to taint the pop song
Put a little black in it

So I wrote a song about you
The darkest thing I knew

But the Lyrics
Sounded Preachy
The Guitar
Sounded wrong

Is it just me
Or do you not belong

In my records

In my veins

My sheets
My blood

Because if I write about you
It's just a song about love

But What I wanted
Was a song

But If Ican't
Write a simple sonnet

In Your honor

Why should I have to
But up with your

In my rooms?

So as of now
I'm kicking you

And writing
a song
6th Period Physics Inspired :) Not about who you think
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
What happened to you?
Did your family never give you enough attention?
That you gave it up for a boy
who only came to solicite
your affections?

Can you not see
That she
who gave you air
and birth
struggles with the
daily idea of having you hurt?

I knew your mother
I knew her good
She never hurt you,
like other mothers would.

Being  a runaway
from a home of opresssion
and depression
where you are scared
is different

than running away
from your own reflection.

I don't know where
you are, who your with
or if your even truly that far.

But once you've given all you have
to give

He will leave
dead dying
in a ditch.

You'll be left to roam
in streets,
bar rooms,

With the rats
the mice,
and wild men.

Do anything for a dime.
A Nickel.

'Please sir I'll make it worth your time.'

You still have time
Turn back now
Walk away
Don't Make a sound

The doors still open
Come Home Now.
D28 Had to be you....
Gabriela Jimenez Nov 2011
ive grown in
not up
my thoughts are expanding
getting more violent and

i shake so hard
my knuckles are white
but i cant
bring myself to

the ground im standing on
is so ******* broken
that the time when i wanted
to peak

the monsters are more
real now
and less so out there
but in me

get the voices outta my
babbling ******
half dead

i wish i could prove my point
in politics
or say what i need to with white
out in hand

my mistakes are many
my flaws are pointless

wheres the flashlight?
i need to shine it inside
Gabriela Jimenez Jul 2010
Have you
ever written

It's like a tattoo
your skin?

But an open

To the one
you let it

Hoping they catch on
To the
real poetry
written in

To the
tear drops that aren't on
the page

Because you held them

To the sweat on the
palms of your
the pen
that kept dripping

And as the
beauty fades away
and they become

just words
on a page

they look back at you
and you at they

and for a second
you can see

just passed
their worried eyes
and their
frayed jeans

( or their trembling lips)

that they know

what it means.
Dedicated To the Head Case,  The Wannabe  Director, The Recovering Addicted, My Father, and Me.
D28 2010
Gabriela Jimenez Aug 2010
A week ago I never knew
That an avant garde
music style existed

I also never knew that
it would remind me so much
Of you

With your looks
and stares
always knowing what to say
without moving

But of course all good things
come to an end.

Like when I found out
Avante Garde
doesn't really have to
many bands

and that  I never really
liked you.
D28 2010

— The End —