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G C Poulos Sep 2013
Whisper to me and tell me you love me,
Even though it may not be true.
Because my heart will be too blind to see,
Any untruths that come from you.

Tell me I mean the world to you, and more,
And that you dream of me each night.
Let me believe I’m the one you adore,
And I’m wonderful in your sight.

Tell me anything thing your heart may devise,
Even if it is only pretty lies.
G C Poulos Jul 2013
Does it matter if things are right or wrong?
Does it matter if i am weak or strong?
Who cares if I stand, who cares if I fall?
Does it matter to anyone at all?

Perhaps it matters to me, more or less,
but to others? I wouldn't want to guess.
I am just myself, and not that well known,
so it seems I face my cares all alone.

If I was gone tomorrow, who would care?
Would anyone notice I was not there?
G C Poulos Jul 2013
Poor Bill was so lonely they say,
so he found him a wife one day,
but now he is so sad,
for it all turned out bad,
when her husband took her away.
G C Poulos Jul 2013
How do I explain how I feel?
Sometimes I wonder what is real.
Things are going alright I guess,
and I am alive more or less.

Anyway, why should I complain?
I still have sunshine, and the rain.
The sky is still blue up above,
and I still have some things I love.

And things may not be all that bad,
so I wonder why I feel sad.
G C Poulos Mar 2013
Will I be ready for spring,
and any blessings it may bring?
or will I be unaware,
of all the glow spring has to share?

Will I even smile at all,
when April raindrops start to fall?
And, will the flowers of May,
just be something to fade away?

Will I be ready for spring,
when the mocking birds start to sing?
I keep hoping I will be,
and that spring is ready for me.
G C Poulos Mar 2013
Many thoughts are in my mind, some good, and some bad,
some about the great, and not so great times I had.

Yes, there have been some happy days that is for sure,
but there have been some times that were hard to endure,
times when I was led away by some false allure.

Yet, I cannot tear pages from my little book
though life is not always a happy babbling brook,
I blame myself for some foolish detours I took.
and some good advice I so carelessly forsook.  

Yes, there are many thoughts that travel through my mind,
But, as time goes on, more and more I seem to find,
some thought are better left alone, and left behind.

Many thoughts run through my mind some good and some sad,
some about the great, and not so great times I had.
G C Poulos Mar 2013
After a cold lonely sleepless night
Another day where nothing is right.
Life has become one long hopeless fight.

Early in the morning with my tea,
I wonder what will happen to me.
and ask: 'is this the way life should be'.
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