Do you feel your knee deep in the river of doubt
Where the current is swift and the piranhas hang out
If you don't know what I mean or what I'm talking about
Hang on to your wallet cause your soon to find out
This mean old world can be bitter at best
It'll grind you up, spit you out, then use you to clean up the mess
Believe we've been here before so don't expect any less
How much more can we take is anyone's guess
We have the lawyers, judges, politicians, with the jury still out
Telling us they know what's best for us and like it or not we're going to find out
Up to our necks now in that river of doubt
Anymore from anyone of them and I think that we'll drown
There is the group on the left and the group on the right
Thinking the other sides wrong and their willing to fight
One side brought guns and the other side knives
Was that Miss Liberty I just saw waving bye, bye
The sides are to steep on the riverbank we are in
We all just might drown cause we haven't learned how to swim
In the tank with the sharks, also known as the politicians
No one to lend us a hand with nothing more there to lend
That's the way it now is from beginning to end
Where we're soon to break cause we no longer can bend
Let's just throw them all out and start all over again
Before it's to late my friends and we do ourselves in