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Jul 2014 · 528
Lunar Eclipsing
Frazer Charlton Jul 2014
I have found my own moon.
She is my satellite.
You came to me in the darkest time, when I left my body you came with me and rescued me from death.
You shimmer blue and silver, warm and naked.
I  will follow you back to the earth on which we live.
My Lunar, my queen.
Curving and soft
Reflecting the light from the sun.
You are my moon
Frazer Charlton May 2014
Maybe it's like the way god is something you can only believe in
Something you want and need, but need not to share.
As long as it has it's importance to you, what more could matter?
I choose to believe in myself and that this lifetime has a lesson to be learnt.
Frazer Charlton May 2014
I saw the Maori Jesus
Walking on Wellington Harbour.
He wore blue dungarees,
His beard and hair were long.
His breath smelled of mussels and paraoa.
When he smiled it looked like the dawn.
When he broke wind the little fishes trembled.
When he frowned the ground shook.
When he laughed everybody got drunk.

The Maori Jesus came on shore
And picked out his twelve disciples.
One cleaned toilets in the railway station;
His hands were scrubbed red to get the **** out of the pores.
One was a call-girl who turned it up for nothing.
One was a housewife who had forgotten the Pill
And stuck her TV set in the ******* can.
One was a little office clerk
Who'd tried to set fire to the Government Buldings.
Yes, and there were several others;
One was a sad old quean;
One was an alcoholic priest
Going slowly mad in a respectable parish.

The Maori Jesus said, 'Man,
From now on the sun will shine.'

He did no miracles;
He played the guitar sitting on the ground.

The first day he was arrested
For having no lawful means of support.
The second day he was beaten up by the cops
For telling a dee his house was not in order.
The third day he was charged with being a Maori
And given a month in Mt Crawford.
The fourth day he was sent to Porirua
For telling a ***** the sun would stop rising.
The fifth day lasted seven years
While he worked in the Asylum laundry
Never out of the steam.
The sixth day he told the head doctor,
'I am the Light in the Void;
I am who I am.'
The seventh day he was lobotomised;
The brain of God was cut in half.

On the eighth day the sun did not rise.
It did not rise the day after.
God was neither alive nor dead.
The darkness of the Void,
Mountainous, mile-deep, civilised darkness
Sat on the earth from then till now.
One of my favourites aeeee,
yeah it's not by me, don't know how to not claim this.
May 2014 · 643
Hyde and Seek
Frazer Charlton May 2014
He would blink so slowly that you could see the thoughts
blasting throughout the synapses in the brain of
God's human form.
Ya can't help but feel you're in the company of someone bigger than life on Earth,  yr gunna feel like you might something
bigger too if you stay in his presence for long enough.
A dude who sings in a band who blinks slowly and has a great beard
Frazer Charlton May 2014
I love you all most,
when you are at your weirdest,
I'd **** for you all.
Apr 2014 · 923
Grandfather's Bach
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
Before Min Sarginson claimed the cliffs
There were views of Lyttleton Harbour and blue gums swayed in the breeze, subtly givin off perfumes like ya grandmother used to.
From the top of the rotting old macrocarpa  sitting by the balcony, waiting for the kids to enter the dark, dank insides, frightened of spooky possums and spiders, you could see the shops, and the hotel waiting patiently for passers-by yearning for toilets and ice-cream. The sea always shone a thousand diamonds right into ya retinas, partially blinding you as you gazed from Governor's to Godley. Now you can see who's keeping up with Jones' and who cares more for energy efficiency, slanted roofs, succulent gardens and solar panels are now the view from my grandfather's bach.
Apr 2014 · 476
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
I wish.
I was your sheets
wrapping you up and sharing my warmth.
Holding your body, caressing your curves.
If I were your sheets I'd keep you as warm and content
as myself.
Apr 2014 · 419
Dog ii
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
I still miss the pitter and patter of your toes on the rimu floors of our home. I wake up to dog iii and expect you to jump your wee front paws up on the side of my bed, beckoning me to lift you up and on to my nest to share warmth and cuddles.
Our friendship is unforgotten.
You have learnt so much about love and compassion
I have learnt so much from you.
Apr 2014 · 596
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
E Tama,
how excited were you to meet a new friend.
He tino poha o te aroha e hoa.
Koda, e hoa
Apr 2014 · 473
Proximity Love
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
So its true.
It was all just a matter of distance.
thought you loved me, merely because I always there, the itch you can't quite reach, the attention you think you might have wanted
held your hand through the weeks of uteric pain and as the gas in your chest cavity slowly moved between your organs.
gave myself to no one but you in no hope of gain and
lashed me to shreds and shards of a man every time you snapped your gnashing jaws at me, tearing chunks out of my mauri.
The trust once between us looks like the flowers you carelessly left on your windowsill to dry up and die, leaving me to wonder whether it ever existed at all.

It was nothing but proximity love.

I was told that you found a new lover,
and to be Frank I am Tame and over.
But to say I spread the rumours is far from close.
I won't say what you want to hear,
so you just want ****** believe it.
You'll bend as much as Tane Mahuta and you will lose because of it.

I wait for a hand to hold through pain and fear.
I learn from this
I leave this
I no longer know you.
did I ever.
Apr 2014 · 430
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
she's the queen of sass,
baby, feminine divine
***** makes the rules
Apr 2014 · 320
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
We're all gonna float someday together
the bliss will take over and our spirituality will be revealed to each other
James has cut the brain of god in half, but i have found my god, and we are together in this business of life, we are equals and we are one.
I can focus you like I focus my chi. Molly you are my best friend and my favourite tool.
Apr 2014 · 759
Figure it out, bwah
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
OK, ok alrite m8.
I know I'm too weird
and these tattoos, this face
or this beard.
But what's weird, seems to be inside of me, and seems like it might be just plain wrong.
I'm a male, who doesn't desire fornication foremost. Your friendship and company are what I favour the most. Who better to share a moonlit night with and I boast.
No one!
and I am sharing it with you.

I must apologise for my lack of understanding
of the physicality between us, as all I understand is the mental boundaries of our friendship.
Do I risk this bond for a kiss?
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
I will always fall in love too easily
and she'll always be the one, every time she comes along.
When she moves, I want to leave and run away
so I can see her everyday, for love, for peace, for harmony and dreams
I'm getting crazy and creepy.
All I want is to hold her body close to mine, feel her skin and warmth.
She'll always be the one. Every time she comes along.
I will always fall in love too easily
Apr 2014 · 315
My Offering
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
And if I were to offer to you
a night
of my embrace.
would I be coming on too strong?

At this moment eternity with you could not  be long
enough for me to spend with you, your smile and your lips.
Allowing me into your thoughts and concerns and worries
I love to listen.

Would you take  my offering?
It is only for you.
Apr 2014 · 294
Parting with Pieces of Me
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
Just keep it, girl.
She's all yours
Keep it close though.
From me to you.

Hold it when
you're in bed on the
cold nights, and the lonely nights
and the oooooooohhhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh oh my nights as well.

Keep it close though
She's all yours
Just keep it, girl.
Apr 2014 · 778
For a Friend
Frazer Charlton Apr 2014
To the Pixie of Te Tokerau,
from the fields of karaehe tu
where you belong
e **** te ra ake ake ake .
     Piercings and Tattoos
drugs, spirits, and taboos.
     Your journey will be successful
the Mountain is steep
but the footholds are strong.
     Haere ki toku taha and let
the petals fall, bare all
ki te awhiawhi the ****** of our minds
thoughts and fears.
    I haere no nga whīra
engari me hoki atu koe
I will fall
into the chasms of the seas
into the depths of the chest o te ngahere
and I will wait in the craters of the moon
ki te matakitaki i tō harikoa.
when you return from your fields
and venture from the pratum,
explore with me.

Te Tokerau-The North
karaehe tu- tall grass
e **** te ra ake ake ake- the sun shines forever
Haere ki toku taha- come with me
ki te awhiawhi- to embrace
  I haere no nga whīra- you walked from the fields
engari me hoki atu koe- but you must return
te ngahere- the forest
ki te matakitaki i tō harikoa.- to watch your happiness
Yeah, so I wrote this we thing for one of best friends,
A mixture of English and basic reo Māori,
both are important to me.

— The End —