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Gawking at the light
In search of bounty in streams
That hold no water
The ice has melted
All the flowers are in bloom
I shiver alone
A lovely idea
Stuck in an unsightly cage
A bird that should fly
It was more than a treat that we got to meet
And I can't always say this is true

But, of course, my poor aim takes up center-frame
As my thoughtlessness cleaves us anew
A fool's words I let slip from out of my lips
Shame be mine, if I've ever hurt you
It picks me up when I'm stuck feeling down
Conscripts my lips to smile
And relieves my mug of frown

Peps up the steps and moves my heart to pound
If I did not know better
I'd say my true love I've found
Cheers to you, bitter juice of a bean that's been blasted to grounds!
   are worries
           on my mind

                                 While I lie
                                           in my sheets

                                                     Mapping out

To hide one's self; not an idea so mind-boggling.
Though detailed, the mask belies the heart's sand-boxing,
"Immune to all toxins projected in offense".
It's nonsense, but needed for all that it off-sets.

It's hard to find strength in a world that won't want it
And, yet, harder still to sincerely be honest.
Self-critical composure of mine, as promised,
Lives effortlessly on; though hidden, undaunted.

Please excuse me for choosing words plainly unclear;
I am both a survivor and victim of fear.
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