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 Dec 2013 frankie
lilah raethe
I watched you walk away
Like I watched the storm bubble;
I couldn't escape the
It was going to rain
 Nov 2013 frankie
Sometimes I wish the monsters underneath my  bed
would come out and creep and crawl
and scare away the monsters in my head
Because sharp teeth and horns
are nothing compared to my thoughts
 Nov 2013 frankie
lilah raethe
I swear
           I've never been okay with myself
     grown up
always needing someone else --
like I didn't spend
                 enough time
            tending to my soul
(even when I'll be all alone

and it hurts in my bones
                   because no one's
if I don't have a

but I don't want to run
             to the guy who wants the pictures
       I don't want to run
             to the people who have no problems
                        kicking me to the curb
     when all I wanna do is help them

      I don't want to run
           to the outside

               the outside
   is where the hurt comes
            and it
                     cuts deep
     because there's no one home
          and the lonely corners
  are screaming
                     for a hand
          and I am wondering
    how many more mornings
                I will wake up
            clutching my own

           until I realize
           I cannot find what I need
           on the outside...

    maybe I'm starting to realize
                    the answer  
                 must be within
 Nov 2013 frankie
lilah raethe
 Nov 2013 frankie
lilah raethe
it's hard to be the object of someones' sin.

to be
the sin;

as a physical being I am
ruining another
for themselves,

call me
the selfish sin
because I want her to indulge
in me.

she is painting me as the devil,
and everyone knows
always triumphs
over evil.
 Nov 2013 frankie
 Nov 2013 frankie
Its midnight again
You count
It's the twelfth midnight you've spent like this
Because you cant seem to remember what the back of your eyelids look like at this time
But you remember too well how it feels for them to be soaked
You remember time before you started counting
When your midnights were spent intertwined in the sheets
Sharing midnight with your lover
But now its the twelfth midnight you've spent under cold sheets
In a cold room
With cold thoughts of the chance of a thirteenth midnight
 Oct 2013 frankie
 Oct 2013 frankie
I lay here each night and close my eyes before I drift off into a deep sleep.
Within those seconds I imagine myself wrapped in our embrace.
I can see our souls intertwining with each other like the vines wrapping around an old tree,
attaching themselves.
I almost feel the connection we would have.
It sends surges throughout my body and I feel as if I'll float into air, into space.

God you make me feel alive.

But my happiness is stolen right away as soon as I open my eyes the next morning.
Maybe it's because my first waking thought was you,
or maybe it was the second,
an image of you grasping his hand instead of mine.

my heart aches.

it's funny to me how love can fade without any sort of warning, how someone can completely shatter every part of your heart.
leaving you, alone, to pick up the pieces with your fragile hands.
A part of me wishes you would come back and help me
because my hands hurt and have started to bleed from the jagged edges you caused.

I lost myself in you.
 Oct 2013 frankie
 Oct 2013 frankie
I feel your lips
Pressing against mine
You running fingertips
Along the contours of my spine

I see the shape
Of your calloused palm
Sprinkled freckles across your nape
The shiver behind your calm

Your scent lingers
In the tangles of my hair
You ensnaring your fingers
Robbing me of air

I hear the rumble
In your haunted chest
Of the nightmares in your slumber
That keep you from rest

But I can’t understand you
& the depth of your sadness
I wonder if I’ll ever know
The taste of your madness
 Oct 2013 frankie
I lit a cigarette
& saw the end in the flame
I haven't told you yet
But it's probably all the same

So I smoked 'till dawn
& thought about pearly gates
Nothing left to dwell on
I need a touch of grace

I lit a cigarette
& I saw how I'd die
I haven't told you yet
But I'm no good with "goodbye"
 Oct 2013 frankie
Seán Mac Falls
Do you remember me?
I am fed up, strung on night
And closed in by time.
When I dine with dearest
Friends there is always a place
Set for you, there is always
A story, untold to them,
But not for strangers
Who know even without saying
What you never said to me.
My eyes are cracked dams
Above the flood plains,
My heart is dented brass,
Bent, out of gear and turns,
Mournful, dried, pocked
As rust, tarnished red,
If I look at the diamond moon
I am hooked.
When the flower brushes my calves
The lifting scent caresses, teases,
Rising with my memory of fire and stone.
If I travel to the balm Paris
Of the southern hemisphere
La Belle Époque is wearing your
Dress, the pampas fires and undulates
Like your hair, the Polaris star
Points at me, dreaming
Of you, dreaming,
My jewel, my,
Little moon.
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