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Frantz Saintil Sep 2019
What a pity to be so undone
The greatest of tragedies to be unsung.
With each step weighing the weight of ten suns.
Finally I got the message; I’m done.
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
My greatest fear in life is loneliness.
As I've been in it from origin, should I not be now fearless?

The nights may be calm and quiet,
but the mind is in always a riot.

A frenzy of images and sounds
that frees me from the man-made shackles to which i'm bound,

and sets me apart, either human or else.
Either way, I could not possibly care less.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
A million miles from home,
I'm going to hell,
Don't bother making prayers,
You never cared,
Instead you should all dance,
Cause I'll be nowhere,

My voice, despite its echo
Was never heard,
And the words I left to find me,
They were never read

Until now the only thing I ask
Is to spend what's left me:
Tiny pieces of mistakes,
Where you left me,
In the space where I met Ms. Insanity.
Where I'll never love again,
because you left me
Frantz Saintil Dec 2015
We're not in love,
in fact, we despise the word,
and if we ever come across it,
we surely will slay it,
always and forever

We found something better,
something free without a master,
something that understands the age of time,
something stronger than love's fever,
each other,
always and forever
Frantz Saintil Jun 2016
American whispers are clouding your mind,
denying you of that time when you were kind.
Now their voices are rising nothing but war
against the desperate and the desperately poor.

But even then, underneath the soaring wings of pessimism,
A new humanity is born right through the cataclysm.
It cleanses the old that is slowly and surely dying,
and shuts the ears to American whispers with their lying.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
once upon a time into the heart of blindness
left an arrow at your behest
be you tiny Cupid or Artemis
your truest mark was not a miss
I felt your breath move in sin
and in weakness, I fear the descend
in more where eyes are baggage
where strong hearts are to be managed

Swept up beyond all clarity
my mind drowned in insanity
the more I resist the fight;
the more I valiantly suppose I'm all right;
the further away drew my life
you've impaled my innocence
and I have not been the same ever since
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
If you search, you will not find me,
and these words, you will never read,
my weary voice, you will never hear,
my warm touch, you will never feel
until when I die, do not shed a tear
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
When time stood on a minute
We were at last united
She looked up into the sky
where my face placed above a mile
and showered me with a smile
"Are you scared?" I whispered
my faith dreaded the answer
"Yes. I fell in love with you way too fast,"
she said at last
Another minute past
but I held it in its track

"I'm scared, too" I delivered uneasy
"You are," she said quickly
"Yes, petrified"
And another minute flied

"Promise me something," she moved closer in me
making my body her sanctuary
"What?" My emotions took care not to exclaim
"Whatever happens, we will always find a way,"
as she said, and I wish she stayed
"Look at me," I said with bravery,
"When I speak, you hear my voice; when I look, you see my eyes; and my face is naked of trickery."
She smiled with me
which we were both in need

"When do you leave to move in to your dorm?" I asked and ignored caution
"Tomorrow at nine," she said. "Tomorrow we start the beginning of our lives. Excited?"
"You start first. I won't see you for a month. I'm going to miss you so. But yes, I am ecstatic."
" I'm going to miss you, too. I love you," she breathed her last
and with her, the final minute, the sun collapsed
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
The weird sisters said their peace, at last.
And I could feel it--their poison that mixed with the air.
Like impure thought, blind to mortal eye, and true to its task.
"All hail, Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor," they plot their snare.

And me, the noble and fair man I've always been, I cursed this seance.
No usurped crown can take lightly to the mind of its host.
The same crown offered to none other than my Fleance.
For his sake, let God and men know, I will do the most.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I think of the imperfections and impurity of love a lot--when it goes wrong, it can take a perfectly good person and turn them into this thing that is neither good nor bad, but forever wondering the gray areas of life. There, nothing good ever happens; things are just better than bad.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Have my appreciation for your beauty ruin me
Have my heart melt only again to freeze
Whatever the aftermath, whatever the cost, will you pay it with me?

If I promise to love you tonight and tomorrow, will you do the same?
Or will I again fall to the old ways

It doesn't matter
Or maybe I'm too tired to see what comes after
Maybe the fire will have me again
But to you, to love, I must attend

I will meet hell and the demons that homes it
I will pay the river shade in the tunic
Like brave Dante and wise Virgil
for your love, I will best the devil
Frantz Saintil Jan 2019
Can it be?
Can she be?
And me?
Can I see?
Quite as well as she sees me?
Or will it flee,
In some deep, dark side of me?
Or can she be...?
And me...?
Will I... finally be free?
Or...will I be the same old me,
Wondering what she can be?
Frantz Saintil Feb 2016
No real care must come from this,
Oh, thought a man seeking true bliss,

No love, no honor,
nor glory or valor,

stills a man's heart to beat in cower,
and bath his soul in tears of sour,

So no, no real care must come from this,
those who agree shall know no bliss.
Frantz Saintil Dec 2015
I'll take what love you have to give, if even temporary,
I'll do anything to tame this murderous worry
I'm tired of the sorrow that mount,
Into a tidal wave to take me nowhere but down

While all I see in descend are happy faces,
Which inspires my belief that happiness must be a racist

For what cruelty would deny my kind, monsters, life's prime luxury,
Nothing but happiness, like a guitar without strings,

While there it is in my existence,
Yet so far out of it that it seems an illusion

In the end, all I can do is laugh,
At life's horrid joke on my behalf
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
What should I compare you to?
Should I be Shakespeare, and compare you to the seasons?
Should I compare your eyes to the life of spring?
...your hair to the poetic autumn?
It's been done before.
So I'll compare you to memory,
because I will never forget you,
Though I know I will.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Dear, son
You may be nothing like me,
Or you may be my copy,
But always remember, you are not me,
And you should never aim to be

I'm sorry I had to choose your name,
And for that alone, I'll take the blame
But everything from here, whether my contrast or the same,
That is yours to claim.

But I do hope you are kind,
And I do know you are one of a kind,
and that is why your last name is not mine,
Don't fright, I am yours, and you are mine,

the sole reason is to give you a chance to be your own person,
Something of your mother's,  something of mine, but an entirely new version:
Your own thoughts, purpose, and vision,
Yet, with my instinct to make understanding the world a prime mission.

Take care of yourself, if I'm not here to do it for you,
Until then, I'll be waiting, and I know you will, too,
For you are my son, and if that means anything, it means you are no fool,
Be yourself, kiddo, whether the world think it's good or bad, alway be you.
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
Who am I to stand against what blinds me,
and play, for ill or bless, the game's authority?

Could it be possible to be just a watcher?
A shade behind the scenes? A mind without a wonder?

If this world is to end, and is to end well,
why must I be the hero that sees its doomsday fail?

But save it, if I could,
then save it then, I should.

Without a cause, selfish, or malice,
should I burden your world like the Titan Atlas?
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
Would you trust me If I told you I knew evil?
Would you believe these words if they were spoken not by a hero?
I dreaded so.

To the nature that holds so strong,
that fixes the compass to right and wrong,
I pray you peace,
and leave us be
so that a human is full and whole,
complete in mind, body, and soul.

So, yes, I've met evil. Though not in me,
but in the world I can only see.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
life is unified husks on a spec of dust
In all, no bigger than a solitary  thought
A planet, doomed inside, lost in space
spent life on a voyage to senselessness

the forging of words of distraction;
grouped together like a bouquet of attraction
the dances, the arts, a place to mend the heart
steps through the trial of time, and awakening minute pulls apart
Too far to ever be whole
still close enough to behold
It will never end; it has never begun
So, despite rage and war, no love will be won
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
Expectation is the enemy.
It will corrupt you, and extend your madness to eternity.
Compassion is the true friend,
for fewer things are more descent than a trust that will not bend,
or a confidence that will not shatter.
Then, and only then, can the meaning of love be of matter.
I don't know. I guess I struggle with understanding things. I don't know if we were meant to be confused. But little by little I'm fitting the pieces of my mind in place. I'm teaching myself to leave the bad places in my head alone
Frantz Saintil Mar 2016
To whatever we commit, may they die in darkness;
So deep and too black for heaven's eye to ever find us.

To the sound of our guilt, may we bury it in the ground,
or to be flung into space, where it will not make a sound.
And the minds of the curious, may they never take chase,
to preserve a hero's honesty: A life without a face.

"And all this plight in the name of family?"
What else could more earn a savage's loyalty?

The perfect thing to make us into beasts,
guided alone by the thirst to eat,
but in us, a hunger to ever make right
all things we see wrong that hides in the light.

While we hold in the darkness, waiting for their call,
to forsaken our soul, lest we watch them all fall.
Frantz Saintil Feb 2016
I imagined I was special, born to follow a different path,
but here again I am with nothing but a wrath,
Now I imagine I am everything but special,
like a shadow with no profile,

So, finally, leave me be,
alone where I belong without your sympathy,
for I am nothing but a perfect storm coming,
take this as your last warning.

Leave and never return,
otherwise, you'll just be another fire to add to the burn.
Frantz Saintil Apr 2016
All good intentions have spawned in me a state of unrest,
where when flirting with gods have left a hole inside chest.
Till "foul is fair, and fair is foul" am I truly at my best;
a Shakespearean rage to curse me to a prophesied death.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I know I promised I would call,
but i'd rather you believe me a liar than a coward,
and I'd rather have you hate me than control me.

I read your letter;
I could hear your words in it,
they were beautiful, as usual,
but no longer enchanting.
I know your game:
you're scared to be alone, so you cast a spell to drag me along.
But I broke it, your intoxicating...
your addicting taste.

I still have the collar,
the one you had bound my neck.
I guess some venom never leave the blood,
some memories never leave the mind.
Frantz Saintil Aug 2017
"Your fate was made from the start," he spoke in a riddle.
Each word is alone and disorganized, as an undone puzzle.
And the knife in his hand, to the right, and the purpose it had,
loosely held by a man who had recently gone mad.

"From the start?" the victim could only reply,
with his only thought the contemplation of how he will die.
Fear had conquered him; bought him, and held him.
But that was not his final mad mistake; the man was already dim.

"Everything is for a single reason," the assailant fit the knife where it has always been.
"Fate is neither ***** nor is it clean."
"It is neither late nor is it early."
"This the one truth we know truly."

"Time is inevitable; it makes slaves of us all."
"Your death is undeniable. Rebellion serves nothing but to stall."
The knife felt like a sheet of ice over his old his heart,
and the last thing he whispered before he died, "From the start?"
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
I always thought of myself as something special,
so much that the very words I speak would go viral,

I always knew I was too different,
it was a gift given to me by my first demon,

until every night I go out again,
thinking with each mistake, I am destined to win

but the world would have me be proven wrong and a loser
so you will forgive me while I treat this alcohol as a painkiller
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I've tormented myself to stay afar
I rode the night with nothing but the stars
and a current of pulsating regrets
those I deeply fear I will not soon forget

I'm growing weary of this immortal loneliness
But everything I utter is rendered a mess
May I hear a last song to cure my strife?
your sweet melody, your divine light

Tell me I have lost
show me how much happiness cost
make me a soulless corpse
and I will forever flee from your thoughts
I think I'm done with sad stuff. Even I'm starting to get tired of it.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
It's almost one
still i'm awake
the day is gone
while I was away
inside your dream
I wish I stayed

you wore my name like it was yours
into your joy I saw no fault
has time made me your enemy?
has love made me your tragedy?
take me back to the dream
where my thoughts are still clean
Where your touch is still keen
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
You're not good enough, is all I hear,
"You're not good enough to be here,"
I thought this world was for all of us,
for you, for me, despite our faults

"You're not good enough to be here,"
why are those words all my ears hear?

despite those words; those empty threats,
I'll live my life for all the best,
a single life is all we get,
so use it wisely, without regret.
Be yourself, if you get anything from anything I say/write.
Growing up(i'm turning 21) figuring out who I am in environments that consistently reject me, was a hell. The worse part is figuring out who you are, and still be rejected. But it's all you have, so own it. I'll do the same with you.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Romance looks to the moon as an enticing goddess,
a figure of light, and a mysterious likeness,
but I know her for what she truly is;
she is devious,
an enchantress,
and a mistress,

she has robbed the sun of Gaia,
from the shoulders of Atlas,
as she takes what she claims, to leave my mind in blackness
her presence may be soothing and it may be calm,
but offers no more but struggle and war,
with the yawning in the west, the other side roars,
with the strength of a billion, maybe two, maybe more

for ideas, you may know, are far from secret,
and the thoughts of your days are, too, not sacred,
so enters the moon, the pale enchantress
to take what is mine, and what I created
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
I keep seeing these imaginary spaces:
friends, family, and happy faces,
happiness and kindness all in one place,
and for a moment it makes me forget that I'm your shame,
but I know better than to be dazed,
by mental pictures and moving images,
I know to you, I'll always be a disgrace,
and the deepest and greatest of your mistakes
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Why is your love built like a Jenga tower?
Why does it fall when my perfection cowers?
I'm just a stain in time,
crafting the best of Prometheus' crime:
his fire, his wisdom, his immortal life,
this and more to make you my wife.

Why wouldn't I?
Why wouldn't I try?
I always hated goodbyes,
so i'll say hello in the sun,
and i'll smile, even if your answer leaves me stunned.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Is it any wonder this is where my years rests?
Gathering words to uncover my best,
whilst I lie to myself that I hold no regrets.

In truth, this is my cry for help;
a silent wind carrying my yell,
a yell that every ear would have repelled.

So I banish my hope in a heroic's depth,
for every hero I conjure, an angel to save myself,
and every villain, a demon to take my breath.
And to this grim reality, I surrender what's left.
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
My voice is too quiet to be heard.
My words are too hidden to be read.
So why forsake my loyal bed
for a crusade that was born dead?
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
come one, come all to the tale of the east,
where stayed a great hound who did nothing but eat,
so all of it's foes thought it a simpleton beast,

when finally captured, the people rejoiced,
to later realize it hadn't a choice,
to be what it is, and pretend to be lost,
with a terrorizing roar to serve as its voice.
Cries for help are rarely properly heard, so listen closely, please.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
a day is too short to see my best,
For I am imprisoned in a human shell,
Forced to see life in a cell of flesh,

I cannot see time like the gods of Rome, or Greece, or Christian kings
I cannot meet the sun or Apollo's greet.

So finnaly life has forced me to be just me,
without a choice,  that's what I'll be,
And I apologize if there's a time I cannot see.
Frantz Saintil Dec 2015
It seems my voice enters a void,
where it deepens alone to be destroyed,
in good times I am threatened to it quits,
pack my words, my mind, and all my wits,
to a far away planet away from earth's mess,
where light-years are tired, and ideas are mindless

but, alas, I have not wings like Icarus,
only his fire to make misery obvious,
falling back to earth, where it claims I belong,
falling back into the mess where none cares what is wrong
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
If I was older, I could have loved you right
I could have love how you smiled through me
I could have loved how you whispered into me
I could have loved how you yelled over me
I could have love how you hated me
I could have love how you held me
I could have loved how you stared into me

I could have loved you right
But I was too young
and so were you
I never told you
If I was older, I would have told you how I learned to spelled "love"
I did it for you
I would have told you how I compared your eyes to fire
I would have told you how I compared your skin to diamond
I would have told you how I compared your thoughts to gold

I was too young
too young to know I was losing you
If I was older, I would have fought for you
If I was older, I would have told you I love you
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I love you
I love you with the strength to conquer nations
I love you with the will of three hundred Spartans
I love you
I love you more than the grandeur of king Louis the fourteenth
I've loved you since I was sixteen
I love you
I love you more than Loki is mischievous
I love you more than the previous
Do you love me?

Frantz Saintil Dec 2015
Every part exist for a common reason:
the protection of the peace and the protection of our children,
so the head of the body must always stay sound,
and the body of the head must never unbound,

The head of the beast must never rest easy,
for the parts closest the neck will always be greedy,
and the part that are below the chest will aspire to rise,
so the head of the body must always be wise,
respectable, noble, and never is he wrong,
to feed the illusion that his will is still strong,
Frantz Saintil Feb 2016
Commit all your evils suddenly,
take care your generosity briefly,
and above all, respect all words you speak proudly,

So is the making of the greatest empires,
a house of thought built by kings and liars
to best prevent the world to drown it in fire
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I hate nothing more than a human that mistakes sickening delusion with power.
I could be wrong, and so could they, but their arrogance is strongly manifested.
What's worst, they react like children when their logic is backed to a corner;
believing they were chosen from on-high, with purposes to our bested.

...stepped into the masquerade of life, the masked chaos we write, with message that we'll all be okay, all we really need is faith,
all the while keeping their truest honesty banished deep away.

But when the sun have given enough to earth's creatures,
when our only option is to give audience to Lethe,
will they finally respect nature,
or will they call onto their savior as the world ends their breathing ?
Frantz Saintil Feb 2016
Let not kindness cause you harm,
or the threat of loneliness make you calm,

Let not fear break your heart,
when true love comes to see your faults,

Let not their opinions shape your form,
to rage through life as a crashing storm,

and finally, let not flaws be your cause,
accept reality, and take what's yours
Frantz Saintil Dec 2015
Whatever you've heard of me,
in the sounds so thick you can barely see,
know this, this only truth to hold:
everything I did, everything sordid or bold,
I did it all for you,
and for your mother, too

To you, I will be a knight of the highest order,
a hero in shinning armor,
but to the world I will be a monster,
a vile, ugly, and disgusting disaster,

you will only know one side,
the one my heart dared not to hide,
and the world will know another,
the one my mind hope is the stronger,
but know this, I will always and forever protect you valiantly,
and your enemies, I will always and forever meet violently,

all I ask is for you to forgive me,
and know that daddy's a monster so you wont have to be
Frantz Saintil May 2016
What is of a warrior wounded, defeated, and tired?
And define a soldier with no courage is a coward.
What names a bird forever banned from the sky?
And what says a wolf that cannot beg for the moon's light.

If purpose is the sure path to happiness,
what am I that I have so much less?

Where and how should the blame rest?
For the soldier and the bird, and even the wolf did their best.

could the message be ever so clear?
Could it be it be true we no longer belong here?

And that voice deep in our head that seems to know all,
what part will it play--to our victory or to our fall?

Enough... cradle your thoughts and let them not grow.
Now say your final goodbye, and take your leave home.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
I'm not exactly who you think I am,
the words I speak, I do not think,
I read your mind and see what you need to hear,
so I talk it, hoping you're listening,
It's not entirely my fault,
I was born without a face, empty, and dull

You only see those with eyes,
so I pretend to see to get by,
maybe I'm too young, too late, and too old,
but all I've ever known is the night and her cold,
All I really want is a new beginning,
all I've ever wanted to see in you was a face smiling,

So I'll pretend to be something I'm not,
until my last shred of identity rots,
because you wouldn't like who I am
under all the clothes is a wolf made of scam,
a wolf, young, scared, and confused,
so much, he doesn't know his own howl from the moon
Frantz Saintil May 2016
I raise the sun in the morning,
and the moon in the night.
I sing the stars into being,
and chase the darkness out of sight.

I blow the wind that moves the worlds,
and forge the rains that falls ahead.
I do this all, alone and scared
that you won't know me until I'm dead.
Frantz Saintil Jan 2016
It served only to break my mind,
and put a dagger to my side,
when you swore that you were mine,

But it's okay,
Lucifer is on his way,
entering the golden gate,
to brighten the night and shorten the day,

But don't worry, I'll be fine,
Earth is where my love died,
and hell is where I feel alive.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
Talk to me loud; talk like you're not stone.
Let sing these words cluttering your bones.
Talk to me again and again and again.
Play that song in your heart til god see it banned.
Dance that dance you dance,
that smile under the moon that makes me want to sin.
Fill my heart with this danger.
Make love not my stranger,
and I am yours forever.
Frantz Saintil Nov 2015
"He is doomed"
"They will hate him"
"He is too different"
"They will massacre him the minute he's him"
"they are greed"
"They are hate"
"They will **** him"
"They will alienate him"
"There is no hope"

Your words stung with a fiery wind
That brushed my skin with its strings
"He is doomed"
"There is no hope"
You were right to fear
the humans and their spears
They woke like a wave
A hell of no escape
They pounded and pounded
the rage they mounted
Their words like a warning
to all those who are daring
They sparked a fire underneath
that raises when I breathe
"You are not one of them"
"They will never love you"
"You don't belong here"
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