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 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
Jonny Angel
You can walk on the sun,
dance in a hurricane,
eat pickled pig's feet,
smoke rolled banana leaves,
**** ether,
camp out on Pluto for all I care,
I just want to be next to you.
 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
Please be there.
When I come looking,
Please be there.

Stand where you are.
When I come looking,
Stand where you are.

Smile as I smile.
When I come looking,
Smile as I smile.

Just be there.
When I come looking,
Just be there.
my fingers will burn
and the tips may even char
but im reaching
and im reaching
for the second brightest star
I feel the caress of my own fingers
on my own neck as I place my collar
and think pityingly
of the kind women I have known.
 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
I am a puppet, controlled by my strings
Made up of wood and material things.
My father has branches, my mother has wings.
I don't know how I came to be.

My father is stuck and gone is my mother,
I have not a home nor a friend nor a brother.
The days fly on past, each like the other,
I look but I no longer see.

Watch my feet tap to the beat of the song
That the puppeteers play as the show carries on
But I don't know the words and the rhythm is wrong
And I can't even shudder or plea.

The paint on my fixed wooden smile starts to crack
As I hang from my hook in the after-show black
Slowly I rot as they've broken my back
And my colours fade faithfully.

I vow I will cut off my strings one by one,
And then when I'm free I will finally run
And I'll bask in the sea and the sand and the sun
And in my last breath I'll be me.
It's not particularly sophisticated and needs work but I hope you enjoy
Now I understand
That your definition of forever
Was not nearly as long
As mine
 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
The in between's, middle's,
Nor here nor there’s boggle my
Indigo, Mauve, Maroon are just
Blue, Purple and Red in my
Why anyone would ever want
To complicate such easy ways is beyond

Maybe’s, undecided’s.
Why not just yes’ and no’s?
Big city, small town.
Why suburbs?
Black and white.
No grey's.
That’s how I wish you would

But you are you and I am me.
And maybe there’s just too much
In between,
For us
to Be.
 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
Leah Hervoly
The day I knew you died
was the day my brother called
and the day the cat left a half-eaten mouse on the front porch.
Its tail was still there,
and a little bit of pink intestine,
like an exclamation mark.
I swore silently.
Trudging toward the back field that evening,
(the mosquitoes were a *****),
I found you in the creek,
half submerged with your *** in the air.
You were covered in dirt and blood.
I put my hands on my hips and swore again.
I could see even from where I was standing
that your windshield was smashed all to hell
and your right front tire was punctured.
I would never ride with you again,
never share those starry skies
as we passed bloated raccoons
and greasy ditches.
Anger lurked behind my eyes.
Your killer was lying a few feet away,
Three broken legs
and a shattered back,
with glassy eyes that stared blankly up at the sky.
In a few days I would have its antlers above the mantelpiece.
But meanwhile
I looked at my brother,
who was standing there sheepishly,
two unbroken hands shoved in his deep denim pockets,
and told him he was paying for the tow.
 Jan 2014 G M Oliver
What I would give for those moments of truth,
accompanied by daffodils, tears, marking our youth
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