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Feb 2014 · 612
Dear friend, (for A)
G C Feb 2014
Dear friend,
I know how you feel, I’ve been there too
I know you’re telling me to leave,
Deep down, you’re begging me not to
You’re scared, you’re sad, you’re tired
Tired of living in this word full of lies
Tired of people who hurt, people who leave,
And, let me tell you, friend,
I understand,
It happened to me, too
Until I found you
You showed me that friendship exists,
Even when you’re miles away and talk once a week
You are my friend, and when I was sad,
You did not leave
You don’t want to open up; you say you’re tired,
That we’re all the same,
Dear A, let me prove to you, that we aren’t
It doesn’t matter how hard you try,
It doesn’t matter what you say,
I am here to stay
I’ll be that annoying pop song you can’t get out of your head
I’ll be that one tree that follows you everywhere
That recurring dream you don’t quite understand.
Just, open up once more,
Tell me all of your fears, and reopen your scars,
I will help you heal
Tell me your story, and let me tell you mine,
What are your poems about? Are all they about Her?
Or is there more pain inside?
I promise I won’t judge.
Just, please, friend
Let me be there, don’t shut me out
And if you do, that’s fine.
Let me prove you that not all friends are the same,
Let me show you that I am a real one.
A, please let me help you.
Dec 2013 · 430
The essence of you
G C Dec 2013
I love you,
That's all I know,
I don't know what is it,
but there's something about you,
and they can see it, too.
It's in your eyes,
and their brightness,
it's in your smile,
and its sadness,
it's in you,
and your kindness,
It's you:
the essence of you.
It's to make girls fall, hard.
You leave an eternal scar on their heart,
Leaving them forever flawed,
Unable to find their "other half",
See all the pretty girls crying in the corner?
You destroyed them.
Just like you destroyed me.
Nov 2013 · 664
Let our lips do the talking
G C Nov 2013
We would sit there,
And talk for hours,
I’d tell you my hopes,
You’d tell me your fears.
We would be there,
Next to each other,
Knees almost touching,
And our hearts smiling.
You would bounce your knee up and down,
I would play with my hair and look to the ground,
Both of us liking each other,
But oblivious as to what to say.
So, maybe, at one point,
You’d place your finger on my chin,
And force me to look into your deep brown eyes,
I’d see myself reflected in them,
Maybe, you would smile,
And then, perhaps,
We would let our lips do the talking,
Because they can express it better than thousands of my poems,
And be more honest than hundreds of your songs.
Nov 2013 · 383
Why did I think..
G C Nov 2013
Why did I think,
That the guy who never misses anyone,
Who doesn't feel a thing,
Would care about her little sister's friend,
Who happens to be in love with him,
If you didn't cry for her,
(and you loved her)
(I know you did)
Why did I think
You would cry for me?
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Scratch, scratch, scratch.
G C Nov 2013
Scratch, scratch, scratch,
Another few lines,
These ones showed up last week,
These ones are from yesterday,
It's because of all the mistakes I've made,
It's because I let you go,
It's because I failed a test,
It's because I am me.
It used to make you angry,
Since you're gone,
I can start doing it again,
Just one time more,
Scratch, scratch, scratch.
Nov 2013 · 652
I see me, I see you
G C Nov 2013
I see you,
Laying next to me as we cuddle,
Playing with my hair,
I see me,
Smiling at you,
Tracing your veins,
I see you,
Listening to me,
Chuckling at my weird thoughts,
I see me,
Asking you about work,
Reading your favorite poem,
I see us,
Being happy, in love,
Forgetting about the past,
And the pain from before,
I see our love,
As soon as I close my eyes,
But when I open them,
I see me,
In love with you,
I see you,
But I don't think you love me like I do
Oct 2013 · 684
You are winter
G C Oct 2013
Your hands in fists,


Your knuckles even whiter than usual,

I can see your veins,

Making their way through you strong arms,

Intricate and incomprehensible,

Like your mind,

They resemble tree branches,

As they get to the crook of your elbow,

They change color,

From green to blue,

Like your eyes during winter,

Your favorite season.

As cold and as heartless as you,

You, my darling,

You are made of winter,

Its frosty rivers run through your body,

Delivering frozen blood,

Which feeds your cold heart,

That heart,

Pumps the frozen blood,

Through all of your body,

So you are made of winter,

You are made of cold, dark feelings,

You are made of permanent snow,

You are, an eternal winter,

Storming and destroying,

My warm soul.
Oct 2013 · 407
You and I
G C Oct 2013
We'd be perfect, you and I,
I would tell you stories,
And you would make me cry.

We'd be heaven, you and I,
I would give you my dreams,
And you would break my heart.

We'd be a story, you and I,
I would confess my secrets,
And you would keep them,
Locked inside that cold, empty place,
You call your heart.
Oct 2013 · 521
The idea of you
G C Oct 2013
You destroy me,
I can't help but want you,
I'm so infatuated with you,
(the idea of you)
I think you love me,
I know I'm in love with you,
You scream, you hit,
You hurt and leave,
Your absence
(haunts me at night)
I can't sleep
I need you near
I  know you'll **** me
You're that poisonous
I keep crawling back to you
(the ghosts of my past won't leave me alone)
You make the voices go away,
As they are replaced by yours,
Whispering in my ear,
Things I never wanted to hear.
(But I think I like it)
Because if I didn't,
I'd be gone,
Perhaps it's because,
I'm so infatuated with you,
(the idea of you)
That I can't bring myself to leave you
Perhaps it's because,
I'm just a lonely girl
Who needs to feel loved by someone,
Even if it's a ghost,
An idea of someone she thought she knew
*(the idea of you)
G C Oct 2013
Long nights,
Deep conversations,
Secret smiles,
Wide eyes,
Strange thoughts,
Shared fears,
First times,
Laughs and tears.
We were falling in love,
So young, so careless,
*So innocent and reckless.
Oct 2013 · 791
About you
G C Oct 2013
Dazzling smile,
Overwhelming confidence,
Excessively charming,
Thoughtful and caring,
Smart and funny,
Athletic built,
Plays basketball,
Reads Bukowski,
You are every mother’s dream,
The perfect boyfriend,
Every girl’s soul mate,
You are you,
Too perfect to be true,
*(And I’m too broken to be yours.)
G C Oct 2013
I'll keep writing poems about you
I'll write poems about your short spiked brown hair,
And how I loved to run my fingers through it,
Because it was  soft and felt nice,
I'll write poems about your long pale neck,
And how I kissed it a million times,
While inhaling your masculine scent,
I'll write poems about your big brown eyes,
And how I could see my reflection in them,
Along with the sparkle that used to shine,
I'll write poems about your eyebrows,
And how I think it's nice that they almost meet,
Because it gives you an innocent look,
I'll write poems about your beautiful lips,
And how I kissed them,
Leaving a stain of red lipstick,
I'll write poems about your smile,
And how it was so big and sincere,
I just could not resist,
I'll write poems about your hands,
And how they stroked my back,
With their soft, gentle touch,

I'll write poems about your height,
And how I loved it,
I loved all 6 feet 3 inches of you,
I still do.
I'll keep writing poems about you.
Oct 2013 · 866
There's a girl
G C Oct 2013
There's a girl, sitting in front of the window,
waiting for your call
There's a girl, with bright brown eyes,
who's waiting for you to come
There's a girl, whose knees are shaking,
falling to the ground
There's a girl, whose eyes are leaking,
she knows you're gone
That was before,
There's a girl, with short dyed hair,
with a beer in hand
There's a girl, who's making out,
with the kind of guy she told you
she couldn't stand
There's a girl, crying at night,
writing your name on her skin
Only this time, she's not using a permanent marker,
so she can't erase it
She's carving your name,
to keep you forever
There's a girl,
You wouldn't recognize her,
But you should,
It's the ghost of the girl,
who used to be
Y o u r s

— The End —