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 Jan 2014 M B Scearce
F White
I sit by myself
My feet fit in the space
behind the rows
my boots feeling
the stick of leftover
residue of someone else's
night out.
when the blue and black
of this giant space
comes up and the
sound invades the air
around my shoulders
I settle
and let the thinness
of fake light
triumphant music
and the emotions
of beautiful
sociopathic creatures
fix and fill
the holes and
crannies in
the road of
my lonesome
Copyright FHW, 2011
I used to be eloquent,
Back when I was depressed.
I always knew what to say,
How to string words together until
Everything sounded intelligent, till it all sounded right.
Now my thoughts get jumbled
Between my head and my mouth.
What I want to say
Just no longer comes out.
My tongue feels heavy, I can't use it to speak,
I now stutter sometimes,
God. That makes me feel weak.
And my fingers are lead
On this keyboard
So I'm sorry if these words don't drop like pearls from your lips.
They just don't flow like they used to.
Maybe they never will again.
 Oct 2013 M B Scearce
if you ever buy me a coffee mug
know that it will become my favorite,
and that i will use it faithfully every day.

but understand, if you ever decide to leave,
i will tell you through gritted teeth
that i never liked it anyway.

i will tell you out of spite that i shattered it,
but that coffee mug will remain in tact,
and collect dust in a corner until you come back.

if you never do, i won't ever use that mug again,
instead i'll fill it with paper clips & pens
and try not to remember that you gave it to me.

- m.f.

— The End —