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People think they know
But they don't.
They don't see how words
And actions
Can affect someone
So permanently
They don't understand
How big of a ripple
Their pebble can make
I'm not completely sure
That if they did realize it
They would change
Even if it was for the better
 Dec 2013 Gabby Paige
The days that are the worst
Are when I feel nothing at all
Not exactly low
Just numb

That's what depression does to you
A cancerous numbing
Slowly spreading
Until your whole brain goes cold

Trying any remedy
To feel something again
But it's too late
I've already lost all feeling

I'm no longer living a life
I'm just simply existing
 Dec 2013 Gabby Paige
As he slowly pressed his lips onto my eyelids,
then lingeringly onto my nose,
cheek and
my lips.

I then only realised how the seconds and minutes stretch out curving, meandering into  ∞.
Half-moons of barely whispered promises but heard all too well.

As I ruefully reminisce, ribbons of myself lay on dusty floors.
For you are never meant to live in the past.

Not again.

Then why do I feel the ghost of your lips dancing on mine?
 Dec 2013 Gabby Paige
She loved me
and I threw it away.

The holidays are here
and the cold has frosted my heart.

I see everybody falling in love
and I'm reminded of you.

How lonely I've become
and how bitter I feel.

I miss you.
I miss the very concept of you.

All my cocoa has long since been frozen
and my porch has long since been a slick sheet of ice.

I suppose that all I really want this year
is to be warm again.
I'm sorry I'm so selfish.
I'm sorry to write such a thing after what I've done.
I'm so so sorry to express such unfair desires.
But most of all, I'm infinitely full of regret.
I don't expect anything from these words, but I just wanted it to be known..
Everybody has a "type"
Mine was always
Dark hair and blue eyes
But then you came along
With your red hair
And your beautiful brown eyes
At first I was stunned
I didn't know  
That such a deep, rich color existed
And when those brown eyes looked at me
I thought I could see my future
I was wrong.
Those amazing, gorgeous eyes
Will never look at me
The way my hazel
Look at you
I thought I knew my "type"
But I didn't realize
That my only type was YOU.
Remember the time that we were together?
Yeah, me neither.
I do remember wishing for it
Watching, waiting
For you to make that move
Everyone said you were going to make
But then, you didn't
I was tired, I was confused
I sent you a message
You replied
My waiting was over
My wanting was not.
Every day
Is the same
Wake up
Get dressed
Go to school
Miss you
Learn science
Laugh in English
Miss you
Hate Geometry
Miss you
Make videos
Eat lunch
See you
Miss you
Wish I could talk to you
Write for an hour
Learn about some dead guys
Get on the bus
Miss you
Go home
Die inside
Miss you.
If I had a dime
For every single time
I heard the words
"I like you as a friend"
I would have a lot of dimes
Enough dimes
To buy a candy bar
Which would taste bittersweet
With a hint of salt
As I cry and think
About your friendship
If I had a dime
For every single time
I did this
I would have a lot of dimes
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